A Fierce Backlash

William first estimated that the monster tide would march towards the city in one day. But after the passage of a day and half, he felt that something weird was going on here for sure.

Yet he lacked enough intel or data to come to any viable conclusions. In addition to that, he wasn't that free to begin with to think about any possibility or seek answers.

He was over pressured by the tons of monsters coming towards him. Even if he wasn't now working as the main killer, the edge weapon he created was needing his attention from time to time.

He also needed to collect loot left behind by this scary weapon. He decided to call Charley, feeling like it was going to be famous.

And when he'd make more of these weapons, control them in wars, they'd gain more fame. Yet he didn't believe this war was going to make his Charley famous. It was going to end with their defeat, utter and crushing defeat.