
Soon enough, those twenty masters started to issue such extravagant demands. Seeing this, the masters and leaders who didn't get why William acted this way and why the venerable and scary old man accepted such a rude attitude from this youth understood everything now.

"Please," William rolled his eyes, "anyone not accepting our terms, go back from where you came from. We don't welcome you!"


"Do you want to die?"

*Roar!* *Roar!*

The next moment, William changed. He knew using words with such despicable masters wasn't going to work. The city got lucky to purge itself from the deeply rooted dirty seeds, and the last thing the city and its masters would need was for another batch of such low calibre forces to rise up in the city.

He didn't even flinch, activated his fox spirit and released his Charley. The sudden appearance of the two of them, coupled with the two terrifying roars took everyone here by surprise.