
It was huge enough to accommodate the entire team walking in one group without any hindrance. And when they entered it, they were welcomed with a cold breath of air that was fierce enough to draw them back for a few steps.

"Watch out, the cold wind will come once every few minutes. Make sure to hand tightly to the ground to not get blown away," the leader casually warned, as if this wasn't something worthy to speak about.

The wind came as the leader said, once per five minutes. It was fierce enough to make them stop and struggle to keep their stance on the ground.

The deeper they walked, the fiercer the wind became, as if they were approaching the nostrils of the scary monster releasing such wind.

The hole led to a long underground tunnel, and it was lit up with many bright candles, acting as torches on the damp walls.

The deeper they went, the more humid it felt. Not to mention the weird foul smell that started to fill the air inside the tunnel after walking for an hour.