Chapter 31: Valyria's plans(Omniscient's POV)

Valyria was as imposing as ever with her towers that seem topless and sphinxes as decorations. There a miracle happened. The forty houses stopped playing their long and tedious court games and were now discussing something significant. The situation was unacceptable they lost Volantis,

Myr, Lys, and Pentos, and their control over the west were seriously threatened. The middle and low-ranking houses that were involved in the war only want to lick up their wounds, as they lost too much.

"We need to give these daring water worshipers fire and blood for them to learn " said a dragonlord.

"We already lost fifty dragons against a union of two rhoynar cities, which is more than we lost in all the five wars with the Ghiscari empire. If we press too much, the divided rhoynars may unite. How many dragons will we lose with this union?" said the dragonlordess of an insignificant small house named Targaryen.

This speech was applauded by all middle houses and minor houses. The losses in the Lys battle were too much for some middle houses, making them drop to near the bottom positions and give up a lot of their interest.

"When have us proud dragonlord become cowards to fear fishermen, little Targaryen dragoness? If some lords are too scared to fight, I will share the information that my house intelligence was able to collect until now. The major problem is the usurper of Volon Therys himself.

He seems to have strong bows that allow him to cause devastating damage and even kill dragons while they are flying, and the strength to kill a dragon with his fists. One man and not the rhoynars is holding back our advance in the Rhoyne, which is annoying, but a man is a man he cannot defend the whole Rhoyne all at once." Said the dragonlord.

He left out, however, important details that did not contribute to his political cause like the ruler of Anga having weapons that help to kill dragons besides the traditional ballista, which is only useful to kill small dragons. This little detail can be told soon before the battlefield.

Like a weapon as loud as thunder that can take away a dragon's head with mere strength, however, that seems hard to aim; and an improved version of a ballista that allows killing major dragons.

"Why did we not try poisoning him?"Ask another dragonlord.

"Lys already tried, as a precaution, they made an assassin give him a whole cup of Lys tears. The next day, the monster was fine like nothing had happened to him. I suggest that we trust our researchers on ghiscari blood magic to develop a weapon to kill that aberration, while we support Norvos and Qohor's expansion.

Both cities have expressed great interest in Ny Sar's and Ar Noy's territories. Ar Noy especially is a great choice. Especially because of after destroying this barrier, we will have direct access to the dagger lake, and with our strength, we can take it from Chroyane and give it to more worthy owners. We just need to make sure we do not leave any water little magician alive." Answered the well-informed dragonlord, receiving plenty of applause. It is important to note that he is a black goat worshiper, which was one of the reasons he prioritized Qohor.

Then, it would become the battle of which religious fanatics should be supported. The Black Goat worshipers or the worshipers of the unknown god. Unknow god, however, is not much of an accurate title as the forty knows the name of the god. He is known as the heavenly gatekeeper and master of the heavenly bells, the god of justice and punishment. His name by tradition is not secret, but it should not be used lightly.

Valyria has fourteen gods and each of the main families take a god as its main god. These religious fanatics that wanted to worship only one of Valyria's gods were only able to establish their own city because a main family took sympathy for their devotion.

The black goat is said to be the younger brother of the dragon god Balerion and he is the dragon god of darkness and mischief, not a goat. His most famous form is the one from a goat, however.

A major faction political battle started because one major house follows the heavenly gatekeeper and the other the black goat. It was not only about devotion but about pride and economical interest. After all, each of these faithful devotes has stronger economic ties with one of the cities. The neutrals stood there trying to see from which side they could collect more gains.

Although Ghoyan Drohe, that took over Pentos, was an ally of the Anga, Sar Mell, and Sarhoy in the previous war, considering how divided the Rhoynars usually were and how quickly their alliances dismantle, the dragon lords doubted that the three cities would join forces to protect Ny Sar. This is mainly because the three cities have nothing to can from it. So lords did not have much fear of supporting Norvos' expansion.

In the end, most supported Qohor, not only because of interest but because it was more strategically relevant. Norvos' expansion was not abandoned. They would happen together.