Toilet Room

The Crown Princess' Pavillion, White Jade Palace, Toilet Room. A hour before dinner.

Thump ...

Thump ...

Thump ...

Renny's heart was still beating fast. Her stomach kept tickling and rumbling as she remembered their kissing this afternoon. Renny slowly rubbed her lips, remembering the sweet and wet taste that Prince gave her as punishment.

Yes, a sweet punishment.

"Oh, you're crazy, Renny. Stop imagining his face!!" Renny covered her face with her hands. She was truly embarrassed with herself, she kept remembering their kissing, the burning

"How can I accept his invitation to kiss? Even though you've only known each other for a week?" Renny thought she was crazy because she felt so many feelings, between happy, strange, awkward, embarrassed, and guilty mixed into one.

Renny remembered it again, the handsome face of her Prince. Sexy visuals and how he played his tongue inside Renny's mouth.


"My heart, Oh ... please calm down!!!!" Renny held the surge in her chest. Her heart was about to jump out. Renny hit the toilet door lightly because she was too keen on her feelings.

"Oh, my gosh... how shallow my feelings toward Alex...? Until I betrayed him in just 1 week after we parted?" Renny looked down lethargic, she kicked the trash can near the toilet door.

"Are you all right, Princess?" the ladies-in-waiting who heard Renny's behavior from behind the toilet wall looked at each other in confusion.

"I'm okay! It doesn't matter." Renny shouted from behind the toilet wall.

Why toilet?? Why she was hiding in the toilet? Right now the only place that gave complete privacy and made Renny can be herself was the toilet. Renny often linger in the toilet. Sometimes the ladies-in-waiting wonder if their princess has acute constipation. Why did she need a lot of time just to pee or poo??

"Princess, are you done? You must immediately get dressed up to have dinner with Prince." Kayla came closer, knocking gently on the toilet door.

"No, I won't!! I don't want to meet him." Renny screamed.

"This is a mandatory agenda, Princess. So you get to know each other closer before getting marriage." Kayla explained that this dinner was important to do.

"Tell him I'm sick, no appetite. E...or just say I'm on a diet so I can have my dresses fit tomorrow!!" shouted Renny looking for reasons.

The reason was Renny was very embarrassed to meet Jayden. How not to be ashamed? Almost two hours had passed and she still couldn't control her feelings or calm her heart. What's the use of knowing each other anyway, Jayden had already managed to kiss her, even Jayden had seen her take a shower!!

"Come on, Princess. Prince can fire us all. Don't you know how much Prince appreciates his time." Kayla was still trying to persuade Renny.

"I don't want to go out." Renny was still languishing in the toilet.

"Prince is so scary, Princess. Please help us." Kayla knocked on the door again.


The toilet door opened. Renny came out lethargic. Finally Renny gave up, feeling sorry for all her ladies-in-waiting.

"Quickly get the Princess dressed up!" Kayla immediately organized all the maids under her direction.

"Siiighhh..." A long sigh left Renny's tiny lips.

Kayla combed Renny's hair, several other maids swiftly prepared casual dresses that were beautifully displayed on the mannequins. Some of the others were busy matching what jewelry Renny wore.

"Isn't it just dinner together. Why does it have to be this complicated?" Renny shook her head slowly. She felt that she had eaten enough with her Prince. Whether it's dinner or lunch, it's the same.

"You are taking dinner too lightly, Princess. Many Queens and Concubines at the old day looked forward to having dinner with His Majesty." Kayla switched position to gave make-up on Renny's face.

"What's so special about dinner?" Renny was still confused.

"Ahem.. at dinner they can seduce His Majesty the King to sleep and produce offspring." whispered Raina in Renny's ear.

"What???" Renny shot up from her chair.

The incident at this afternoon came back in her mind, Jayden's kisses and handsome sexy face.

"Omo...!!!!!" Renny shouted, her face red.

"Princess.. please don't stand up! Your make-up isn't done yet." Kayla held Renny's body so she sat back down.

Renny gave up, received the make-up that touched her face. Kayla was trying to make it look more beautiful and elegant. Renny was still wearing a a bathrobe made of light purple silk. Decorated with white lace at each end of the sleeves.

"Okay, perfect makeup. You are very beautiful. Now all we have to do is get dressed!" said Kayla, she immediately rushed to remove the dress from the mannequin.

"His Highness the Crown Prince has arrived..." The voice of the security made both flinch in the same time.
