Chapter 8

On my way to school this morning, I thought about how that monster snake just suddenly vanished.

It doesn't make sense, a creature that big should've left some kind of trail.

When I got to school, I noticed that something was different; Quite a few students, more than usual, had their phones out and were chattering excitedly about the mysterious hero that showed up after the massive albino snake did.

I swerved my way through the crowded halls and down to the basement to meet up with Caleigh and Rachel.

"Hey V, did you watch the video that CTV released this morning?" Rachel asked, energetically.

"Well, no I haven't. I was going-".

"You've got to watch it; There is a mysterious superhero that fought against a 5-story albino snake last night".

Rachel pulled up the video on her phone, cranked up the volume and pressed play.

In the 3-minute video, a news reporter lady began to report about the serpent attack that took place downtown. Then she mentioned about how much damage was done and she showed clips of the scaly creature from anonymous bystanders. I'm not surprised that CTV managed to get a few clips of me fighting in my homemade hero costume. However, they couldn't get even a glimpse of my face, since I was shifting from one animal to the next.

Finally, she talked about how many people were injured and the one confirmed death. A photo of the innocent victim popped up in the top right corner and underneath it, it read:

Sherry Donna-Lee Riverock.

My eyes grew wide when I read that name and swallowed hard.

That was my foster mother.

Thankfully, the video ended, and she put it away, acknowledging that I needed some comfort from my friends. A moment of silence passed between the 3 of us before Rachel spoke up.

"I'm sorry that you lost one of your relatives" she said, her voice steady.

I looked up at her with tears wielding up in my brown eyes.

"She wasn't a relative to me, Rachel. Sherry was my foster mother and had been raising me since I was 5 years old" I explained, as hot tears started to stream down my rosy-red cheeks.

Rachel shifted her down to the floor and didn't say another word, fearing that she would upset me more.

Then Caleigh spoke up.

"I'm sorry that you lost the only mom you ever had; What was she like?".

I sniffed my now clogged up nose and wiped away the tears using my black flannel sleeve.

"Sherry was an amazing person; She knew what I needed and when as well as supported me through my tough days. Not only that, but she taught me a lot of important life skills I still use today".

"Sounds like you two were a perfect match for each other. I can imagine how you're feeling right now; I lost my dad in a car accident last year".

"Oh, what happened?" I asked, as I stopped crying.

"A drunk driver hit his car, and both didn't survive the crash".

"I'm sorry to hear that".

I casually looked down at my watch and realized I should head to class.

"I better get to my class".

"Do you want me to walk with you?" offered Caleigh.

I shook my head.

"No thank you, I think I can manage on my own".

I walked away from my friend group, with grief and guilt on my mind. All day I struggled to focus on any of my school assignments.

I was relieved to see my foster dad, Joe, standing outside on the front porch, waiting for me. I got off the transit bus (since today I didn't feel like walking home and a bus stop is only a couple of feet away from my house), dropped my bag at the bottom step and went straight into his arms, letting out the rest of my tears I was holding back at school.

After a few moments of sobbing, I calmed down and we both sat down on the steps, beginning to talk.

"Did you know she was going out yesterday evening?".

Joe swallowed.

"Yeah, she was going out to do something, but she didn't tell me what or where she was going".

"What will we do now that she's gone?".

"Nothing really. We can schedule a memorial service; otherwise, we just need to move on with our lives".

I looked at my foster dad with my eyes filled with sorrow.

"I-I-I feel like it's my fault she died" I stuttered.

He looked at me in shock and sympathy.

"Oh honey, it's not your fault. Why do you think that?".

Joe swung an arm around me and brought me closer to his side.

"I-I was there when the creature attacked; I feel like I should've gotten her out of there when I had the chance".

He wrapped both of his arms around me, giving me a warm hug.

Then he whispered in my right ear,

"No one blames you Vanessa, for your foster mom's death. Sometimes bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it".

But I can avenge her.

After thinking that, the thought echoed through my head, not wanting to ever end. At that very moment, while hugging my foster dad, I knew what I had to do.