Chapter 1 - Glitch

I'm Powerless, and I'm the most powerful man in the world of Divine Rights. At least, that's what everyone thinks. The truth is, I'm not powerful at all. I'm just a glitch in the system.

It all started when I first logged into the game. I was just like any other player, trying to make a name for myself in the vast, virtual world of Divine Rights. I had no special abilities or skills, just a basic character and a basic set of weapons. But as I played, I discovered that I had a strange, almost magical ability.

Whenever I was in a tight spot, I could just... change. I could become faster, stronger, and smarter. I could wield any weapon with deadly precision. I could cast spells that no other player could even dream of. In short, I had infinite potential.

But this power came at a price. It drained my energy, my stamina, and my will. And it attracted attention. Soon, other players began to hear of my abilities, and they came looking for me. They wanted to challenge me, to test their skills against mine.

At first, I welcomed the attention. It was fun, exciting, and even exhilarating. But then I began to notice something strange. Whenever I used my powers, I would get a strange, almost electrical sensation in my head. It felt like I was being drained, like I was losing something vital. And I was.

I began to realize that my powers were not natural, not at all. They were a glitch in the system, a bug in the code. And I was the only one who could feel it. Every time I used my powers, I was damaging myself, slowly but surely. And no one else could see it.

But I couldn't stop. I couldn't just turn off my powers and be like everyone else. I had to keep going, to keep fighting, to keep using my abilities. Because if I didn't, then I would be nothing. I would be powerless.

And that's how I got my name. Powerless. The most powerful man in Divine Rights, and the most vulnerable. The man with infinite potential, and no way to control it. The man who was slowly killing himself, one battle at a time.

But I didn't let that stop me. I kept fighting, kept using my powers, kept trying to make a name for myself. And I succeeded, to a certain extent. I became known as the strongest man in the game, the one who could take on anyone and anything.

But with great power comes great enemies. And soon, I had one. A player known as Dragon's Tongue. He was a powerful mage, with spells and abilities that matched mine. He was also the leader of a powerful guild, one that controlled much of the game world. And he wanted me dead.

He would send his minions after me, challenge me to duels, even try to ambush me in the game world. But I always managed to evade him, to escape his grasp. I was too powerful, too unpredictable, too... well, too glitchy.

But Dragon's Tongue never gave up. He was determined to defeat me, to prove that he was the strongest player in the game. And I knew that sooner or later, he would succeed. Because even I couldn't keep using my powers forever. I was running out of time.

But I wasn't alone. I had a friend, a comrade, and a fellow glitcher. Her name was Rissy, and she was the only person who knew my secret. She was the only one who could see the damage my powers caused.