City of White Star

Starice was working in her office when she was overwhelmed by somebody else’s mind, “This is Winter of Blue Moon. Calling any friendly Haloing’s close by. We are under attack, please send help.” Starice sat there for a moment, trying to shake the feeling of desperation and terror that the brief contact with Winter’s mind had elicited. Once she was able to think she realized that somebody close by was in desperate need for help.

“Starfire, Firestorm my office. NOW!” She called through their link. Moments later the other two arrived, “Did you guys hear that cry for help?” Both had dark red hair and black eyes.

“Yes. Meteor is trying to track down the source now. There seems to be a disturbance south-east of us.” Firestorm replied. Starfire nodded in agreement.

“Gather the fighters, we will fly in that direction. If Meteor finds out more she can tell us.” Starice ordered. The other two nodded before going to get their armour, Starice geared up in her office.