"Your brother isn't strong enough yet."Sergio cut in."There's a list of special things he'll need until he is better.If you want to get better quickly then you'll have to listen to the doctor.And your mother too."He said looking at her."We know it's not gonna be easy but you have to try.Look on the bright side it won't be forever only till you well."

"Okay."They agreed."So am I gonna share a room with grandma."

"No."Sergio said when Piper was about to tell her yes."Both you and your brother will have your own room.Would you like that."Piper gaped at him. What on earth does he mean.What is he talking about?

"We never had rooms of our own growing up.It would be so cool." Cristian beamed."Will I be able to keep my cars in my room and have all those car posters I've always wanted."

"Cristian.Don't get ahe-..."

"You can have anything you want." Sergio said interrupting her again. "Even you."He directed at Aurora.

"I can't wait."Cristian said all excited.

"Will you be okay alone.I need to talk to your mother."He asked them."We'll be right outside the door if you need us."They nodded, outside he got a nurse to stay with the twins while he took her to the cafeteria.Then he did something that shocked her he chased out everyone and locked the door.

"You can't do that.This is a hospital cafeteria."

"Who's gonna tell me otherwise." He cocked a brow."Sit down."

"Don't talk to me like that."She said."Some respect won't kill you."

"Respect is earned.Not given.And you lost mine a long time ago. Getting it back will never happen. Sit down."He said again.She sat on a nearby chair behind her.

"Why have you brought me here."

"So we could talk."His phone rang, after a look at the screen he placed it back in his pocket.

"Aren't you gonna answer."She asked."Could be important."

"Don't be concerned about my affairs.You'll have your own to deal with in a few minutes."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"You'll come to know soon enough.Firstly I wanna make a few things clear about the twins. The DNA report showed that I am their father."

"When did you do the test."She asked shocked."And why didn't you tell me."

"I didn't have to tell you anything. I've known for some time now and since I got the results I've done alot of thinking."Uh-oh Piper thought she isn't gonna like this."The time I spend with them was enough for me to know I don't want to be weekend father."

"No one said you'll be a weekend father.You can see them whenever you want I won't deprive you of that."

He ignored her remark and continued."Too much time has passed.Time I cannot get back. You robbed me of the first six years of their lives,you've taken enough from me but rest assured from today onwards that's gonna change.I'll be playing a very active role in their lives."

"We can come to an agreement regarding visitation,something that will suit us both."

"You not getting my point."He said flatly.Piper isn't sure if she wants to get his point.He crossed his arms,those dark eyes pinned her in the chair."What did you think would happen when I find out about them.That I would simply forget and move on and only see them on a weekly basis or whenever I get a chance to come here.Is that what you thought."

"Not forget them but-..."

"There's no buts.I'm not going anywhere.I hope you understand me."

"Last time I checked.You live in Madrid.Not here.How will you be playing an active role in their lives being half way across the world."

"Yes.I'll be halfway across the world but they'll be with me."

It took a full minute for his words to sank in and when it did,she jumped off the chair to meet his glare head on."You insane if you think I'm about to let you take my kids halfway across the world."

"You seem to forget they are my kids too.What about my rights?What about what they want. Seems all you care about is your own selfish needs."

"That's not true."She argued."I've always put them first.Placed their needs before my own."

"Yeah.That's why they've known their father for these six years of their lives."

"You not being fair here.I did what I did to protect them."To protect you too she silently added.

"Whatever you did was for yourself because only you benefited.Not them.Not me.Only you.Having a comfort lifestyle was more important to you than them knowing me because I wouldn't have been able to provide for them.Or you.I wouldn't have been able to buy and give you or them all the expensive things you wanted.That's why you chose Lucas over me."She opened her mouth to talk but he spoke over her."Look how the roles have change.Look where you are standing and where I am now."He clicked his tongue slowly."I can give them a better life than you.I can provide for them,take them to the best schools,meet their needs in every possible way.They won't lack anything.I can buy anything I want,anything my heart desires.I can even buy you if I want."

Her eyes grew large at his remark. How can he say such a horrible thing unto her.She could feel tears burning in her eyes.She'll be nothing but a money chaser in his eyes and she has no one but herself to blame."You have no right talk to me like this."

"Women like you don't deserve the same respect as others."Piper felt her heart ache in pain."Be glad I'm still talking to you in a decent manner because you have no idea all the horrible things that come to mind whenever I look at you."

"Then why did you pay Cristian's medical bills.Why do that if I'm nothing to you if I'm no more than a gold digger in your eyes."

"What I did was for my son.Not for you.You'll never get a penny out of me. With your beautiful face and luscious body I'm certain you can seduce any rich idiot that you want.Someone that will provide you with the life you need." Weakly she sat down again.If only he can understand her.Understand why she had done what she had.It had nothing to do with the money.

Never has.She doesn't care about riches.All she cares about is him and the twins.The love she has for him has carried her through all these years.It has given her strength along with Aurora and Cristian.She never had lost hope that one day she'll see him again.

That maybe they could be the family she's always wanted them to be.But the cold,hard look in his eyes told her that will never happen.

Those eyes won't ever have love for her again.She felt something wet on her hands and realised the tears she had kept at bay has unknowingly escaped from her eyes.Slowly she wiped them.

Somehow her tears got to him and it shouldn't because she doesn't deserve his sympathy.He turned his back to her.He won't fall weak she chose her path,she made her decision."I can't stay long here.I must leave as soon as possible."He continued."Certain things need my attention immediately.Aurora and Cristian are leaving with me.With or without you."

"Cristian just had surgery I don't think he should travel."

"I already spoke to the doctor.It's perfectly safe as long as we follow all the necessary precautions.I found a nurse who'll take care of him throughout the whole flight.When we land in Madrid he'll see a doctor to make sure he's still alright and out of danger."

"You won't take them away from me.Like you I have rights too.They have a life here.School.Friends.A home.You can't just take that away from them."

"This isn't about me or you.It's about them.Why don't we ask them what they want."

"And if they choose to stay?"She asked.

"Then I'll respect their decision. What if they choose to go.With me."She has no idea what she'll do then.