"Aurora."She murmured,Piper could see tears form in her eyes and the hand that was cupping Aurora's cheek was slightly shaking."She's the spitting image of your sister."

"Are they our grand parents." Cristian asked.

"Yes son.Aurora.Do you like your surprise."

She nodded."I do."

"We are so happy to finally meet you."His father said.

"Can I give you a hug abuela?Abuelita."Aurora asked.

"Of course you can.You both can." Piper watched the beautiful scene before her as Sergio's parents fawn over the twins.Even the glow in Sergio's eyes tells her how happy he is to witness this,her own eyes filled with tears.If only she hadn't wait so long to tell him,to reach out maybe things would've worked out differently. Maybe Sergio won't hate her so much.

Maybe they could've worked through their differences and become a family.So many maybe's.So many regrets.All she can do now is hope that the man whom she loves will forgive her one day and allow her into his heart again."Piper."