Love.Piper almost choked out upon hearing the word."No,I've intruded enough.Not only that I got a job and it would be convenient for me if I stay closer to work."

"Let Piper be."He said."I'm sure she has her reasons for wanting to leave so soon.Don't try to convince her otherwise.How about I take you out for lunch."

"I'd love that.Piper it was nice meeting you."

"You too."Piper said with a smile.She watched as they left, Sergio hardly gave her a second glance all he seems to care about is Brigitta.Nothing hurts more than his indifference towards her,with a huge sigh she headed upstairs to see her kids and talk with them.She hopes they'll take the news about them leaving lightly and not think she wants to separate them from their father.

She found her mother in Cristian's room."Mom.What are you doing here?When did you get here.I tried to call but your phone is off."

Rose smiled at her daughter."It's good to see you too sweetie."She gave her a hug.