"Let go of me."She told him again.

"How was your lunch."His words cold."Did you enjoy it."For some reason she gets the feeling he wasn't referring to what she had to eat.

"Why do you care."She threw at him."You don't see me meddle into your life."

He let her go then."Don't think for a second I'm gonna sit back and watch how you bring different men into my kids lives.I won't allow it."

"You can't control or dictate what I do.As for our kids,I won't hurt them in any way or bring different men into their lives.Just like you I have a life too and I'll spend it with who I see fit."She walked away from him but he spun her back straight into his arms,her palms are flat against his chest she could feel his hardness,strength. All six and half feet of him towered over her.