An unbearable silence filled the air between them."That's why I came here.I want to talk about why you kept them from me and I wanna know the real reason why you married that man.How could you marry a man that had no principles or morals.A man who defrauded many people out of their hard earned money.Why Piper?Why did you do it.Wasn't what we had enough for you."

"It's a little too late to talk about the past Sergio.You engaged to a beautiful woman and will probably have a big wedding soon.Why stir up the past.I buried everything the day Lucas died.I don't want to relive it again."

"We need to talk and bury whatever happened between us a long time ago. The reason why I'm doing this is because of Brigitta.I have to bury whatever feelings I had for you before I marry her.I want us to be on the page."