Piper couldn't even go on the shopping trip she'd made with Brigitta how can she face her after she had slept with Sergio. And although she should feel bad,she doesn't and that makes it even more horrible.That she doesn't feel guilty and want it to happen again that's why she's been avoiding Sergio.She knows if they can be alone she won't stop him from having his way with her.

Even her dates with Pedro isn't helping to forget Sergio,he always seems to be inside her head occupying her thoughts.Pedro had asked about Sergio and Piper has told him the truth about her relationship with Sergio.As it turns out the two don't get along at all,Pedro didn't want to tell her why.But whatever animosity they have is between them and she rather not get involved.

"I have to go."Piper turned to face her mother who was standing in the doorway of the twins's room.

"Thanks mom."Rose has been here everytime Sergio comes to fetch the twins and drop them off.