Piper met his gaze then.Why is he pretending to care when in reality he doesn't."No matter what I never want to see you in pain."He shocked her by saying.She was unprepared for the firm pressure of his mouth on her own she froze for a full minute at the contact.

Gently his lips moved over hers, testing to see if she'll resist.He waited for her to push him away and when she didn't he coaxed her mouth open.Piper let him in,he deepened the kiss.Starting off slow before capturing her mouth in a fierce kiss that rocked her entire being,she could feel the room spinning around her,could feel his strong erection as he was crushing her to him.

She leaned into his warmth,and although her mind said stop this isn't right.Her heart refused to listen because it felt so right.So good.His tongue explored the inside of her mouth,every nerve ending inside her body vibrated with excitement.