
There are things that can go unnoticed with the naked eye, walking down the street seems to expose yourself to the world when actually it is the best place to be invisible. As the saying went, the best place to hide a tree is inside the forest. The best secrets are the ones in plain sight. In that case Aideen was the one who kept all his memories, or at least that's what June thought, what he needed to know now was how to access them.

Aideen explained as best he could that what June wanted to do was sign a death warrant, not in a literal sense. Such a violent clash of memories and emotions would throw him off balance, he would fall into a kind of madness. And he might be desperate but not desperate enough to take drastic measures. Questions were a safer way to gather important data, however June was a bit more ambitious, he wanted details and he didn't blame him, June always was like that.

- Let's make a deal, June. Ask first, details later. Write down the questions you have according to the information you have so far, we will meet at the end of each month to discuss them till you get all the answers.

- Impossible. That is too long.

- I know, but it's prudent. Patience is a virtue and it wouldn't hurt you to cultivate it during that time. I will recommend some exercises. It is another way to strengthen yourself before obtaining the details that you crave so much. Let me remind you that they carry a great emotional charge. And if at any time you have a crisis, the whole memory recovery process will go even slower. I do not recommend that you ignore my words. Besides, you've already waited until now, it won't hurt to do it a little longer.

Aideen dug into one of his jacket pockets, handing June a necklace with a dragonfly pendant.

- Always take it with you, it will help when you need it.

The chain was silver and the metal that made up the dragonfly was smooth and transparent, like a very resistant glass.

- I feel that I had this and lost at some point but it is also the first time I see it. I do not know how to explain it. It's a bit nostalgic.

Aideen said nothing more, it was better that way.

- Wait, could you project something into my mind before you go? I need a point of reference to ask questions.

- It'll be something simple, okay?

June nodded with determination in his eyes, he was about to lie down on the side of the tree but Aideen started walking towards the ridge.

- Wait weren't you going to...

-Just follow me, June.

A little reluctantly he followed him, a walk in silence that lasted barely fifteen minutes. It was a pleasant sight, the contrast of the foliage of the forest with the infinity of the sea on one side. At first he thought they would go to the top of the cliff until they came to a small empty space.

- This place looks familiar to me.

June looked up at the sky, that small space where the sky was as blue as the bottom of the sea seemed a bit unreal.

- Here, lie down.

Aideen had taken a seat against a fallen log, and June did as he directed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

- I'm ready.

- June, good morning. Young Aideen is leaving today and he has asked me to let you accompany him.

The aforementioned looked gallantly at June who blushed slightly while she nodded involuntarily. If it weren't for him, he could swear that he was under a hypnotic effect, because when he reacted he had already accepted and couldn't back down, after all June was excited by the idea of what he could possibly teach him.

- Where exactly are we headed?

- Don't worry, I'm not kidnapping you. We just need a quiet place with no onlookers for this to work, otherwise you'll have a hard time concentrating.

-But in my grandfather's house it is very quiet and he has unfinished business.

-Yes, but it's not enough. There are too many distractions.

They had left after finishing breakfast, they didn't need to take anything with them. A short time later they found a clear space in the brush and stopped.

-Well, it seems that there is a good atmosphere here.

Aideen said, giving a slight sigh.

–It is ideal. Shall we start?

June nodded. So they both sat down on the grass.

-Okay, to start you need to have a good command of concentration. Can you concentrate properly?

- I think so.

June replied.

- Fine, I'll try you. We will do the following: You will have to hold my gaze for at least two minutes.

“I had to do what?!”

-Wait what?

“How do you expect me to hold his gaze for two minutes? I can't even look at him without feeling embarrassed."

-You heard me, it's extremely simple.

"As if."

Aideen positioned himself in front of June.

- Ready?

For a few moments June thought about declining his training but in the end he ended up agreeing.

Then two eyes of abnormal tones came into contact, instantly June's eyes turned slightly purple, Aideen's reddish and he instinctively wanted to look away from him, but something in the look of the opposite of him prevented him. He felt even smaller than he already was.

How long has it been? June felt like an eternity and then he felt how Aideen was getting dangerously close to him, who curiously couldn't react to move back, he was completely paralyzed. He tried to move and nothing, then he tried to separate his lips to scream, it didn't work either. The distance was closing rapidly, so he did the only thing left to him; close his eyes. Only then did he feel free of the paralysis.

I hear Aideen click his tongue.

- So well you were doing it.

- What are you supposed to be doing? You caught me off guard, plus I couldn't move. What was that?

June was a bit shocked.

Aideen laughed a little

- It's a little trick, when you apply “visual pressure”, you can immobilize almost anyone. But until then, you did well.

June turned a little confused.

- What exactly did I do right?

He turned his face to the floor

- I didn't get those two minutes.

- No. And you wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for the trick of immobilizing you, you were too nervous. But you found a way to return to normal, I give you that. Honestly, you will not succeed at the first or second, much less at the third. But it's a process, June.

Aideen words seemed to have lifted June's spirits.

- But don't get so excited, next time I'll try to prevent you from closing them, remember: concentration. No matter what I do, don't stop looking into my eyes.

Returning to reality was not as chaotic as the first time, the breeze that came from the sea was a delicate caress while June senses were oriented in the present. The sky was a little darker against the orange sunset and to detail the contrast the absence of Aideen.