June couldn't stop thinking about Aideen, not precisely about him but about what he saw through his eyes. It gave him chills and from time to time he had nightmares with creepy shadows inside, cold, dark and reddish settings. In most of them he was haunted by those shadows. He woke up with a little tachycardia and effects of a good restful sleep.
February 13th.
How many books are there in my grandfather's house? It seemed like a trick question. Many. Or did he expect me to count them? I don't think the amount in numbers was important. And still I stopped to look carefully at the bookcases and the variety of titles they housed, history, science, mathematical calculations, art history, fiction novels. Some are older than others. I usually think that there is some riddle waiting to be deciphered behind the pages, something like misspellings or underlined words. At least that's how it happens in the movies I used to watch with…