Chapter (15) XV Angel's Heart- (Code: Demon's Heart)

Chapter (15) XV Angel's Heart

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Edward has made up his mind of taking the league into the battle against the Taurosians, who have been on going all the while of constant attacks around the premise. It is not the time anymore to be more complacent but rather to take turn of winning back his wife , Helga. Pressumably, the battle will cease the fire between the Fantasians and the rebels, who have been less fortunate of being under the power of old dark demon,Olga.By then they must make sure that this all will make sense and definitely bring to an end. Although it may seem to be as impossible as how they would come as one and defeat the enemies, yet Edward and the King have had the biggest hearts, which made them even bigger than they are, along with the remaining amulets on hand….Let them get out and fight for the name of fantasia whereas is at stake.