When I hugged him I felt so light like someone was there to look for me. I just cried as I felt a warmth in his hug. Everyone was looking at us.
Ned :- Where, were you Bella? What happened to you why are you crying ? Just say me what happened?
( I continued to sob)
Ellena :- Ned I don't think that the right place or she is in right state answer this. So it's better if we take her home as she is already hurt. So first let us take her home and she should rest.
( We just went to the elevator and we reached our house. They made sit on sofa. Tia gave a glass of water to me.)
Then after half an hour I was freshed up and was neatly dressed and was okay now. Ellena made me on sofa. Ned was sitting next to me. Tia and Sera where sitting on a seat opposite to me and Ellena was making coffee for everyone.
Ned was staring at me after some minutes when Ellena arrived. Ned just burst out with like now can u say what happened to you. Now can u say that why weren't you picking up your fucking mobile phone. You know how much worried we all were. Do you have any idea that how many times your mother called me? Now for gods sake say .
"Let her say Ned you are just asking questions to her and let her answer first then ask another one " Ellena said.
Bella :- Sorry first of all i made you all worried about me. Sorry for that first ket me talk with mum otherwise she will be more worried.
Ned had put the call for me.
On the phone
Mom :- Ned, Ned did u hear from her? Nee say me.
Me :- Mom it's me Bella. Sorry that i made you worried. Ned and Ellena are with me right now.
Mom :- Now can you tell me for gods sake what the hell happened to you? What was all this going on on your side do you really get what had happened to all of us? Why will you get all this. You and father both are really irritating. How can a person be such careless . I really don't get you that what are you upto?
Me :- Sorry, mumma i know that what I have done is wrong but I had some important meeting that I was busy down there and for that and the area had a very bad network connection as that place was somewhat high above the mountain. So I couldn't call you. Sorry it won't happen again in anythime in future sorry. Can you forgive me now?
Mom :- You could have just said before hand. You know what was the condition of us. Please for gods sake dont do it again.
Me :- Hmm. I won't do it again. Now just be relaxed and say my Hii to Dad and Eda. Okay I will talk with you later.
Ned :- So now can you say me thr the right reason Bella?
Me :- Okay, sorry for what I did. I was really upset with something.
Ned :- Upset and you did this havoc with yourself are you out of your mind. What the hell happened, please say now.
Tia :- I know what the reason is. Is it for the same reason ? Bella is it for Mr. Wayne?
Me :- Yes I was worried about that, I just couldn't understand what I did was right or wrong . I couldn't understand what will happen to me , what will be the outcome I was just scared about it. So.
Tia :- So what? What we're you thinking?
Me :- Nothing it was that some bad thinking getting piled up.
Ellena :- Please can you two explain me what's going on. Who's Mr. Wayne? What is going on here?
Tia explained everything to Ned and Ellena about the incident happened at the office. While hearing that Ned was angry and folding his fist. I just holded his fist. I could understand his anger and he was right at his place. I am really blessed to get such friends who always cared about me.
Ned :- You were suffering from all this but u never said a word. I guess I was not a stranger to you. You could have said me. But he is really a scoundrel. He is not worth being called a boss. If you want I will make sure to make him ask for forgiveness from you.
Me :- I don't want anything he is not worth of anything he made me understand that what I am. I don't need him to be one of the famous lawyer in this city. He made me think that because of him I was the best lawyer in his law firm, but now I understand the reason for this.
Ellena :- You got your consciousness now, Bella. We were all tensed and were to death. You could have shared us about this. It won't have become that big. You should not hide these things from us because, see your not sharing us these things made us so worried where you are getting hurt and making everyone around you hurt.
Me :- I understand what I did and I am really repenting on the mistake that I did. I won't do it again. I am really sorry for this. Ned now please forgive me. Please. I really won't do this again.
Ned :- And what for should I forgive you? Did you ever thought of us. That you can share everything with us. No what are we you don't find us anything in your life. So what for is the sorry?
I just holded his hand. And just assured him to calm down and said that it won't happen anytime in the future. Some things don't need words but just the feelings shoul pass to the person. It is the connection of the hearts. But yes I can say that my friends love me souch that they are always there for me. I want to have them with me in my whole lifetime.