Chapter 8: ~What are you really?~

Alepou was sitting in one of the corners with his back to me, I didn't know why he had done it but even so I only spoke to him to cut the silence he had created after apologizing to me.

— Hey Alepou, I don't know what you're doing but answer... what are you? .— I asked him as I watched each of his actions with curiosity.

—I'm some kind of summoned familiar. Although I prefer the term protector or guardian, since I was created based on hair, energy, spells, other essential ingredients and materials to give me shape and life.— he explained to me in the simplest way he could for me to understand.

—Oh, I see.— was the only thing that could come out of my lips since I didn't fully understand the information.

—Young Nathaniel, now that I remember... you're hurt.— He told me and then approached me.— Will you allow me to heal your spiritual wound?

At his question, I only nodded to later turn my back and take off my shirt, which was white before and was now stained with dirt and blood. I was a bit curious as to how he was going to heal me, but I only saw that he used the same technique that Jun had done on the snake bites.

When Alepou finished healing me, he sat on the ground to look at me, to which I only showed him the lock of hair that he had given me earlier.

— Oh I'm sorry. I haven't told you what to do.— She bowed still in his position.— You must tie a ribbon or thread infused with your energy and then recite a prayer to keep me by your side and not disappear.

— That... is that what my mother's family did?— I asked her as I got up from my bed to walk to the bureau to open one of the drawers and start looking for a thread or ribbon.

—Oh, that's right... I promised her that if she left me by her side I would help her and explain everything about the Frays.— He looked away.

—Alepou...—I named him when I found a piece of red ribbon.— I know you won't tell me everything without me doing this so... tell me what I should do.

He just put aside the seriousness that had invaded him and with a big smile and twinkle in his eye he jumped over to my side to see the ribbon. Alepou seeing me determined to do that ritual, he just stood in front of me and with the same smile that overflowed with joy he began to recite:

— With this ribbon, my energy and a piece of animal essence... I will give life and shape to my guardian puppet. So, I Nathaniel Castelia Fray with the help of my energy and my gifts that have been given to me since I was born and being with the four elements in my favor... I ask you to get up puppet of the fox and protect me until my energy disappears from the face of this earthly world.

— It's a bit long. — I told him a little worried.

— Oh really?. hahaha, and I don't know it in Latín otherwise... you would say it's long and difficult.— I smile shyly.

—Alepoú...— I named him to which he only directed his gaze towards my eyes.— Do you think it will work if I say it in Spanish and not in Latín?

— You are a Friar, you can do this. The creator of this ritual may have done it in Latín but... with the gifts and energy you have, you will be able to do it if you recite each word I said without skipping and changing them.— he explained without looking away from my eyes.

— Ahh…okay— If this doesn't work... don't blame me.

— Just trust yourself and your gifts.

I just nodded and immediately focused on the lock of hair. Without lying, I was nervous to do this ritual of which I was completely unaware of its origin of black or white magic, but if I wanted to discover more about the Fray and the past of the Castelia... I had to do it to get all the information that could be of help in the celebration of the tradition.

Approximately 5 minutes passed when I just let out a sigh and closed my eyes, I wasn't sure but I felt that I had to do it in those moments, so, following my intuition, I began to concentrate to infuse my energy into that lock.

With a simple prayer and my great desire to get more information, they made the task easier to do. I quickly managed to feel a tingle that left a slight warmth behind it, it passed through every part of my being until it reached my hands where that heat left my body. Feeling a little dizzy and tired, I realized that it had worked and all that remained was to tie the ribbon and recite the prayer.

Without taking my eyes off that lock of hair, with my free hand I signaled to Alepou, who began to whisper the prayer that was audible to me. The lowered volume of his voice was enough for me to end the ritual that ended when I tied the ribbon to the lock that unexpectedly began to shine with intensity.

—Alepou... are you okay?— I asked, not being able to see through that light.

—Sure... if you don't believe... look for yourself— He answered me from the other side of the blinding light.

Little by little, the brightness decreased in intensity until I was able to see Alepou, who was in front of me with an appearance different although he had only changed his clothes and the style of his hair. My now guardian wore an orange sweatshirt that half the torso was white and the sleeves on each arm were also the same color. His shorts had become somewhat tight dark brown long pants almost appearing to be black and black tennis shoes.

He was as surprised as I was, and with some concern he ran his hands through his bangs and then directed them towards his new hairstyle that consisted of a half ponytail that was tied by a silver ring that had the figure of a fox engraved on it. .

— Uff... I would have preferred to keep my old clothes. — he complained when he noticed that his hair passed below his shoulders. — do you think it will be easy for me to fight?

— That's the least of it, after you tell me what you know, I'll give you new clothes and I'll cut your hair. — I told him to avoid wasting more time in a discussion that would be useless to bear.

—Okay —he spoke, already resigned.—But you'll do it.

—Yesyes — I said without paying attention to his expression that denoted annoyance.— Now, could you tell me... why did they do it to you and what exactly are you?— I asked him while taking a seat on my bed again.

— Bah. Young Nathaniel, direct and clear... I am a puppet, a being that was born from a piece of fox fur and energy, your uncle Tristán Fray created me with the purpose of protecting him from an evil that stalked the house of the Frays.— He answered me while he sat on the floor.—Another doubt that may arise from that curious mind?

—Do the Frays know about magic?—I asked in response.

— It's something not very specific that I don't know how to answer. But I only know that they learned to make puppets with a scholar in the field of magic, that's the only thing they know how to do, according to what I spoke with your uncle.—he replied without taking his eyes off me.— I see you have more doubts because of my answer.— he said with a raised eyebrow and a slight smile.

— Haha, it's true.— I laughed nervously knowing that Alepou was analyzing me, so I tried to hide my nerves as best I could to continue with my little questioning.— Who is that scholar in the field of magic?

— Hmm… let me remind you. Just give me a few minutes, I know your uncle once mentioned it to me. — he asked me while placing his hand on his chin, implying that he was trying to remember.

I was about to ask him another question so as not to waste any more time, but suddenly Alepou hit the floor with one of his hands, which made me jump in fright.

—Alepou! Don't do that again — I scolded him.

— I'm sorry, it's just that I remembered a little of what your uncle Tristan had told me. — something embarrassed just began to play with his hands and he looked away from him so as not to look me in the eye. — It was madame...