Chapter Four

Chapter Four

“Well, look who is here.” I hear a voice say as I groan internally. “Looks like you missed your chance Senja.”

I look over and glare at him, “What are you doing here Alek?” Then I unexpectedly break out into laughter when I realize that he and his companion are covered in mud. “What happened to you two?”

“Kia,” He growls, removing his hood. I catch sight of his lunar tattoo just below his ear as he brushes his hair. “You need to control that thing better.”

“She knows a rat when she sees one,” I say in a warning growl.

“Senja,” Alek starts, “let it go.”

“I will when you’re dead.” I snap.

“What is going on with you two?” His companion snaps.

“A broken past.” I glare at him, making him flinch. “Now who are you?”

“Senja,” Alier says as he enters the room, “let’s finish our conversation as we discuss a few things.” He stops when he sees my expression. His face turns cold as he looks at Alek. “I’m afraid you’re too late Alek. Senja was kind enough to already break the news of my son’s death.”

Alier’s face suddenly brightens as he looks at Alek’s companion. “Silas! My son.” My glare remains but surprise hits me as Alier goes to hug his son, ignoring the fact that he’s covered in mud. “Are you alright? Did you see Morgain? Do you know what happened?”

Silas looks to me, sensing my hostility. “Unfortunately, no. I saw his corpse though, when he was stabbed. Senja knows a little more than I do. I understand she’s partially here under duress.”

I roll my eyes as I calm my demeanor, “There were a series of murders in Lusole. Girls from strong bloodlines were going missing. There were no signs of violence, or anything suggesting they left against their will. I was called in by King Lavar to investigate. When I would find these girls, they were drained of blood and magic. Their necks always had full bite marks with rows of multiple teeth, suggesting feral. The bites were strange to me though. Right where the fangs to inject the poison would be, just like a vampire, lined up perfectly with the bite. The…length and width of the fang marks seemed almost wrong for a feral. They’re also thicker and longer than a vampire. It’s…strange to say the least.

“Eventually, I started to pick up on the predator’s patterns. They’d head north, north, south, east west, south, north, then northwest. Always striking at night, during festivals. The girls would always go missing during the beginning part of the evening. They were always social and of the higher bloodline. And it was always the easiest one to separate. Usually the girl would be wooed in a period of days, but when I started finding the girls the day of the assault, he escalated. I knew that when I found the first girl after the escalation, he was going to accelerate his kill pattern again.

“When I found who his next target would be, after finding the girl dead before her dead, I ran straight there and waited. I saw the feral dressed as a female, lead the victim away. I also watched as the feral bit her neck, to confirm my suspicions. The feral spoke and called him Master, signaling him. He stepped out of his hiding spot and thanked him. He even called the feral Lushbel.”

“Lushbel?” Silas chokes.

I look at him and am immediately concerned by the paling face of all three men. “Yes, why?”

Silas speaks after a moment of silence. “Lushbel is the name my sister used to call him before she passed away.”

Shock hits me. “Elayna?”

“How do you know my sister?” Silas asks.

“Senja is a friend of our family, Silas. She’s visited us often. You and your brother wouldn’t know this, since you primarily live with your biological mother. Senja was like a sister to Elayna the last two years before she passed.” Alier answers with care.

“Elayna lived with the Aquanians before she died.”

“Yes. Much like Alek is your friend and guard, she was Elayna’s in a way.”

“What do you mean, in a way?”

“He means I was her friend.” I interrupt, stopping the conversation from going down that road. Even the mention of her name is causing me pain. “Elayna was very happy and well cared for until the sickness took her.”

I look to Alier, “Who else knew of her pet name?”

He thinks about it. “Several people. Servants, guards, anyone really. She wasn’t shy about using it around people. Morgain and her always had a special bond. Even when the boys went away to live with their mother, and attend school, they would write and send each other magic notes. There was never a day they didn’t talk, so I imagine the possibility is infinite.”

“Didn’t she talk about us? How did you not know about him?” Silas demands, growing angry.

I give him a hard look. “In the last few years of her life she would tell me of your names, not pet names. She always insisted on keeping her letters private, and I never asked to read them. Privacy was one of the very few things I could give her.”

He looks away as I look to Alier. “Does anyone have a grudge against Morgain?”

Alier shakes his head. “Several, but none that I can think of that would do this. When you’re the heir, people will come from all parts of this world to steal it. It’s one of the reasons we never told anyone who the true heir is. The Vampiric Gods have foretold that many will try to kill the true heir. If killed, darkness will spread through the world and bring times rivaling when humans were still around. This heir is believed to be the one to unite the Chosens’, and bring an age of never ending peace.”

I look to Silas. “You’ve got to be joking.” I say, knowing full well he’s the final child.

Silas glares at me. “I could have you beheaded for that.”

“And I’ll castrate you if you even try.” I snap.

Alek puts his hand on Silas to stop him when he takes a step towards me. “She’s not lying Si. Besides, your dad will kill you if you harm her. Prophecy or not. Trust me on this one.” Alek looks at me. “Instead of showing us your warming personality, is there anything else Senja?”

Anger is racing through me as I flip my hair, turning my attention to Alier. “Yes, actually. After I stopped the attacker from biting the girl, he ran. After killing the feral, I chased after him on Kia. I lost the man’s trail when it vanished. I sent Kia to try and track it through the trees since he might be a vampire. She came back an hour later with a ward on her foot. The ward wanted my name from my blade.” I pull it out to show Alier. “However, you know the problem with that.”

After putting it back, I pull the note from my shirt and hand it to Alier, “it told me to give you his sympathies, or he wouldn’t be so kind to Kia next time. The note says his name is Greyson.”

“Greyson?” Alier asks, reading the note. “And it looks like he’s interested in more than my family.”

I roll my eyes. “That threat is nothing new.”

“But this one actually does feast on blood,” Alier warns.

I wave him off. “I’ll be fine. However, I’d keep an eye on your heir. If he went after Morgain, who we thought was the heir, he’ll go after Silas next.”

Alier shakes his head. “For his safety, no one outside of his mothers, siblings, and I, knew he existed.”

“I knew he existed.” I say. “Well, his name anyway.”

“But not what he looked like.” Alier counters.

“Please verify that no one knows him.” I say. “What do people know him as?”

“A member of the royal guard.” Alier says. “He’s Alek’s subordinate, which is why he’s with Alek most of the time.”

“Then I’ll keep that pretense.” I ignore the boys eyes as I turn fully to face Alier. “Since I’m unclear the direction these attacks will go now, I’ll need to resume my investigation again. It’s best I leave tonight to get a jump start on this.”

Alier’s face goes straight to amused. “And miss the ball?”

“A sacrifice I must make,” I say quickly, getting ready to take my leave.

“Nope,” Alier says, taking my hand. “Ileen would be devastated if you left before the morning.”

I start whining as I follow behind him, Alier’s action taking a surprised hold over the boys. “Alier, please,” I beg. “I hate dances.”

“Enough complaining.” Alier says. “I wanted to speak with you regarding some attacks that have been going on through all the territories. They’re similar to the attacks you described in the Lusole Territory.”

“What do you mean?” I ask as I follow down a shale colored hallway, the ground now stone.

“The attacks have been happening in each territory during important events. Usually only random kills here and there, all feral attacks on random citizens. Only until recently did these attacks shift towards this level. There have been investigations, but nothing was suspected of being more. We all know how these investigations go Senja.”

“You mean because there is not an actual form of government to follow, there is no technical ways to structure or enforce laws, so things are often missed and so things are a bit archaic.”

He snorts. “That’s one way of putting it. We all know that one city or another follow their main territory leader, but with no actual way of monitoring our citizens it’s almost pointless.”

“You are lucky that whole alpha beta instinct is ingrained in us.” I sigh. “So what do you want me to do about it?”

“I want you to see why these attacks are happening, and why feral attacks are increasing. With what happened with Morgain…it just shows this problem is worse than anything we ever knew about. I would appreciate if you keep these murders to yourself and read up on these. So far, you’re the closest we’ve gotten to finding these killers.”

“Killers?” I ask, eyebrow raised.

“There are too many kills for just one person.” Alier says. “Now that the festivals are dying off, it’ll be harder to track him.”

I internally groan. “I’ll go to the library in Estra. Hopefully, I’ll be able to find a pattern in those murders.”

“Please take someone with you.” He says, looking at me with worry in his eyes. “You are alone most of the time.”

“I’ve got Kia. She’ll sense an attack before they can even think of one.” I assure him, waving his concern. “Besides, I’m not his type.”

“That’s one killer.” Alier argues.

“And the only one to make a threat. I’ll be okay Alier.” I give him a smile.

He stops at the end of the hallway, entering into a room that appears to be built for me. There are the never ending looping trees of home, meant for the balham. The wood is thick and strong, able to support their weight without much effort. There is a small pool in the middle, meant for comfort and care. In the back corner is a hammock, hanging from two trees. It’s cushioned and is larger than Kia.

“Uh-wow.” I say as I look into the room. “Are you trying to make me homesick? Why would you go through all this trouble?”

Alier is smiling, enjoying my stunned expression. “We were hoping that you would consider living here.”

My entire body runs cold. “Why?”

“Senja, you live in the woods. You don’t even have a permanent place to call your own. You’re homeless. Ileen and I would love for you to consider this your home.”

I groan. “Alier, we’ve talked about this. I’m on the road too much to choose a permanent structure. I’m happy living on the road. It’s never dull, and I can always choose an inn, or see some of my many friends to seek shelter during bad weather.”

Alier’s face doesn’t even faulter. “Sen, it’s important to Ileen, myself, and your parents to know that you have a place to go.”

Cue anger in this sweet moment. I glare at him. “You’ve been talking to them?”

His face grimaces. “Yes I did. They miss you.”

More anger. “Then they shouldn’t have cut off contact.” I say. “I will not give up on this life that I love Alier.”

“They just want to know that you’re safe. Please Senja, take the room. It has a back entrance that is already coded to your and Kia’s name, so that only you may enter. You can come and go as you wish. Just give us this.”

My anger deflates at the word “Please.” I bite my lip as I think about it. I can accept it, and it doesn’t mean I have to use it. “Alright, and I thank you for your hospitality. I’m still not changing my routine just because of this. You know that, right?”

Alier gives me a hug. “Thank you Senja!” He kisses my cheek. “You’ve made an ancient man very happy.”

“You’re such a strange man,” I say as I pull away. “But thank you for this.”

He smiles, “You’re welcome. It’s the least we can do. Ileen will be here momentarily to help dress you.”

I look at him with narrow eyes. “Did you plan this?”

He smirks. “Sylvia may have foretold your arrival.”

“May have?”

“She didn’t tell us what brought you, just that you’d be coming.”

“And what prompted her to look into my future line?”

“She was looking at mine actually. I wanted to see when we’d be given notice of Morgain’s fate. She wouldn’t tell me what it was, just that you’d be the one to bring it. It’s how we knew to be alone when you showed up.”

I sigh, “Fair enough. Now you might want to speak with Silas. He’s been watching us the whole time.”

Alier smiles, “He’s been watching you.” He turns and walks away. “Come out Silas.”

Silas pokes his head around the corner, surprise on his face.