Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty

After setting up the spell at the Linru Temple, I flew to shore and waited for Kia, after spraying myself down in balham spray. Kia is more than glad to let me lay down on her and take a nap. She’s under orders to keep going until we get to the Vampiric Temple. Silas and Alek are going to take the Mori Temple. I explained to Alek and Silas what they need to do. They left after gathering more supplies for my spell. I just have to remember to add the linking ingredient to each spell, so the spell will activate. The sariah flower is what we’ll be using. It’s used to link them, but still obscure enough not to be too obvious if Greyson is to stumble onto them. We’re to meet at the Lusole Temple, then travel to No Man’s Land together.