Chapter Fifteen

The ringing of my phone snapped me from my thought, I quickly grabbed the phone and silence it hoping it did not disturb him from his sleep.

I let out a relieved sign when he only just stir before inhaling and exhaling quietly as he slept. I smiled at him before glaring at my phone for trying to disturb this moment.

I turned towards Freddi when I felt him stirred I held my breath when he stretched his legs before slowly opening his eyes. 'There goes my moment.' I thought with a loud sign.

"Hey kiddo." I said sitting up straight.

He stretched again and let out a yawn before rubbing his hand to his eyes. "Good morning." He softly let out.

"Morning." I said. "Guess you enjoyed your sleep."

He smiled at me. "I sure did." He pouted then look down. "Sorry for barging into your room."

With a shrugged to my shoulder, I smiled at him. "You don't have to apologize... in fact , i love waking up to your cute face."