Heart Broken

Percy Jackson.

'Is that her new boyfriend or a bodyguard?'

'Lol, if he is her boyfriend, I bet he'll surely leave her like the rest did'

'I know right, they are all gold diggers, they just want to use her and dump her, she should give up on having a love life'

My heart broke into pieces as I scroll through the comments under the picture of when Mark was close to me while we were walking around the mall, it has spread like wild fire, it's so annoying how reporters put rubbish on the internet just to make money. I dropped my phone on my bed. I knew this shouldn't bother me anymore, I should have been used to this by now, to hate comments and rubbish talks about me, but it hurts and I'll only be fooling myself if I pretend like it didn't disturb me.

I felt empty, numb, like my head wasn't on my neck anymore. I haven't seen Diana this morning which means she was busy sorting out somethings, I came out of my room and walked down the stairs.

"Good morning" Derick greeted.

"Morning" I said as I walked towards the door

"Diana left early today to sort out somethings, she took David and Lucas with her, she told me to tell you that she had made your breakfast and it is in the kitchen" I didn't answer, I just walked towards the door and opened it.

"Where are you going to?, do you need any help" Derick asked as he took a step closer.

"No Derick, I don't need any help, I want to be left alone and I don't want to hear anything about it, you wouldn't like what would happen when I find one of you following me" thank God the door was open so Dennis and Emmanuel could hear me outside.

I went outside my compound relieved that they didn't say anything anymore, I'm sure he'll call Diana and tell her what had happened, poor Diana, always there for me, worrying about me, taking care of me, working always, she’s more than an assistant, she's a friend, my comforter, a sister I never had.

I started walking to where my leg took me, down the road, I watch as different couples jogged together, laughing victoriously, I sighed. I couldn't kill my self, why would I?, I have a normal life, I have money, I have a sweet mother, a comforting brother, I won't let not having a partner and peoples badmouths ruin me, I kept walking, letting the breeze do all the work, pushing me forward, one leg after the other.

Mark Philip.

I was so worried when Derick told me that Percy went out without taking any of the guards, not even her car and she didn't seem to be in her normal state of mind, could she have gone for grocery shopping?, that's impossible.

I took her car and started tracing her down the road, had she gone crazy?, has her current situation put her in a trauma leading to mental issues?, hundreds of stupid questions kept running my mind, I had also seen the picture of us on the internet that someone had taken, probably a paparazzi, we were so close in the picture and I was smiling at her like a fool, the person must have taken it patiently, the only thing was that I was facing her and my face wasn’t shown clearly.

There she was, sitting on a bench by the road side still in her pajamas, what had gotten into her?

I parked the car and rushed to her

"Everyone is worried about you, why are you here all alone?, people will be staring at you" I said, her eyes was filled with water and they were going to drop if she blinked.

"Fuck them, I don't care anymore, what's the worst they could say, I've experienced it all, they could even be taking pictures of us now" she sighed and paused.

"Why is my life like this, none of them ever leads to marriage, I'm I not beautiful?, never mind, don't answer, I'm afraid you'll say I'm not" I almost laughed, I shrugged and sat next to her.

"See you are beautiful and any man that have you will be lucky" I blurted out

"Who's he?" She asked almost shouting.

"The thing is many relationship doesn't work out"

"Yes, yes, I can't just give up even if it's thousands of relationship that doesn't work, it's worth a try"

"Yes, but you're are trying to hard, you are making it look as if it's impossible for you to live on this earth without a man, I mean, you are an independent woman, you have a great life and a great future ahead, I thought you were this carefree young lady. Live your life, don't sit here looking all pathetic, the time will come and the right man will come for you, stop pushing it" I said, surprised that it all came from me but still it felt good.

"Okay, stay calm, he'll come" she said and wiped her tears away, she stood up and went in the car and I followed suit to drive her home.

We entered the compound and it's obvious that they were all waiting for us even Diana is back already. She came down of the car and Diana looked at her with mixed emotions, angry yet happy.

"Are you out of your mind?, you didn't even take your phone along with you" Diana said as hit her shoulder.

"Don't ever do that again okay?”

"Yes, I'm sorry" she said and they both hugged, they are really good friends, I chuckled.

Percy Jackson.

I guess what he had said earlier was the truth and it made me feel better, well, he is a nice guy.

"What's up with that your hot black driver?" Diana said as she climbed my bed snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?, I don't get" I said bluntly

"What did he tell you when he came to pick you, or did he say, 'hey girl, get inside the car?’ She said in a husky voice

"Something like that" I laughed and she looked disappointed

"Why did you even go out like that, were you out of your mind?"

"I'm sorry, you should have seen that picture of me and Mark and people's comment, but I didn't totally loose it" I smiled and she hit me.

"I told you not to worry about what people has to say, you're a big girl, you're turning thirty this July, I'm here for you, I love you" she said and hugged me tightly

"I love you too" I said still smiling.

"Your Driver is so hot, even the way he dresses kills, I wish I have a driver like that"

"Stop talking about him, and what what will you do if you have one?" I asked as I hit her shoulder

"You don't want to know" she laughed.

"You know Christian right?, that rich Canadian model" she asked

"What about him?" I asked munching my hobnobs

"He wants to go on a date with you" I threw my pillow at her, I'm so angry she's talking about me going on a date with someone.

"Just give it a try girl"

"Nope" I said and she laughed horribly

"I know you will, I'll force you".