Another trial

Percy Jackson.

I hurried Christian into the car and told him to take me home, he was surprised at my sudden change of mind but I lied to him that I was felling dizzy, the ride was silent, I kept chewing my neat painted finger nails and Christian kept asking me if I was alright, in truth I wasn't. I started sweating out of nowhere, I rarely sweat, why do I feel like this?, why this sudden change of mood just because I saw Diana and Mark together?, I felt so confused.

Christian pulled into my house parking garage

"Hey, do you need me to walk you inside?" He asked with worry all over his face

"No, I'm okay" I replied, he leaned over and lightly kissed me on my lips.

"Bye" I said playing a fake smile on my lips

"Bye babe" he replied and I came down of the car, I was sure he watched me till I got inside because I didn't hear the sound of him drive off till I got inside.