Chapter 1

B: Ever since her parents died Jess has been rejecting the shadowhunter life more and more with each passing day. The shadowhunters at the institute, including her brother, have tried to reason with her but Jess hates her who she really is. When she is out in the city she goes by Jessica. People around town know her as the young female who moved from a small city. She tells people she moved here to get away from her family, but in truth, she has lived here her whole life, the people just could not see her.

Her white "hello summer" tank top clung loosely to her as she walked, her black ripped skinny jeans made her blend into the "younger" crowd. With her stele in her bag, she walked along the sidewalk. She passed several shops and several people talking or eating or just living their lives. She sighed softly when she saw a family eating at a small dinner. Her heart ached still for her mother and father. Even with her mourning rune. Truthfully the pain never truly stopped, the rune just helped numb it.

She kept walking until she reached the fountain she always went to. She sat in the shade of a tree and relaxed. Her eyes scanned the area as she watched the mundanes do their mundane stuff. She always had found their way of life interesting. Her eyes landed on a figure in the shadows of a nearby shop alley. Her heart froze and her breath caught in her throat.

I: He sensed it, the very moment she saw him. It was as if the space from the place where she sat, to the place he entered the darkness across the street, had grown still with tension. His face was set in a grimace, and he was walking, patiently toward her. Each step was ordered and measured perfectly to reach his goal that sat beneath a tree. He had no patience, no leniency, no forgiveness for those who refused their rightful calling. The demonic world was a constant threat and the more shadow hunters that gave up the fight was one more demon the remaining hunters had to face alone. No one had the right to give up their post in a war.

He reached her within seconds and stopped as his tall, muscular body hovered over her. He then leaned down and grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. he turned and began to walk, without a word to her. He pushed her in front of him and continued to walk back to the shadows.

"Walk." He commanded her, his hands grabbing her arms again as he pushed her. "I am sure you are wondering why they didn't send your brother? Probably because they are tired of him giving you chances. I'm bringing you back to the Institute, and I have already had a very shitty day, so don't test me." Isaac was royally pissed. He was supposed to be accompanying his brother on a really big hunt, and yet here he was retrieving some dream-girl from the clouds where her head was flying in. What kind of a person gives up their own true nature to live in-between reality and the mundane world? She wasn't even trying to be human, trying to love and have a family. She was watching them like some hopeful fan-girl. If she wanted to give up the fight, fine, he didn't care. But he would not allow her to waste herself away staring at mundanes all day and night and merely pretend to be one of them.

"Pick up the pace." He growled at her. Once he brought her back to the Institute their journey would be over, and he could go back to helping his brother on a real mission.

B: As he reached her she knew what was coming. Seth was not the one to come get her and she knew she was going to be in big trouble. "Fine. I'll go just let are hurting me." She said the last two words softly. She had been growing to the mundane strength and she knew she would be easily killed if attacked by a demon.

She let out a soft sigh. "Scale on 1 to 10 how much am I in trouble?" Her voice stayed soft as she spoke. She knew she would be punished, just not how much. She had abandoned her post and now she had to pay. Her mind went to her brother who knew why she was doing this, and she teared up.

"They won't punish Seth will they, Isaac?" She asked scared of the fact her brother could be punished too. She felt so stupid for doing what she had done, but she knew in her heart the Institution was no place for her. Everyone had rejected her after she had stopped fighting. She had no one but her brother and the garden. She looked at Isaac as they walked quicker towards her personal hell.