Chapter 33

I: Isaac grunted a little and chuckled as she lowered to kiss him. She had been straddled over his shaft, her wetness had been making him feel the need inside of wanting her so badly. He gently massaged her slit, but his body trembled as he tried to stop himself.

"Jess, I would love to continue this, but it will make it hard for me to wait till our wedding. Maybe you can somehow get your brother and Blane together soon so I can speak with them? If you stay on top of me much longer, I will break my promise ha-ha." He nervously laughed and gently squeezed the soft flesh of her rump. He rocked his hips gently and his shaft rubbed along her wet entrance, wanting so badly to enter.

B: She listened to him, but she grinned on his shaft gently. "But baby, I need you." She said softly. She felt his shaft push on her entrance, and she whined. "Baby, please, at least let me feel him inside of me in my mouth. I also want to feel your lips on her again. Please can we do that?" She asked with a soft whine. She wanted to wait longer but his large shaft made her want him more.

I: He began to laugh as she addressed their private areas as "he" and "she". Jess would always be his special girl. "Jess, I would love to taste more of 'her' if you will kindly taste more of 'him'. But...but Jess..." He stopped as he tried to explain to her. "Jess, I am a man who has not been with a woman in a very, very long time. I am a man who has been lonely for many years, and unable to -express himself. Physically. I mean I- I don't want you to be surprised. Men who have not released in a while, as long as I have, usually need to get back into the mood. Just be careful and when I ask for you to slow down, be sure you do it okay? I don't want to freak you out."

He knew she was new to this, so he had to take her in baby steps. He turned her body around so they could lay side by side, and he gently reached for her legs to spread them apart. He nestled his head between her thighs, and softly caressed her leg as he placed his lips to her sex. He began to kiss her softly, and then his tongue escaped his lips to begin a tasting of her sweet clitoris. He moaned against her and began to gently wedge his shaft against her lips. He inserted himself into her warm mouth and shivered as it went in, the sensitive head of his shaft glistening with tingles from her tongue and lips.

As they began to indulge in one another, he began to tremble as if he was holding back, trying not to let himself lose control. When he became too enthralled in her sex, it was apparent that he was slowly losing his hold, and he pulled his face from her sex. "Slow down Jess...J-Jess..." He grunted as his shaft nearly exploded and he tried his best to pull out of her mouth. "Slow down!" This was horrible! He didn't want to cum in her mouth! He was afraid it would disgust her to no end.

B: Jess moaned as he licked her. She was trembling from the feeling. When his large shaft entered her mouth, she sucked on it gently. She was new to this, but she knew what to do. She could feel him trembling. She slowed down but he kept telling her to. So, she stopped, and her tongue gently rubbed the tip. She could taste the precum on her tongue and she knew why he wanted her to stop. He was going to cum and it was not going to be all over her but in her mouth. She was unsure if she wanted to taste it or not. She pulled away. "Isaac, I want to taste you." She said softly and sucked on his shaft. She could feel it swelling.

I: Isaac couldn't believe his ears. "Wh-what!?" He took in a deep breath and tried to straddle her and slide his member out of her mouth. "Trust me Jess, it's probably not what you think. I know you're a virgin so- for goodness sake Jess!" He growled lowly as she took him back in, her mouth giving him such an incredible feeling that it caused his body to flex and his legs to tremble. He huffed loudly, unable to hold it in as he struggled to pull out of her gently sucking mouth, sweat pouring down his head. He felt her tongue slide against the sensitive head, and that was it. He jolted in ecstasy and his manhood burst the warm liquid down her tongue and down her throat. Isaac was gripping the bed tightly as he hollered against her womanhood and his hips began to gently thrust his member into her mouth releasing his seed.

B: As he tried to protest, she pulled him back and when he jolted and released his seed in her mouth. She gulped down his seed and pulled away. "Why would that not be what I expected?" She asked as Isaac lay there panting.

I: Isaac was shocked that when he released in her mouth she actually swallowed! He looked at Jess and she seemed to be perfectly fine. "Well you- I - aren't you a virgin?! I thought women who had never had a sexual experience..." He stopped as he thought about the night Jess had been with the mundane who forced himself on her.

"Jess..." He spoke quietly and sat her up and sat next to her. "We have to talk Jess." He sighed softly and held her hand. "It is obvious you are not as new to sex as I thought you were. Can you please tell me in detail...what did the mundane do to you? I know it may be painful, but please be honest."

B: She looked at him when he asked if she was a virgin. "Isaac the mundane did nothing to me." She said honestly. " mundanes'" She stammered and blushed bright red. She was hoping to keep that from everyone. But since she was going to marry Isaac, he had the right to know.

I: "PORN!?" He burst the word out in complete shock. "How?! Where?!- who the hell gave you access to that fake Mundane filth?!" He asked in horrified bewilderment.

He sighed and took her hands and looked into her eyes. "Jess, porn is fake. Completely fake. Whether it is by a hired porn company or a simple husband and wife recording their sex on a camera, all of it, every second of it is fake. Whether there are actors, whether there are normal people simply making a video, it is not real. Because porn is only a fictitious creation and pretending of what love is. Porn is sex and sex is nothing but empty physical workouts that will take a piece of your soul that you can never get back."

He hugged her close. "True love is magical, and it is not meant to be shared because real love means you have given your entire soul to another person, and while you are making love it is sacred, special, and should never be shown to others. It should never be recorded, it is an experience that you must be present to understand and enjoy, anything else is a joke and a complete insult. You must treat your body as if you are special, as if you are worth more than a star in the sky. When we make love Jess, it will never amount to porn. It will never amount to anything anyone else can do. Because you are unique, and you are mine, and I am yours, and what we will share together, only God can possibly understand."

He kissed her softly as he hugged her close. "Now tell me...who let you have porn?"