Chapter 45

B: Jess watched as he looked around the room. She sighed when her eyes landed on one of her sitting at the park. She was younger, not much, and she was thicker all round. Not that she was fat before, but she was healthy and muscular. The picture had been taken by an older gentleman. She was going to surprise him with it on their wedding day, but it never came. She shook her head. She needed to focus. For Isaac right now, he was not himself and she needed to force herself to help him and do whatever it took to get him back to himself.

She waited, looking at him. He needed to eat and so did she. It was going on day four of her noneating spree. She watched closely. She could see the questions swimming in his eyes, but he never voiced any that she knew was bothering him. When he spoke, she tried to stop from laughing but a small giggle slipped out. "Are you asking to take a shower with me, Isaac Bryant?" She asked through the giggles. She knew that it was wrong but the Isaac she had grown to love would just tease her with the idea and then leave it up to her. She shook her head and composed herself. "We have before but not on a regular basis." She said calmly.

When he walked over to her and took her hand, her heart fluttered. His words made her heart stop. Then she saw the anger. "Isaac, I will help you remember our love." She said softly but his next words drew a fire in her belly. "Isaac, do not hate yourself for what someone did to you. Yes, I want to be with you forever. I will help you in sickness and in health, no matter what that means." She growled softly. "You do not need to fix this alone." She took his face in her hands and spoke calmly and with all the love she had for him. "I love you, Isaac. I will love you till the end of time." She pulled his lips to hers and kissed him deeply. She ran her fingers through his hair and over his neck.

I: Isaac listened to every word she spoke, and he felt in his heart that she was being honest. She would help him get his memories back, she would help him repair their love and rediscover her as his wife and partner. That was all he could ever hope for. He softly hugged her back as her hands went to his face, and he leaned down to kiss her passionately. As she deepened the kiss, he began to worry as if he was taking this too far for her, or if he was going to a place, she was not sure of. But the kiss was so gentle and yet so intimate, that he simply didn't want it to end.

Isaac softly ran his hands down her body, slowly taking in her shape. He placed his hand to her waist and slid it to her back and pulled her closer to his body as he kissed her deeper. He took a slow breath, breaking the kiss, and his lips began to softly trail down her chin and to her neck, exploring the beauty of her as if he had never touched or tasted her before. Isaac wanted more, he needed more, and he didn't really know how he would stop himself, now that he had taken so much already. He felt the sigils on his body beginning to burn like fire, and he honestly didn't know or care why. He only wanted to feel more of Jess and have his way with her like a true lover should.

Isaac began to move his hands to the edge of her shirt, slowly lifting it and slipping his fingers to her bare tummy. He softly kissed her neck, nibbling on the soft flesh he found there as he tried to slip his hands higher to her bra beneath her shirt. Was he moving too fast? Was he taking this too far? What did she truly want from him? Was he acting like the man she loved or was he just being s horny dog?

"I want you..." he could hear the raspiness in his voice, the urgency to have her. He was desperate. "I want you, now. Right now." He panted as he felt the heat in his body rising to a height in which it would no longer be controlled. He needed her to be his and his alone, but only if she wanted that too.

B: Jess allowed herself to relax in his arms. Her hands ran through his hair gently. She wanted him to keep kissing her and holding her. She had been so lonely, and she had missed his touch. As his hands slid along her body, she shivered with pleasure and pushed herself closer. As he kissed down to her neck, she rolled her head to the side and ran her hands down his back and knew she wanted to continue. Would it be wrong to do this? What if he changed his mind once he regained his memory. What if he never got it back and wanted someone else? She shook her head softly and let herself feel every inch of Isaac's body on hers.

When his hands reached her shirt, she knew he was wanting the same thing. She whimpered softly as his hand touched her bare stomach. When he gently bites the softness of her neck she gasped softly and tightened her hands in his hair. Isaac and her had talked about going all the way but they never truly did. She had hidden a lot of things that turned her on when they were together, but not after this long absence of him in her life.

When Isaac said she wanted him she nibbled on her bottom lip. "Isaac, I want you too." She said breathlessly. "But...." She said watching him. "You and I both need a shower first." She said winking. She wanted him in every way possible and she knew he did because he just told her. She gently pulled herself out of his arms. She slowly made her way to the bathroom and turned on the light and slowly walked in. She quickly took her shirt off and dangled it out the door and dropped it. She then walked over to the shower and turned on the water. She made sure it was not too hot or cold. She waited for Isaac to follow her into the bathroom to shower and continue their session from the bedroom.

I: Every tiny sound she made, was like a sweet calling to his manhood. With his memory gone, he had no way of knowing whether or not he had truly done all that he could to stop the separation from this innocent, and beautiful woman. From the way she seemed to look into his eyes, he had the strangest feeling that perhaps they had never done this before?

That would be bad, if he took his finances virginity without any memory of their relationship and love. Yes, he was desperate to have her, and even more desperate to have his memories back so their relationship could be fully healed. But the way to start off was Not to jump into a shower and make love to her as if they were seasoned lovers because his body was desperate to be with her like only a married couple should be. And so...Isaac made the decision, not to be intimate with this woman, because she deserved so much more than that.

But then...she removed her shirt.

Isaac stood in the bedroom, his hungry eyes staring at the woman's beauty. He felt guilty as she bent over to start the water, as if he shouldn't be staring at her this way without some kind of shame. She was his fiancé after all, he should feel more confident. When her eyes turned to meet his own, he realized he was making the beautiful lady wait. Quickly he reached to the edge of his shirt and lifted it off of his body and tossed it aside. He stepped forward to her and gently touched her bare arm, and he marveled at her skin and how soft it was. He looked down at his own bare chest where his runes had been drawn, so many he had forgotten how many he had. Because he had lost his memory, he did not realize one rune was quite new. One rune did not belong.

Isaac began to unbuckle his belt and he let his pants fall slacked as he gently began to kiss his fiancé once more on her lips. In the very center of his chest near his heart, was a prominent rune he had never placed upon himself, no, it had been placed there whilst his mind was gone. The "Loyal To" rune.

B: Jess turned to face him and looked confused. His face was twisted with different emotions. She could see the lust not only in his eyes but with the way he held himself and the growing bulge in his lower region. When he removed his shirt, her breath caught in her throat. She had missed him, but he looked as if he had been starved for many days. She mentally remembered that he was missing months. How many days did he go without food? Did the person who took him only feed him enough to keep him alive. When he touched her skin, she snapped out of her mind. she smiled at the closeness, but it faded when she saw the rune. It was the one she and he were going to get on Valentine's Day before he went missing. She stepped back and clapped her hand over her mouth and fought back a small sob.

Whoever had taken him had knowledge of runes. This took the list down to a smaller number of people who it could be. Her eyes darted to him and she sighed. "Isaac, we need to get you cleaned up and fed and then we must go to the institution. This mark, right here," She said pointing to it. "is only known by shadowhunters. There is no other way that someone could have known that. This is one of the ones we keep only to the hunters. No one else unless they have been in the institution would know about that." She said in a rush. She quickly got her shirt and put it back on. "Shower quickly. I will have food ready when you get out and then we can head that way." She said moving past him slowly and towards the kitchen. Her mind was rushing to the different people who she had noticed were missing during those days Isaac was gone.