
Archimedes rode on his horse as he inspected the barricades that were put and also checked the stability of the outposts. Arakur lay on his bed distraught by the betrayal of Arakanese and the others. Borgur still sharpened his swords and made the armor for the army. There was a sense of doom that prevailed all around the place. The faces of men were somber and only lightened up at the sight of Archimedes. Even Demarius was a little shaken by the betrayal. " Does anything good exist in this world" he wondered. Or any other world, when only the evil triumphs at the end. Then he looked at Archimedes and saw that he too was not preparing to fight the good war. He too was going against the man who was not evil. He was a just ruler and a bringer of prosperity to the people. What is the difference between Arakanese and Archimedes then? he wondered. Both are trying to fight a war that is meaningless in the end. A war that is set to be fought only for greed.

"There entered Truskan on his Trusk". Demarius was feeling a lot better already seeing the arrival of his good friend Truskan." In the midst of Darkness, there comes hope" he said. Truskan got down from his trusk and was welcomed by his friend. They spoke a little and Demarius had told him what happened. And Truskan told him about the story of Kurkin and what had transpired. Truskan then looked all over and saw the sadness in all the people's faces. He saw the outposts, barricades and then his eyes firmly sat upon the horse and the man who rode it. Who is that? asked Truskan. That is Archimedes, replied Demarius. He is a great warrior that is going to lead us into battle. Everyone has given up but that man there, I still see the fire in his eyes, I still see the fight in his eyes, said Truskan. My friend, this time I think that even he cannot save us from what is to come, replied Demarius. Let us see about that, said Truskan and went into the camp.


Reya made her way into the caves and all she saw there was darkness. She watched her steps carefully as she made her way into the caves. There were rocks of all sizes there and she even tripped on a few. Time to light the fire, she said and shot the arrow to the corners of the cave. The arrow first flew as a normal arrow would and then halfway through blazed with fire like it had done before. The fire flew till the corner of the caves and marked itself against it. The path was there for her to see. The cave was illuminated and there she walked the steps with more ease. The fire only went out when she reached the arrow and plucked it out from the walls and it back where it belonged. Then she stood there and wondered? That's it? she spoke. Hello, anyone there? she called out. There was no response from the caves. There was just silence and the only noise that was made was the sound of the rocks moving inside the caves. Reya was disappointed and started to walk away. As she walked back the same way she had come, she aimed the arrow at the far end to illuminate her path once again. She aimed and as she was about to shoot." There was a noise from the corner of the cave. A large noise that could only be made by a large person or animal. The caves themselves shook at the movement of the large thing "She looked back and shot the arrow at the direction of the noise" The arrow again caught fire and punched itself into the walls of the large cave. The noise and the thumping grew louder. Reya went all around to see what the noise was all about. She was fearless and the thing could sense it. Stop there! spoke the thing. Reya was spooked by how the deep the voice was.

Who is that? she asked again. Finally the voice began to speak . " You are a brave one" said the voice. Please show yourself, said Reya. The voice neared her but still did not reveal itself. What is your name? asked the voice. My name is Reya, she replied. What is your name? she asked the voice. My name is dragon head, the voice replied. Reya stood by the fire and waited for Dragon head to reveal itself. Slowly dragon head revealed himself. Reya stood there in surprise. Dragon head was a large man covered in dragon skin and stood in two legs and had the head of a dragon. " I'm dragon head, commander of the dragons" he proclaimed. Commander of the dragons asked Reya. Actually more like the watchkeeper of dragons, he replied. Reya was surprised. But there are no dragons! she said to him. There is one and there were a lot more. Dragons flew these skies a thousand years ago. They were like rulers of the sky , said Dragon head. Where you the king or something of that sort? asked Reya. Dragon head laughed. I was no king. I was just a man with duties to fulfil. I still have duties to fulfil. But there are no dragons anymore for you to protect are they? she asked Dragon Head. There is one in these caves, he said. It is as old as me and not as strong as me. This dragon has not flows in over a century, nor has it breathed fire. Is it dying? asked Reya. No, replied Dragon head. " It waits for you"!