
The dark army prepared to march towards the mountains. Adriella and Hurin sat on their horses and were ready to lead the others towards battle. Derinn waited for the army of ghosts to appear. Mordin and Zoreus were seen giving instructions to the wolves. Seronn went searching for the craft in the middle of the forests. It was almost dusk and the trees crawled in excitements and so did the animals there who thirsted for blood. They screeched and roared and in walked through it all, undeterred the evil Seronn. He found his craft amidst the dense trees. He walked into it and felt at home after a very long time. He ignited the engine of the craft which seemed to him to be an extension of himself. And he flew over to the house where everyone waited for him, by then the ghosts had arrived too!

"Tonight we feast" shouted Moridn to the wolves who by then had turned to their destructive self. The ghosts whispered in a language that wreaked of pain and despair. Some of the evil army too acknowledged the ghosts and spoke of their thirst for war and blood. In front along with the craft of Seronn stood on their horse, Hurin and Adriella. They did utter any words, but their eyes spoke of revenge. To war , shouted Hurin at the fist sight of the moon. The whole forest in the wilderness erupted! So there they marched the evil army towards the mountains. First they had to pass the North. "The North would put up a good fight, said Adriella". Not good enough, replied Hurin. Derinn was in the craft that Wily had come in with Arakanese and the others! His larger craft caught up with the one of Seronn. There, he pointed at the two crafts that sped ahead of them. " That should handle the North for a while" he said. There is a small passage that is abandoned, we shall tread through that. Oh yes , the passage! Said Adriella. They were abandoned simply because their people saw some headless people on horses pass through it. 15 years ago! Said Hurin. They are bunch of coward, he lamented. He looked at Adriella nonetheless they have an army large enough to keep us at bay, he said to his sister. Yes Brother , we need to be wary of them and do not forget when the evil army disguised themselves as headless people those long years ago. Some of them had come swinging. Only when the darkness dawned up on them quickly and the ghosts came to rescue them, they were truly scared of what they saw, the Northerners, warned Adriella. Yes sister , indeed. They do remain a threat. Let us be discreet in our journey and hope that Derinn and Seronn create havoc!

The crafts hovered above the North for all to see. Klick marched out of his house in a dismay and was terrified at what he saw above him. Again, these beasts! he wondered. The last time he fought the machines he had died and the ghosts of WIlmir were the ones that had resurrected him. If they were even a minute late, he would not be alive now! As he looked at the crafts, the army of the north prepared to attack the crafts. They got ready the arrows, spears and axes. They were prepared to attack. The crafts stood there , as did the warriors of the north. Waiting for their orders. Klick did not give any orders as he knew that launching the first attack would be trouble for his side. Many a lives would be lost unnecessarily. Why fight some one else's battle, was his gut telling him. Derinn too was happy to not launch an attack. "If Hurin and the others pass through" then there is no need to launch an attack on them. The armies were ready with their arrows and spears. The strongest of them had axes and mightier spear in their hands and they could trouble the crafts above. Seronn looked at the people below and he reached for the ammunition.

" He took a shot at the people below, ammunition blazing all around" Derinn was disappointed at what Seronn had done! Fool, he grunted and started to attack the people. Lives fell in the ground, and so did the spears that headed for the sky. " Arrows and spears" were launched on the craft. Seronn in his smaller craft went up the atmosphere, leaving Derinn to Fend for himself. " Take it down" ordered Klick. The larger folks of the North launched their axes on the craft. Swinging it many times and aiming for the ship. The axes that hit the ship of Derinn were causing impact on his craft. Some of them even breached the exterior of the ship. Derinn had no choice but to retreat for the time being. " Seronn was up there in the skies hovering". He expected Seronn to launch them and attack them. But Seronn stood still on his ground. Derinn had no choice, if he left the arenea, the north would get suspisicous and track down the rest of the evil army. Derinn went down and lauched his attack again. Thsi time klick entered the battlefied. He dodged the bullets and launched his axe, one after the other. One of the axe almost hit the head of Derinn, missing him by an inch or so. Derinn wanted to retreat, but he knew in doing so would put the others in danger. He shot again, killing many. The axes of Klick were getting sharper and stronger. Some of them tearing the craft apart. Derinn by that time had realized that he was going to need to sacrifice his life. He shot until the bullets of the craft were finished and he headed for the ground, knowing that his life was going to end! Klick ran away from the area and so did many of the others seeing the craft coming towards them.

"There crashed Derinn on the ground killing many and taking his life away in the process" He lay there looking at the sky above as his life was slowly dripping away from him! Hie eyes gazed over to the craft of Seronn. Seronn from above looked at the burning of the craft below." Fool!" uttered Seronn and vanished into the sky! The North army tore away what was left of Derinn. Derinn was dead and by the time, the army of Hurin had crossed over the passage, undetected.