A Broken man

Archimedes was staring at the ceiling of his cell. Unable to move and think. He was put in a position that he could not escape from. There was nothing he could do now, except live out his fate. If he had to live the rest of his life in this cell, he had to accept it. He was reduced to a common man from a supreme warrior now. All he could think right now was about his family, his wife and kids. What would become of them if Darticus was to wage a war on an already broken mountain and take their lands. They too would become prisoners, and his children would grow up in these cells and live their lives behind these four walls. Being an honorable and just man gets you this? he wondered. Always doing what was right and just, protecting my people has landed me here. While the corrupt and the cunning live in golden chambers across the universe. This is a plight every honest man must face, he accepted.

"Archimedes" said a voice. He did not reply or move. He was as he was. " I know what has happened to you is unjust" said Philippe. I never expected the king to act in such an immoral manner. It is what it is ,replied Archimedes. I'm Philippe , he introduced himself. I know who you are, said Archimedes. I know what you are, just like the rest of them, said Archimedes. I understand your plight and outlook on things, but these things could be erased, said Philippe. What could be erased. The mountains that burn or the corrupt that rule the kingdom, asked Archimedes. It is not completely the kings fault. He is a just man who has lost his ways, said Philippe. A just man never loses his way, replied Archimedes. "Power just brings out the worst in people" said Philippe. No, it brings out who they truly are! replied Archimedes. Philippe caught the iron bars of the cell and removed it. What are you doing? asked Archimedes. I'm letting you go free! said Philippe. Put it back where it belongs, said Archimedes still not budging from his position. Sometimes a man has to stay put, and sometimes a man has to run! said Philippe. Run as a fugitive? asked Archimedes. Yes, run as a fugitive, said Philippe. It is better than to die a prisoner, said Philippe. What stops the other people from doing what I did. What if everyone uses me as an example and do the same. Escape out of prison? laughed Philippe. yes, replied Archimedes. Not everyone is blessed with the powers we hold, said the lead counsel. No, replied Archimedes. I stay where I'm, put it back where you took it from, said Archimedes. Philippe reluctantly put the bars back. You are a good man! said Philippe and walked away. Alguran had seen it all and came back and guarded Archimedes like nothing had happened. "And they say I'm the fool?" joked Alguran. Archimedes was taken by surprise the words that came out of Alguran. He too laughed!

"I don't think it was Archimedes who committed the crime" fumed Zeno. I will break the kingdom into pieces and get Archimedes back, he said thumping the table with his hands. I will make sure the kingdom burns as does our mountains, said Zeno to Hera. Uncle, do not lose your temper, said Hera. I know that he did not kill the chief Arakur, and many people agree with me. She said and looked around to see if anyone was around. But the Queen Hana, seems to think otherwise she said in a lower voice. I do not care what she thinks, said Zeno. I know that he is innocent and they shall pay for what they did, said Zeno as his fangs began to appear again. Uncle, but he went in his own accord, said Hera. He must have something in mind when he went there to the kingdom as a prisoner. "Let us not destroy his ideas" she said with concern. "Dear Hera" Sometimes a man has to stay put, and sometimes he has to burn the things that stands in his way, said Zeno. Hera knew it was a lost cause now to argue with Zeno.He had made hsi mind up and there was nothing she could do to change his mind. She sat down and Zeno got up from his chair and walked away. Beirod who had lingered in the shadows had heard it all." He ran towards the kingdom to warn the king"