The Chase

Run brother, said Skrinir to Skvan. Run to the hills on the other side. she said. You go first, he said to her. "This is a fight that we cannot hide from" said Skvan. I will give you some time, he said to her. Skrinir ran towards the hills as Skvan tried to hold Ilke and his driod. The droid which he sat himself in was as large as the one Atticus died in. It was massive and shot bullets faster than the previous model. As Ilke scorched the earth that Skvan stood in. Yondrin ran at Skrinir. The bullets pierced Skvan and there was nothing he could do. His end was near! But he did not give up. He looked at the hills that Skrinir ran towards at. As Ilke knew that Shvan was going to die there in the snow, his attention turned towards Skrinir. He walked past Skvan and he caught hold of the robots legs and got dragged along with it. As much as Ilke tried to shake him of, he would not let go. Skvan was relentless as his body scraped through the ice and his skin peeled away slowly. Ilke stopped and picked Skvan up and threw him away. Again Skvan crawled his way to the top of the rocks and fell on the droid. Ilke was furious and decided to drag him till he was dead. Don't hurt my sister, he said to Ilke. Who was least bothered by the words of Skvan and walked on. Skvan was almost dead as his limbs were broken and his skin was almost peeled out. " Leave my sister alone" he muttered and died there in the snow.

"Skrinir hid herself and was unaware of her brothers death" She saw the two droids approach her in the direction. "Where is my brother" she wondered. The two droids went in opposite directions searching for her. She drew her arrow out and aimed it at Ilke. She was about to shoot but ultimately decided against it.