Chapter 24 - Malia (2)

For a second, I think Giovanni's going to retract and decide this isn't going to work. He's already told me he doesn't do virgins. It's clear he doesn't like inexperienced women. He must think I'm not worth his time when he obviously knows what he wants and can get any woman he wishes with a flick of his fingers.

However, a smirk slowly grows on his face. He looks so cocky without even saying anything. I think he likes that I haven't orgasmed with a man before him. "Then how do you get off?"

I can't believe I'm talking about this with him—again, with my vajayjay in front of his face. I barely notice that his hands have been busy massaging my legs up and down as if getting me ready. And I go pliant in his touch.

I decide to tell the truth. "Sometimes I… finish myself off when I get home."