Chapter 26 - Malia (3)

He comes back to bed and settles between my thighs. Leaning down, he presses his lips on mine while keeping his weight on his elbows. The tip of his dick nudges my entrance and I gasp, my hands flying to grab onto his shoulders. He looks at me with a pained look on his face. "Are you sure?"

There's a pang in my chest. He wants this—probably as much as I do, but he still makes sure to give me a choice. Never once has he forced himself on me. Not now when he looks like he's about to die if he doesn't get inside me.

I made my bed, now I lie on it too. "Yes. Please, Gio. I want you to be my first."

"Fuck." He groans, the tip of his length putting pressure on my entrance, making my eyes flutter to a close. "You can't say things like that to me, Lia. It makes me go crazy." He catches my bottom lip between his teeth and then kisses me down my neck.