Chapter 33 - Malia (3)

I pick up my phone the instant that I see it's the hospital. "What's going on? Is my mom okay?" I ask in a panicked voice. Giovanni is beside me in an instant, his worried gaze on me as I listen to the doctor.

"Everything is fine, Ms. Rose. Your mother just finished her breakfast. I'm calling you with regards to her medicine…" The doctor begins to tell me that they're going to change her medicines after they found a similar case like hers in a different state, and they're hoping that would help her too.

Although my mother is currently able, she's decided that any further decisions with regard to her medicines or anything medical-related would need my approval aside from hers. She was afraid that she wouldn't be well enough to decide one day, what with the tumor in her head; when she said that, it scared me a lot—hence, the doctor's call.

I look up to meet Gio's eyes as he mouths, "What's wrong?", his hand taking my free one and giving it a squeeze.