Chapter 39 - Giovanni (1)

Benjamin Franklin once said that "Diligence is the mother of good luck". I believed that which is why I can confidently say that I've been diligent in recent years. Because of that hard work, I've been reaping the benefits as if luck had come my way.

However, recently, no matter how hard I work, it doesn't always go my way. Just like today's meeting with the Morellis in Mayne, Esmea. 

There's nothing I'd like to do more than to shoot these two fuckers—Filippo and Mariano Morelli, sons of Marino—between the eyes. Though Filippo deserves that more than the other, because, unlike Mariano, Filippo just won't fucking shut up. He talks a lot. I don't care much for Mariano–he doesn't talk much, but he's a Morelli, so I don't like him by default.