Chapter 52 - Giovanni (3)

"Good for you for getting laid regularly. Say hi to our Angela for me!" I call and he waves a hand without looking back. A few seconds later, I hear the sound of the elevator.

"You want me to handle the Delgado brothers?" Salvatore picks up the bottle of Glenlivet when they leave and puts it back on the shelf behind the bar. "I can make it as loud or as quiet as you want."

"Loud. I don't want anyone having any more ideas."

"The usual?" He cocks a brow at me.

"Get creative. Let's fix it before word gets to Alessandro. He doesn't need any more problems."

"Done." He picks up his jacket and puts it on as he heads out the door. "Should I drive you to work tomorrow?"

I dismiss him with a wave. "I'll drive."