
"We would like to buy some girls for the palace." The man arrogantly told him.

"We have some new girls here who just came here a few days ago, Mr Ling. If you want you can take a look at them." The old man said as he pointed towards some of the girls standing at a distance from them.

"I am sure they will not be some useless girls which you gave me last time. Remember they are for the palace. Any mistake will lead you to no good." Guo Ling had a serious look on his face when he threatened the old man.

Old man got scared a little but then he decided not to show it and put on his fake smile on his face again.

"No! No! I am sure you will love these. Anything for the palace."

He led them to some girls who were standing beside Lin Qin, leaving some of the girls he started showing him all the girls and then at the last he showed Nadia and Lin Qin both.

Pointing at Chao Xing he said, "This one came here two days ago. She is very good at doing all the chores."

He then pointed at Lin Qin.

"She is a really sweet and calm girl. Just came here a week ago and she can dance too."

"Good then." Guo Ling let his gaze wander around at some girls then he started pointing at some girls.

"From this girl to this one." He pointed at a brown haired girl and let his finger move a little before it finally stopped at Chao Xing.

Chao Xing 's eyes widened when she realised that he was pointing at her. Including Chao Xing, he pointed at five girls.

Then the man smiled and bowed a little.

"Good then mister. I will make them ready for you now."

He ran inside hurriedly while a man started dragging these five girls inside a room.

Lin Qin grabbed Chao Xing's hand with a big smile on her face, "I can't believe we are going to the palace!"

Chao Xing was weak and tired of all of this. First she was shocked hearing the man that he will be taking her but then she was too weak to even say something.

She just rolled her eyes saying, "What is there to be happy about? We are just slaves. They are going to take us and make us work there all day."

Chao Xing held her hand a little tight as she excitedly said, "Whatever! We will get to see the palace, the royal people and if we get lucky we could even see that prince."

"Whatever! I will just run away from there."

Lin Qin narrowed her eyes at that stupid girl who was hell bent on rebelling.

"Are you not going to leave this though? You will only drag yourself into a far worse situation than this. Just accept your fate already."

Chao Xing scoffed and like she was getting at Lin Qin's words she said, "Never! I was never supposed to be a slave like this. These people sold me for their own benefits but let me tell you. I will never accept this and will change my fate."

Lin Qin laughed a little at that girl's stupid words, she supported Chao Xing a little because she was still feeling weak and was finding it quite difficult to walk.

They went inside and stood there for sometime before they took them near a carriage and made them sit inside.

Chao Xing didn't want to sit in that carriage. She kept on standing there for some time thinking if she still could run away from there while the remaining were having their seats in the carriage.

Nevertheless Lin Qin pulled her and all the five girls were now sitting in the carriage and then finally after some time the carriage started moving.

Chao Xing sat on the side and started thinking about what she should be doing now.

'Should I run away from the palace? But where will I go after running away from there?'

'Should I just work there and try to think of ways to solve that riddle?'

She was thinking about this when her thoughts got suddenly interrupted by Lin Qin, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing….."Chao Xing gave her a short reply not wanting to continue any conversation with her any longer.

"You know I heard that the prince of the palace is really ruthless but still really handsome. I always wanted to see him and all the royal people of the palace. He has so many pretty concubines I want to see them all."

She was quite happy going to the palace and like her dreams came true she was going to be in the palace where she always wanted to be and Chao Xing on the other hand wasn't interested even a little bit.

"I don't care, I just want to have a peaceful life where I am not treated like a slave."

Chao Xing bent down her head feeling disgraced. She was embarrassed by the fact that she was a slave. Never in her life she thought that she would have to become a slave one day. Lin Qin looked at her feeling bad too.

Chao Xing suddenly looked at Lin Qin and asked, "By the way can I ask you something?"

She nodded her head as Chao Xing continued, "Why did you come here?"

Lin Qin bent down her head, "Well my parents died and my brother wanted money so he sold me in exchange for some money. I couldn't say or do anything so I just decided to accept the fact that my own brother sold me and now I am a slave."

Chao Xing felt pity hearing this, such a pretty girl like her was sold in exchange for some money.

The rest of the journey was quiet. No one said anything anymore. Chao Xing was tired and weak so she decided to sleep. She put her head on the side of the wall of the carriage and decided to take a nap before reaching there.

She slept now waiting for this journey to get over...