The Deal With Xiao Chen

"I want to talk to you alone."

Chao Xing had a firm expression on her face which made Xiao Chen curious.

"How dare you?" One of the maids standing a little distance away from Chao Xing yelled at her but not in a high pitched voice.

But as soon as she was about to step towards Chao Xing her eyes fell on Xiao Chen's hand which was up towards her stopping her from taking any more steps towards Chao Xing.

Bowing down she stepped back and back on her place.

"Okay!" Xiao Chen's reply came which shocked everyone present there.

Some thing inside her eyes made Xiao Chen curious about what she wanted to say to her.

Yang Feng was also shocked. He wasn't in the mood to go away from there and wanted to listen to their talk but one order from Xiao Chen and he was left with no other choice.

"Leave us!" Xiao Chen's order was enough to make everyone get out of there.

Tilting her face towards Yang Feng she again ordered, "You can go too now."

"Yes, your highness." Putting his both hands forward he bowed down as he stepped out of the room.

There was only Chao Xing and Xiao Chen alone in the room.

"Get up!" Xiao Chen ordered and with that Chao Xing stood up and was finally back on her feet.

"Thank you, your highness." Chao Xing bowed her head down.

"Consider yourself lucky."

Chao Xing who was standing straight by now again bowed and heard Xiao Chen saying again, "Say? What do you want to say?"

Putting her face up, Chao Xing replied, "I have a deal for you."

Xiao Chen pushed her eye brows up and curiously looked at her waiting for her to tell more.

"I can help you get to the person you are looking for." Chao Xing continued.

Only these words were enough by Chao Xing to gain her attention.

"What? Who?" Xiao Chen had a worried look on her face thinking how she had known about this. No one in the palace knew about that except some of the important servants of Xiao Chen and Yang Feng.

"You clearly know what I am talking about."

"How did you get to know about this?" Xiao Chen gave her a glare.

"Actually I didn't know until now I was just guessing after I saw the girl hiding that poison in that vase." These words of Chao Xing made Xiao Chen more shocked.

She was far more sharp than Xiao Chen's imagination.

"Then this means you killed the girl on purpose?"

"Absolutely not your highness. She was the one who attacked me first so I had to protect myself somehow. This only benefited you though if I hadn't done this then how would you know that these two were the girls you were looking for." Chao Xing reasoned with Xiao Chen.

She was again taken back by Chao Xing's words. That girl was impressing her and that was for sure..

"Why are you doing this?" Xiao Chen asked as she got up from her chair, "What do you want?"

"Nothing much, I just want you to upgrade my rank and make me and my friend the noble maids." Chao Xing put forward her demand.

The demand was reasonable and Xiao Chen started to think about it, "Why should I trust you?"

"You can at least give me a chance and I am sure I won't disappoint you."

Xiao Chen continued looking at her for some time. The confidence and the aura around that little maid was quite liking it.

One thing was sure she had the guts to do it and somewhat Xiao Chen wanted to trust her looking at those eyes of hers which showed not even a little hint of a lie in them.

"Okay! You will be working for me from now on and report to me even the slightest event happening there in the harem." Hearing those words of Xiao Chen, Chao Xing felt relief inside her.

She wouldn't have to go back to that cold useless dungeon again.

"If in all this you die then I can't do anything but if you succeed I will promote you to a noble maid and your friend too." Xiao Chen further added.

"Thank you, your highness!" With that Chao Xing again bent down and was on her knees again when she said that.

"Don't thank me yet." Xiao Chen gave her a glare with the look that clearly says don't even try playing smart with me or think of betraying me.

Stepping towards her Xiao Chen was standing just in front of her now.

"One mistake from you and you will find your neck separated from your body." Her words had the authority and the threat.

Xiao Chen dragged her feet and went back towards her chair. Sitting on the chair, she asked Chao Xing again, "Tell me your plan."

Chao Xing was looking at her way of sitting down and walking. Her each and every gesture was really polite and glorious.

"I will be going back to my place. The other girl would most probably hold a grudge against me and would try fighting with me or killing me. In that she would take someone else's help because she can't do it alone. Guiding us towards the person." As soon as Chao Xing finished, a little smile crept upon Xiao Chen's lips.

"You are not afraid that she will kill you?" Xiao Chen raised her eyebrows as she asked that.

"She doesn't have the guts." Chao Xing replied with confidence dripping from her words which made Xiao Chen smile.

"I am sure you won't disappoint me then."

"I will try my best, your highness." Chao Xing put her head down.

"Good, you can go now." Xiao Chen shook her hand as she let Chao Xing go finally.

"Thank you, your highness."

Bowing down again Chao Xing finally stepped out of the room but as soon as she got out she saw those...