"I will not get you out!"
"Up to you." The man went and laid down beside the wall.
Chao Xing kept standing there for some time thinking what she should do.
"Ahh. Whatever."
She started walking away from there. The man looked at her with hope but Chao Xing just went away from there.
Thinking she was not going to get him up he slid down there.
Chao Xing went out of the dungeon and picked up the same stone she used to break the door earlier. Getting inside the dungeon near that cellar she hit that lock with the same rock as hard as she could and soon the lock broke down.
"Lucky stone."
She was impressed by that stone and her power. She just broke two locks today and that too by a simple rock, "Wish I could do that in my era."
The man too was shocked seeing that, "How did you do that?"
"Stone and lock. Broke?"