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There was a heavy rainstorm as we left home. I couldn't help but feel that whatever entity that put me here was responsible for it, maybe it thought that it would make what came next dramatic.

My fists were rolled up inside the pockets of my hoodie thinking if that were true. What? My pain was some kind of enjoyment for it.

Good things first though, Uncle Ben was fine. He might have been roughed up a little bit but otherwise perfectly healthy.

That's good, no it was excellent.

The lady on the phone wasn't clear about the situation exactly but it seemed that he got into some kind of fight and was bruised up.

Initially my heart almost gave out when I heard the lady say it was from the hospital but when she specified that nothing serious happened to him, I almost cried.

Aunt May who was worried to death when my uncle didn't come home at time was now a frantic mess.

We didn't even get any umbrellas, simply locked our home and went straight to the hospital.

We caught the nearest cab and didn't look back.

The rain didn't make the New York traffic any easier.

It was almost nightmarish with all the cars and trucks screaming their horns off. Everyone wanted to get ahead and nobody wanted to wait. I saw cars cut each other off ruthlessly as they cursed and flipped each other off.

"Oh I'm worried Pete, I hope he's alright. I don't know why he would do something like that. He hasn't done anything weird like this in… ever…I hope he's alright" May would fight against the torrent of noise.

I tried cheering her up.

"Oh Aunt May it's his birthday, he probably had too much to drink or something."

She wasn't convinced but decided to keep quiet nonetheless.

'I know May, I know he doesn't drink but I don't have the answers you want, only uncle ben does. We'll see him soon. Please be patient May'

Props to the cab driver who understood that we were in somewhat of a hurry, he stepped on the gas and tried to get us to the hospital as fast as he could. The traffic was still brutal but we made it with only an hour of delay.

Aunt May paid the cab driver by reaching into her little blue purse. Shoving a couple of twenties into the cabbie's hands, not bothering to ask for the change. She darted to the entrance of the hospital ignoring the heavy rain. All she cared about at this point was getting to Uncle Ben as soon as possible.

A feeling of deep shame trickled into me as the cold rain hit my face as I tried to keep up.

'An able bodied young man couldn't even pay the taxi fare without his aunt's help. Of what use am I?'

The one thing I was extremely proud of in my previous life was the fact I was fiercely independent but the current me, peter parker wasn't like that.

He never had to fight for his meals or shower time as a kid. He never knew how lonely life could truly be because he always had his Uncle and Aunt. He never had to fight like my previous counterpart had to even when dealing with bullies.

'After all of this is over I need to start looking for a job as soon as possible.'

"Hey good luck kid!" The cab driver said in his heavy New York accent.

I said thank you and went after Aunt May.

I caught up with her at the reception desk where a tired receptionist tried calming down my aunt.

"Dear can you please tell me where Benjamin Parker is? We got a phone call and we hurried here as soon as we could." She said in one breath.

"Uh…yes?" The receptionist asked blankly, her eyes dead from all the graveyard shifts and sleepless nights.

I intervened.

"Patient's name is Benjamin Parker, age 60 ish. White hair,medium build. He was admitted here hours ago, he was in a fight or something. Can you please take us where he is?"

Her face lit up when I said my uncle's name.

"AH yes yes the hero. He's at the general ward room C5, he's alright by the way just a little banged up but then again who isn't? That's the first floor by the way." She said while smiling brightly.

'A hero?'

Aunt May didn't wait for the receptionist to finish the sentence.

I gave her a quick apologetic look but she was still in a good mood and didn't mind my aunt's rudeness.

I chased after aunt may again.

"Aunt May, wait up!" I half-shouted since it was a hospital.

'How could a woman nearing sixty be faster than a young teenager with superpowers.'

'Love. That's how!' Whispered my mind. Cheesy as hell but why not I'll take it.

When we reached Uncle Ben's room he was sitting there, chatting with a man.

As soon as my eyes landed on him, my eyes started welling up.

'He's perfectly fine! He's alright.' My mind rang out the words like a mantra.

All the emotions I kept in check threatened to break out!

Seeing uncle ben, sitting in the bed laughing was the sight that my spirit needed.

All my doubts allayed. 'He's alright! He's fine. No need to worry! I knew I was overthinking it.'

Even Aunt May calmed once she saw him.

When he saw us, his face lit up like a thousand watt battery but then faded out as fast as it came.

'What, why did he make that face?' I immediately thought but before I could wonder any more Aunt May jumped in.

"Benjamin Parker what were you doing late at night. Why were you in a fight? How old do you think you are? You've never done anything like this so why start now? What were you thinking? What if the worst happened?" She scolded him like a child but the pain in her eyes was unmistakable.

She went to his side and began checking him up, trying to see if he was hurt anywhere.

"I….uh…i…I wasn't thinking May, I had too much to drink. Someone was talking smack about the Mets and i…uh kinda lost it. It was….you're right I didn't think. I'm an idiot like you said Maybelle"

Now I don't know about you but when you live for almost 18 years together under the same roof with a man you would be able to tell a few things about him. For instance, you could easily tell when he's lying.

I almost exploded with anger.

Why was he so distrustful of us? Why did he make that face when he first saw us? What really happened?

Just when i was about to lose control and make a big scene there. The man uncle ben was talking with, a bald middle-aged person with the leg cast laughed and proceeded to say

"Now now say the truth, Benny boy. Don't be so shy now that your wife's here!"

Aunt May looked confused.

She kept staring at Uncle Ben and the man.

Uncle Ben looked like a child caught stealing cookies. He still didn't look like he was gonna say anything.

"And you must be?" Aunt May asked the bald man.

"Oh I'm Adrian, Ms parker. Your husband here is quite the hero. Fighting off hoodlums and saving a woman from getting robbed and god knows what else! Ask the nurses if you don't believe me, all they can talk about is how your husband is a hero. Hogging all the attention from me!" He said with glee

There was something about this man that I couldn't place.

"Ben..why didn't you….." She trailed off

"Probably not to worry you too much. He's a 'real man', ma'am." the man answered for my uncle.

"Oh Ben…" she sighed with relief

I knew that she wanted to complain but she understood that he was that way and there was no changing him.

She smiled defeatedly and asked my uncle

"Are you hurt anywhere honey, can you move?"

"Oh it's nothing May, just a few bruises. I'm as healthy as a horse and stubborn as an ox. Lime the day you met me" He said with the bravado while flexing his biceps but squirmed in pain when he overdid it.

"Alright Ben, down get too excited. Stay put now, even heroes need their rest." Aunt May reverted back to her scolding tone.

Adrian was laughing at my uncle, after he was done though he continued..

"Oh he's more than that, Ms parker. He took on four people at once, shielded the woman from any serious injury. Making sure to bring her to the hospital to get her checked. He wanted to leave as soon as she got admitted but they forced him to get a checkup and he ended up here with me."

Aunt May looked horrified as Adrian revealed everything!

I won't lie, a part of me was extremely proud of my uncle. This gentle man who's never raised his voice to me, this man who made sure to always let me know how much he loved me every opportunity that he got, this man who preached non-violence could kick the shit out of four hoodlums and protect a woman from possibly getting raped.

Another part of me was angry at him for risking his life so carelessly.

Uncle Ben sat there rubbing his head, "It's not much really. They were just some misguided punks. Really everyone's making a big fuss out of this when its nothing. I just did what anyone would do!"

Adrian spoke up again but this time his face darkened

"No they wouldn't Ben, they really wouldn't."

It didn't stay like that for too long though, he quickly resumed his fun goofy persona.

"Anyways you sure do know how to pick em Ms parker. For the last hour, all the cute nurses here only talk to the heroic 'Benjamin Parker' Leaving poor ole me alone!" Adrian said with a pout.

"I'm serious Ms parker, they're surrounding him like vultures. He even had to flash his wedding band a few times." he wheezed

This made Aunt May smile for the first time in hours.

I was glad that she wasn't worried anymore but something about this Adrian felt wrong. He seemed like an alright person but my gut told me otherwise.

"Oh I would love to wash Ben off my hands but I'm afraid he'll miss me too much though." May said with a small laugh

"Oh May don't listen to Adrian's ribbing." Said Uncle ben with a small smile himself

"And this must be Peter, your nephew. Your uncle wouldn't stop talking my ear off about you. Heh. I thought you would be taller!" Adrian turned his attention to me, his eyes held no warmth. It felt like he was assessing me more than making small talk.

"With a mouth like that, no wonder your leg's broken." I said dryly

"Heh" he let out a tiny laugh, almost sounded like a grunt.

"Peter!" Both my aunt and uncle shouted simultaneously.

I really don't like this guy, he's too….i don't know 'friendly' like he was overcompensating for something. He knew my uncle for what like two hours and he's acting like he's his long lost best friend.

I sensed a lecture coming by the outrage visible on their faces, so I excused myself.

"It was raining like crazy, I got drenched if you don't mind, I'll go dry myself. Aunt May make sure my dear Uncle doesn't try to do more heroics until then"

Uncle ben looked hurt and Aunt May wanted to argue.

"Oh it's alright Ben, Ms parker. I kinda walked into that one. Heh. No pun intended. Go on kid but don't go for too long or your uncle's gonna start talking my ear off about you again." He laughed while tugging uncle Ben's ribs.

I took that as my signal and left the room.

I needed some time to cool off.

I understood why Uncle did what he did, perhaps I would have done the same thing if I were in his shoes but right now none of that mattered. The lonely orphan in me didn't want to hear any justifications at this moment. He didn't want to lose his family just as he got them.

I kept walking down the corridor and climbed down the stairs.

That's when I heard the voices of two people arguing.

As much as I wanted to mind my own business, my super hearing didn't give me that luxury.

Their voices were hushed but loud enough for me to make out.

"You were supposed to give them the package and then come back to the hotel. Who the fuck told you to come to the mother fucking hospital, who's gonna pay this bill bitch!" The man's voice was filled with a kind aggression I was never familiar with. No one in my life, this one or the previous ever spoke with such fury. Even Flash Thompson didn't have such venom in his words.

This got my attention so I strafed to the wall and took cover to watch them.

The man was wearing an all white suit with a diamond gold watch while the woman was wearing a silver miniskirt (She looked horrible, tear stains and everything).

"I know daddy but they surrounded me an' tried to fuck me but the old man helpe-" THWACK

The sound of the slap reverberated through my skull. Wasn't this domestic violence. What am I supposed to do here! Go call the doctors or should i let the police know? The man interrupted my panicked thoughts

"You fucking whore, I'm gonna have to pay Ten g's to the kingpin. Now that you went and fucked up the drop" He yelled this time.

"Daddy I didn't….I didn't think that-" the woman was about to respond

"That's right bitch, you didn't think! Who do you think gives you the fucking dope you shoot into your ass everyday!"

He went dangerously close to her, she shrunk into the man's shadow.

"You listen to me lily, you're gonna make up that money one way or another. You'll turn tricks and fuck anything with a dick. You'll have my fucking money by the end of next week." The man whispered with barely controlled fury into her ear

All the lady could do was just to nod frantically

"Yes daddy! I'll do whatever you say. I'm sorry for being such a stupid bitch."

"Good girl." He caressed her cheek and then not so gently grabbed her genitals.

"Who owns this"

"You do daddy!" She answered meekly looking at the floor.

Once satisfied with torturing her, he turned his attention to the other side and began ranting.

"Oh I'm gonna fuck up that old motherfucker too! That son of a bitch fucked with the wrong motherfucker." His fist and jaw clenched.

Anger began rising within me when he referred to Uncle Ben like that.

"Please leave him alone daddy, he wasn't trying to fuck up anything. Those shady motherfuckers tried to rape me an' he was only trying to help me out. Please daddy don't fuck him up, he's an old man. Please daddy!" The woman was on the floor begging her pimp.

Now it was my turn to clench my jaw.

"If you turn enough tricks then I won't have to. Remember that bitch!" He said as he walked up to her.

He helped her up but was holding her arm tightly. Tight enough to make her flinch. He loosened his grip when she began nodding again.

"Uh huh, yes daddy. I'll do anything for you! Once I'm discharged I'll go to the hotel!"

"Remember that and I won't break your teeth again."

The man left not long after that leaving the woman to slump her shoulders and sob.

It made me sick. Watching the woman my Uncle saved turn out to be in such a helpless situation. It roiled my stomach that he almost got killed for this! I wanted to help the woman but my instinct told me she wouldn't be receptive to my help.

So I did the next best thing, I followed her pimp to his car (A Cadillac; what a cliche) and burned his license number into my mind.

["Oh I'm gonna fuck up that old motherfucker too! That son of a bitch fucked with the wrong motherfuckers drop."]

We'll see about that Mr Pimp. We'll see about that.