
Firstly, Happy new year guys! Now onto the chapters!



"He even has a nickname. So..he's like famous?"

I couldn't believe that goofy guy was actually someone important. Though on second thought he did have that intense aura surrounding him.

"Uh-huh. He was Sportscenter high school basketball player of the year last year. He even made their front cover."

"So is that like a.....huge...thing?"

"He's the first high schooler to make the front cover of that magazine, so you tell me."

It explains why he was crazy fast, guess they don't call him the White Comet for nothing.

"Peter..we have to beat him and his team. No matter what!" Will said with a surprising amount of determination.

"The inter school game is this Friday right?"


'Damn when we talk about basketball, Will's entire demeanour changes. He really wants to win! It's exactly like the first time I played him.'

He wanted to win every game before him, small or big!

"I really don't want to lose to him again." He said looking into the distance, to where Theodore was. He was gripping his fist!

I slapped his back and gave him the reassurance he needed,

"Don't worry too much captain! With me on the team, he'll wish he didn't pay for my shoes."

That cheered him up.

"I'll be leaving then, you were just supposed to help me pick out the shoes right? Well I already bought them so I'll get going then."

"What? Peter you're no fun, let's go shopping for some more time!" Melissa tried to convince me to stay. Even Paige chirped in,

"Don't forget the Ice Cream."

"Oh yeah they have a great Ice cream parlour here!" Melissa added to her sister's point.

"Maybe later! I'll pass for today though. I have other plans coming up today!"

Even if Uncle Ben didn't start his chemo today I would have found some other excuse to bail out.

'No way in hell am I getting stuck in a car with Melissa ever again, I would go insane.'

She didn't buy it that easily though,

"Eh….really…like what?"

"I have tons of assignments. So…yeah sorry I'm gonna have to bounce for today!" I could have said I wanted to be there for my Uncle when he started his Chemo but I didn't want to make her feel bad.

She seemed to be a good person and I didn't want to make her feel guilty for wanting to hang out with me.

It was a miracle anyone other than Harry even wanted to hang out with me!

"Really assignments? want to do homework instead of hanging out with us? Two really beautiful girls!" she teased me

'Well when she put it that did kinda seem rude? Heh.'

"Leave him Mel, he has things to do." Paige came to my defence, though she was looking at her travel mirror thingy.

"Oh okay but next time promise me you'll hang out with us!" She said with enthusiasm.

I couldn't look directly into her eyes and say no,

"Agh....alright fine! You win! We'll hang out soon but I really do have to leave now."

"Not before you promise me though!"

'What a pesky little…You know what? Whatever!'

"I promise!"

"Great now off you go, I have some shopping to do!" She said excitedly.

'Damn now I feel discarded? Was this some kind of reverse psychology? To make me seek her approval.'

Anyways I said goodbye to the triplets and headed straight home.

I kept the jogging pace to not attract too much attention plus I can't be seen sprinting at the pace of an olympic runner. At least not in broad day time.

I reached home in ten minutes. The best part of my superpower was my sustained stamina which helped travelling easy. I really don't need a car or a bike to go anywhere anymore!

I could just go for a run and pretty much get anywhere I wanted to go in New York City.

I saw uncle Ben sitting near his old radio and reading a book.

'Chicken soup for the soul!'

'When did he start reading?'

One of the silver linings of him losing his job was that he could relax for some time, sometimes a man needs some time off.

Especially when he's worked so hard for the family!

"I'm home. Are we ready to go?..don't we have an evening slot today?"

"Oh Pete, welcome back son!" he said with his usual cheerfulness.

"Where's May? Don't we have to go!"

"She's getting ready, well she's been getting ready for the past ten minutes actually." he said the last part quietly.

"I heard that!" Aunt May yelled out from the bedroom. He cringed.

"Yikes! No pancakes for you this Sunday, Uncle ben."

"Yup." he said in a murmur.

Five minutes later Aunt May came out,

"Finally you're ready..…let's go." My Uncle complained.

"Oh hush you! We're not even late."

"Pete, you know you don't have to come, right?" he said to me. Aunt May glared at him for some reason.

"What are you saying? Of course I have to come! Let's go."

I elected to drive. Aunt may in the front and since Uncle Ben was in the doghouse today he sat in the rear.

Since they were both arguing, it would be unwise for Uncle Ben to drive. The whole ride they were bickering,

'Damn I thought the romantic dances reinvigorate love not make you cranky.'

"How was your school today honey?"

I didn't take my eyes off the road to answer Aunt May.

"Oh it was great. I'm a starter on the basketball team now!-"

"Attaboy!! See what I tell you, May! The boy can do anything once he puts his mind to it." Uncle Ben almost shouted.

'Thanks for believing in me Uncle Ben." I was more preoccupied with the traffic though.

'Man I can't wait to move out of New York if I ever get the chance.'

" know how I feel about your sudden interest in sports! I'm just concerned you might get hurt! Some of those boys are rough."

"Ah C'mon May! Peter is tough! Tougher than them all! He'll do good."

Man, sometimes the faith my uncle has in me is scary!

"Don't worry May! I'll make sure to wear all the pads and play safely!"

Another car cut me off and it was getting to me.

'Does the state just hand off a driving licence to everyone who walks into the DMV!!'

I took a right turn and stopped at a red light.

"So Pete…are you and the watson girl…you know…" Aunt May asked meekly.

'What's this all about.'

"Uh what? I don't know what you're talking about, May?"

"Are you like uh….you know…an item!"


"Oh for chrissake are you courting her pete, you know dating her!" Uncle Ben lost his patience with me and yelled.

He seemed to be really invested in this love story he's concocted in his head.

"Benjamin Parker, don't take the lord's name in vain! You're supposed to set a better example for Pete." May snapped at Uncle Ben who slumped back into his seat.

'Welp back into the doghouse you go Uncle Ben! That's what you get for gossiping too much.'

The signal turned green and I lightly pressed the pedal.

We were getting there fast. It's always good to be early as Mr White told me once.

"But…yes…are you dating her Pete?" Aunt May asked with a blank face.

My uncle's ear perked up like a rabbit.

"Oh Come on Aunt May, not you too!" I groaned.

"Pete she's a nice girl, if you were dating her I wouldn't object!"

"It's not like that, May! We're not like that."

This made her even more agitated for some reason,

"Then when Ben told me…yesterday you..kissed….I mean hugged her, was he lying?" She snapped at me now.

'Dude, Uncle Ben. I thought that was between us. He went ahead and snitched on me to Aunt May!'

I looked at him for a brief second in the rear mirror but he was looking away whistling!

I focused on driving and answered Aunt May's concern,

"We were almost mugged yesterday. I saved her that's all! she was tired and afraid, so being a good friend I let her hug me! That's all. No love story! No courting! Definitely not what Uncle Ben described to you."

I heard her audibly gasp even Uncle Ben's jaw dropped,

What happened, why did they....oh no.

I blabbered out that we almost got mugged now she's gonna throw a fit.

'Oh great, now I have to sit through this lecture.'

Lecture incoming in three..two…one.

I waited for it but it didn't come, okay now I was really getting scared. Angry Aunt May was one thing but Silent Aunt May was another.

She didn't do anything else until we got off the highway at which point she asked me to pull the car over.

'Me and my big mouth. I should have just lied to her-'

"Peter pull over the car now! Peter Parker, you better stop the car!" The second time was not a request, she even dropped my full name. I must have really pissed her off.

"May…Let the boy be..he didn't mean-"

"Benjamin please be quiet." she shushed him

I acquiesced to her command and pulled-over to the side.

I looked over to her side.


It didn't hurt physically but… did hurt. My senses were all over the place.

In all my life neither she nor my uncle ever hit me.

"May…Stop that. Leave the boy alone!" Uncle Ben put his feet down this time, instead of playing the role of a meek husband.

"No…first it was you Ben then Peter, why do you two want to be heroes so badly!"

"May? Sometimes life doesn't give you a choice we can't?-"

"Can't what. Put yourself first! I won't lose both of you at the same time. Now promise me you'll stay safe from now on."

"May the boy's safe! He's fine now."

"It won't be long until he throws his life playing hero again."

I didn't want to say anything, she was probably stressed from the whole chemo thing and I made her worry again.

"May be fair he might not have had a choice in the matter-"

Uncle Ben tried to be the good mediator but this only fueled her rage even more!

"No you're wrong. You two don't share anything with me anymore, what happened to us! We used to be a family. There were no secrets between us but now both of you're keeping secrets. You're saving everyone except yourselves! Trying to be heroes-"

Something in me broke when she mentioned the word hero again.

"I'M NOT A HERO!" I screamed.

Both May and Uncle Ben stopped speaking after my outburst. They probably couldn't recognize who I even was.

Definitely not the Peter they knew, the shy nerdy Peter they loved and cherished!

Aunt May covered her mouth and Uncle Ben had his jaw hanging in the air.

"I'm not a hero, Aunt May. Uncle Ben might be one but I'm not! I don't deserve to be called one. I'm selfish. All I care about is myself and yeah you're right it was stupid of me to fight them off but…MJ was with me May! I couldn't abandon her!" My voice cracked throughout the end.

They must hate me now, I was such an ungrateful child. Throwing a tantrum like this when all May asked was for transparency and the truth. She didn't deserve to get yelled out like this by me but now I couldn't stop the words from leaving my mouth.

"I'm trying to be good, May. God knows I really am but I can't be a hero nor do I deserve to be called one. Everyday I…god..the people I know for a fact I could save…you don't know May, this guilt I carry everyday. It's eating me alive, please don't call me that. I'm not like Uncle Ben, I'm just a selfish boy who's scared shitless of everything. I'm chickenshit, so please don't call me…a hero!"

My eyes started moistening. Emotions overwhelm me!

'Big Special Forces tough guy crying like a little girl, god I'm so weak! Crying because my aunt slapped me once, God I'm so pathetic-'

I felt my aunts embrace from the side,

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't know you were carrying so much on your shoulders. I'm sorry for hitting you…I'm just a stupid old woman. Forgive me Peter, please! I couldn't ask for a better son. Don't hate me Pete." she began sobbing onto my shoulders.

When she called me her son, I couldn't keep it in any longer. The tears flowed out from my eyes to my cheeks.

'Yeah she's my mom! She's the only one I've ever had! I can never hate May! So what if she wasn't the one who gave birth to me, she's the one who raised me! She's my mom in every sense of the word!!'

Even Uncle Ben started tearing up,

"Good lord, you two are making… up! I'm a grown man you guys! Stop it!" he joked but I could hear him struggling to get through the sentence.

"Alright fine, no more crying guys. I'm sorry for yelling at you May. I'm an ungrateful person, I don't deserve you two."

Aunt may hugged me even tighter than before and spoke through her tears,

"Don't say that! You're more than we could ever ask! I'm so sorry for being mean…to you."

"Geez May we're crying alot these days aren't we?" Uncle Ben said while looking to the side of his window.

"Speak for yourself you old bag bones, I'm still young? Aren't I pete?"

I nodded like a child while wiping away my tears with my hand.

Even in this situation aunt May could find a way to make things more bearable. That was Aunt May, my light, my compass and most importantly my mother.

Aunt May kept running her fingers through my hair and comforting me, she knew

'God I'm gonna cringe thinking about us after some time!'

Uncle Ben began laughing out loud hiding away the fact that he cried,

'He's always been a man's man!'

When my tears dried, I checked the time.

'We're getting late.'

After a few more minutes of calming down and apologising to Aunt May I turned on the engine.

"We should start moving, no more crying until I graduate high school..? Okay guys!"

They both nodded with wide smiles on their faces,

"I can't wait for that Pete!" My uncle boomed with pride again while my aunt said,

"I'll bake you the best cake you've ever had Petey! We can't wait for that day, son!"

"Thank you." That was all I could say but that was all that was needed.

I didn't even need to look at their faces to know that my message had been received.

It was a quick drive from there, we reached the general hospital in sixteen minutes.

We had a quick meeting with the chemo specialist Dr. Ian Curtis.

He explained to us the risks, the benefits and what to expect with the entire treatment process.

I still planned to make a ton of money and help him get the best cancer treatment available in the US. Until then this will do. For now.

There was only one visitor allowed into the Chemo room. It was decided that Aunt May would stay with him for today.

I was in the cafeteria drinking some coffee, drawing some sketches on some napkins. Working on certain formulations and variables of the super concrete/ cement mixture.

If I focus on creating the basic version of the compound and selling it to investors that could work. I'm not sure how fast I could make a scalable operation with the tools I currently have. If only I had access to professional lab equipment and certified trial experts. I could fast-track product design and manufacturing if that were the case.

'Take the idea to Harry's dad, Norman Osborn!' a part of mind suggested.

The idea was good but also potentially dangerous. Something about working with a potential supervillain rubbed me the wrong way.

I've had my fill with run-ins with supervillains, the kingpin more than satisfied my curiosity.

Still depending on the circumstance I might have no other choice.

'What matters is Uncle Ben! Everything else can take a backseat! Even my morals and principles.'

I took another sip of the coffee.

'Still things aren't that bad, I'm making some money from tutoring Harry. I'm doing good with the team and making great progress on the spider cement! Life's all about pers….perspe…perspective…? Wait a minute! Was that MJ sitting there?'

She had tear stains on her face, 'What..?'

I got up and walked to her where she was sitting. She looked despondent, 'Oh no this looks really serious? Maybe her dad got hospitalised or something? I never liked the guy but still he was Mary's dad so…'

'Oh wait, did I have my handkerchief with me?' I quickly checked my right pocket and found the white cloth.

Uncle Ben always tells me to carry one just in case.

I walked up to her and pretended to run into her by chance. I started the conversation with a random, "MJ? Oh what are you doing here?"

She looked up to see me, her tear stained face looked at me with surprise and fear.

'Wait, why was she afraid of me?'

Before I could ask anything she exploded into tears, she couldn't even finish her sentences.


"MJ calm down, relax here, here blow into this!" I offered her the handkerchief but she ignored it.

"Pete…listen…it's…It…it…It's" She was in pain and felt guilty about something.

"If I didn't tell you to sit at the table th..the..then this wouldn't have happened."

'What was she talking about?'

"MJ calm down..What happened?"

"St…still I introduced gu..guys to Flash!" she cried out.

"Flash? MJ I have no idea what you're talking about?"

Her pained eyes became confused.

"But you're here, that means you know!"

"I don't know anything Mary Jane, I'm here for my uncle's chemo treatment! What happened, MJ? Why are you crying?"

She went still and looked down to the floor unable to meet my eyes.

'Oh no' I thought. Something really bad happened! I know it. This feeling, this pit in my stomach, it's all too familiar.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"MJ..please tell me! What happened?"

She didn't say anything for a few more seconds….

It seems she was gathering courage to tell me what happened!

'Why was she so guilty?….'

My instincts were once more vindicated when I realised what happened, before she even spoke!

My superior memory and intellect figured out why she was so guilty! There's only one reason why she would apologise to me.

As the realisation hit me, the handkerchief I was holding loosened and fell down to the wet floor.

MJ looked into straight into my eyes and said,

"It's Harry, he got into an accident yesterday! He's…'s serious."


Read advanced chapters at https://www.patré