A regular day in the fantastic life of the incredibly handsome and talented, the one and the only Theodore Wellspring.

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A regular day in the fantastic life of the incredibly handsome and talented, the one and the only Theodore Wellspring.

Well what can I say that hasn't been said already about me a thousand times.

I'm handsome and talented beyond understanding. I have silver hair, which is incredibly cool and sexy.

It also happens to be genetic actually! No hair dye involved, I promise!

My father actually had similar hair and was in fact extremely handsome in his youth like me. Unfortunately he started balding as he grew older! But enough about scary things, let's talk about my daily routine.

I generally wake up at 5 in the morning and stretch out for an hour.

Do regular things that regular people do i.e brushing, bathing, using the restroom (eww).

After that, of course, I do my daily running around the Public park for an hour. My mother always asks me why I don't use my school's track? The answer was of course my fan girls; they love me to death. Some of them quite literally!!!

While I do love their attention, I genuinely wanted to work out; I can't do that when hundreds of girls clamour after me!

Only handsome men could understand my problems, doubt you can relate!

So anyways..I take my time with my sprints in central park or any other parks that were free at that point of the day.

After that I came back home. Eat my nutrient rich, protein heavy, low carb breakfast prepared by one of the best chefs in the world.

Oh did I forget to mention my family was extremely rich? Yeah my father headed the uber successful Wellspring conglomerate. One of the biggest and most successful businesses in all of the US. I was being humble there, actually we're one of the biggest in the world!

'Yeah that's right baby! Theodore was the full package! Handsome, smart and loaded!'

Who wouldn't be jealous of me? I know I would be.

My only regret is I'll never be able to watch myself play basketball. It was a thing of beauty!

Don't believe me, you don't have to. Just ask Sportscenter or the dozens of basketball magazines that proclaim me to be the greatest thing to happen to basketball!

They even gave me a nickname, White comet!

At first I didn't like it, like what the hell why compare me to something small like a comet? At least compare me to the sun or something comparable! Even a planet would have been preferable to a comet, I mean the last I could do was the moon!!

However as time went on the name grew on me; White Comet.

'Damn that's so badass! I'm so cool!!!'

The scouts who had seen me play thought I moved extremely fast and since I had silver hair, it made sense for them to call me White Comet.

It was a nod to Halley's Comet; I was a rare observance just like my namesake.

Hmmmmmm where was I?

Oh yeah I was telling you my daily schedule, that's right!!!!

After my great breakfast, I head to Trinity high in one of my lamborghini or a ferrari if I was feeling really good that day. I always pick up my extremely beautiful girlfriend Hannah Giano on my way to school. I'm also a very caring boyfriend!

'Man I really am the best!'

She's the best! Not only because she's great in the bed but she's really like…I mean like really amazing in the bed.

'Lolol you got baited!'

All joking aside, she's lovely, plus she really gets along with my sister so there's that.

I plan on marrying her someday, so don't go thinking I'm some douche who's just using her for her looks! Despite what some of those nasty newspaper articles say, I'm a really good guy if I must say so myself!

Oh I got sidetracked again where was I..?

Oh yeah, I picked up my beautiful angel Hannah from her home on my ridiculously expensive ride on my way to school.

I let the valet take care of the parking. Oh yeah our school has valets, what did you think I was going to park my own car! Huh....what did you think I was? Poor? No sir, like I said I was filthy rich!

I sat through the boring classes, the teachers loved me even though I really couldn't be bothered with them. What can I say? I was a very lovable person.

After I finish my classes I go to basketball practice!

Oh, what about the morning practice, Theodore? you ask!

Well being the team's captain and the genius basketball player that I am, I get certain privileges!

Privileges like coming to practise whenever I want and going whenever I feel like.

My authority overrides even the coaches! I was just that naturally talented at the game. It was easy, oh so easy!

I could easily get into the NBA with my eyes closed but..basketball was too boring for me. I played the game because I used to play it with my childhood friend William Sharpe.

Well anyways, after I destroy everyone in the evening practice, I hang out with my princess. We go shopping or go out eating at the most expensive places in all of New York City.

I have a table always reserved in one of the best Italian restaurants in little Italy. We even sometimes fly out to Paris on the weekends if Hannah wasn't too busy with her homework!

Shopping was extremely tiring but having my girlfriend with me made it so much more fun.

So yeah that's like a day in my fabulous life. Perfection. Just perfection. If I could change anything in my life I wouldn't change anything!

I know most people say that but I really meant it. My life was absolutely perfect.

I looked like a greek god, had the most beautiful girl in all of the world who also happened to be the kindest person I knew! On top of all that I was filthy rich! I had two amazing parents! The cutest younger sister and an understanding older brother who would listen to all of my problems without a single complaint!

My life was set!!!

Are you annoyed yet? No! Shame, I swear I could almost hear your jealousy!


POV - Peter

I sprinted at incredible speed. It was 5:45 AM right now. Completely focusing on my movement I pushed myself. Maximising my strength while controlling my breath. My mind would go to dark places but I used that very darkness to push myself, to improve myself.

'I can't do anything about Harry but visit him and trust his doctors.'

The reality pissed me off but…it was still reality, there was nothing I could do about it.

MJ called me yesterday when I got home, she said that Flash's father was able to find CCTV footage of the car crash! It apparently corroborates his daughter's story.

It really was a random truck driver who made the mistake and not the inebriated flash Thompson.

Who knows the truth? Maybe this was a ploy by the high ranking police officer who wanted to save his son from a life of crippling debt! I'll have to ask Harry when he wakes up and if he wants to tell the truth.

I wanted to blame Flash for every problem in my life but I knew that wasn't fair nor productive. So I did something that was useful and in my control, which was going for a stroll.

Initially it was a light walk but then it segued into jogging and then finally full on sprinting!

It was my Uncle's idea. I was so anxious about Harry that I couldn't sleep properly yesterday.

I used the time to perfect out the Spider-web cement compound ratio. Now If only I could actually manufacture it!

There was no sudden hurry to do it since we had some savings but I didn't want to risk tempting fate!

My uncle saw the bags under my eyes and told me to walk it off!

My full focus was on this spider-cement idea now! Sure I would attend the basketball practice sessions but I no longer had the urge to prove myself to the team.

In fact I would prefer it if they kicked me off the team entirely, I had too many things going on right now! I would still help William win against his 'arch nemesis'! Once that was over I would dip out of the team gracefully.

"On your right!" someone said as they passed over me.

'Huh. Wait what just happened right now.'

The guy was wearing a hoodie and a beanie.

Did he just punk me right now?

'Oh hell no!'

I released all of my limits and took this sprinting thing seriously! I caught up to him quite easily!

"On your right!!!" I say back to him as I overtake him.

I didn't bother looking back to see his face, I was gonna dust this loser.

I'm done taking losses in this life!

"How in the hell!" he shouted,

'Huh that's what you get for underestim-'

My internal smugness got interrupted as my senses began tingling. I looked back to see him right behind me!

It was my turn to be baffled but I didn't let my surprise get the best of me!

I let go of every pretence of being a normal human being and used 60 percent of my speed.

It wasn't my 100 percent but no normal human being should be able to keep up with me now and yet…he still did.

He was right behind me and breathing heavily but he was still at arm's length.

He might have looked like he's having trouble breathing but he was definitely not a human being.

The answer came to me in a second,

I was in the marvel universe, there are so many super powered human beings here!

So many in fact that I'm surprised normal people are even running things.

"Who the fuck are you?" I shouted,

"Don't remember me from before!"

"Wait a minute we've met before!" I say with surprise at which point he removed his beanie and the obnoxious silver hair came out.

"What do you mean by that? How can you forget me!!!"

"Oh you're that annoying rich guy from yesterday!" I slowed down to let him catch up with me.

"Hey….don't say it like that! It's true I'm rich, handsome and extremely talented and not to mention really famou-"

"Annoying!" I cut him off which made him even more angry!

"HEY dude quit it. Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful!" he said with irritation.

"Oh yeah you're like the white comma, right?"

"It's the white comet, how can you mistake-"

He realised that I was messing with him and started whining like a puppy.

The funny part of the whole thing was we were running faster than most olympic runners. Not only that but we were sustaining that speed while conversing with each other.

"I even bought you those shoes, remember!" he was full on pouting now.

"Alright, I'll play nice fred!" I said with a mischievous smile.

"It's Theo..goddammit you're having too much fun at my expense!" He was unable to keep up with me anymore and began slowing down.

"Let's sit on that bench theo, I'm exhausted." I lied, I barely broke a sweat. I was also noticing my powers are increasing lately. I'm feeling stronger and stronger with each passing day. Maybe my powers grow as I get closer to my physical prime?

"Heh getting tired are we? I knew you couldn't keep up with me buddy! I'm just that good!"

"Whatever you say dude!"

I'm not the one drenched in sweat so I didn't mind if he felt he was faster than me.

We sat on the wooden bench, it was wet with the early morning dew.


"So what's your superpower!" Theo said with a bored look on his face,

*Ahem* I coughed hard.

'Seriously we're just going to pretend that superpowers were a normal thing.' I thought

"What, you don't expect me to believe you're a normal human being do you?" He said without any care in the world.

"Umm what if someone overheard us?" I turned to look around us but there was no one nearby.

"Dude we were running like 60 mph or something, I'm pretty sure if someone was watching us they'd know by that!"

"Ehh....good point. I lost control and forgot about everything when I saw you catching up to me again!"

"So....yeah dude..what's like your superpower! I can stop time by the way." he said nonchalantly.

I couldn't help but let my jaw open,

"You…can stop time? I mean isn't that like-"

"Overpowered? Yeah absolutely! I'm cool so obviously I would have a cool ability…wanna a demonstration? See I'm sitting here now!" he said with a smile. In a fraction of a second he disappeared out of thin air. It was like a jump cut from a movie.

"Now I'm standing here!" He said while standing ten paces away from me and then he disappeared again. In a second he was sitting on the bench with me again!

"Now I'm back here!"

My jaw was still hanging, "Here let me close it shut before a fly gets in!" he gently closed my mouth shut.

"So what's your ability bro?"

"I uh..I can….like….climb walls and stuff. Oh.... I also have superhuman strength and speed!" I said remembering my full powers not to be outdone by this showoff!

'Still time control is an insane power! I still wouldn't go around people that though!'

Damn was he right! His powers were way cooler than mine, I'm a little jealous to be honest.

"Oh so you're like Spider-Man!"

My jaw dropped to the floor again.


POV - The prisoner

It was a bloodbath. With a single block of Iron, he annihilated all the guards.

The slab of iron split itself into thousands of pin ball sized pellets that launched into different directions. Hitting everything and everyone before they could even pull out their plastic guns!

The alarm started ringing and the sirens blew.

Anticipating such an event they released the sleeping gas,

'For all my complaints about humanity, lack of persistence was never one of them!'

However…they were still far inferior to his species.

His helmet floated above him and gently placed itself on his head, like a crown.

'Charles won't be able to stop me now!'

Humanity's mistake was its hubris, they thought that they were the only one with tricks.

He quickly made a crude metal rebreather to purify the sleeping gas to pure oxygen.

'Never again.' he thought.

'Never again will I be imprisoned and held against my will!'

The iron bullets converged to form a sharp metal drill. It cut through the concrete and opened the way to the outside world.

When the solid concrete exploded from within on contact with the drill!

The plastic prison limited his powers to manipulate the electromagnetic field.

For the past year, he lost his strong connection to it. Being so powerless made him feel so…human? "Good riddance!"

However, now with the entrance exposed! He could feel his connection to the magnetic field restoring slowly.

It felt good to get it back!

He was born Max Eisenhardt and later took on the alias of Erik Magnus Lehnsherr.

Now though he went by neither of those names.

Magneto was the name his enemies and allies alike called him. It was a name that inspired fear and great reverence!

It was the name he embraced, the one that best described him.

Magneto levitated above ground.

He floated majestically towards the freshly created hole.

"Stop!" The guard Baxter pointed his plastic toy at him.

"ERIC STOP! I'll shoot you down! I won't hesitate, if you come back down here then I won't!" The man looked scared but still brave enough to challenge him!

A small grin formed on magneto's face,

"Shoot away Mr Baxter!"

"Goddamn it!" He unloaded all of his bullets aimed directly at him. That though without a second's hesitation!!

Unfortunately for him a metallic sheet blocked all of his plastic pellets.

He fell onto his knees knowing he was about to die at any moment now.

"Do you understand now Mr Baxter? Your species is just…....lacking!" he let out a cruel laugh as he hovered over everything.

He ignored the man on his knees who was bawling his eyes out,

"I'm sparing you Mr Baxter since you always brought me the newspaper and referred to me with respect."

He exited his 'cage' and met the full force of soldiers and security guards there to stop him from leaving!

They tried their best but it was all futile! No ordinary human could beat him. Even with a fraction of his powers and with just a single block of iron, humanity couldn't contain Magneto! He cut through them all with his limited powers.

He made his way from one floor to another, running into more metals as he progressed! Regaining his full abilities as he arrived further and further to the exit.

When he reached the part where the guards no longer had plastic guns he knew he had won.

In five more minutes he felt the outside wind and the sun once again.

"Freedom. There really isn't a price for it!" he said out loud.

'I agree!" The same voice that helped him get out spoke again.

This time though, Magneto was expecting the voice to greet him.

"So you're not a telepath?" He touched his helmet.

"No..well kind of but I modified your helmet to let me communicate with you! Fear not! I won't control your mind or do anything uncouth like that, feel free to construct your own helmet if you don't believe me!"

"I will!" He assured the voice, magneto wouldn't be a puppet in anyone's game anymore.

"Now..why did you help me? Do you believe that our kind should take its rightful place!" He questioned the mysterious voice.

"I just wanted to see what would happen if I freed you! What ramifications would be there if Magneto were set loose on the world"

He was surprised by that. He expected the voice to ask for an alliance or curry a favour but he would have never thought amusement to be the main agenda of his saviour. Well who cares, he helped him escape his dreadful cell and that was all that mattered!

"Well you have my gratitude regardless. If you seek to ally with me in the future you only need to contact one of my men. We would like to have you on board. It isn't everyday you come across a psychic of your level"

His thoughts went to his best friend.

'That naive fool!'

The sirens from the metal police cars could be heard in the distance. He would have liked to play with them a little more but he had more important things to take care of.

"Good luck Magneto and may you be successful in your quest" the voice said to him.

He had so many plans, so many of his brothers he needed to save first.

"Luck's for humans!"