Calm before the storm

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"I did it! I did it!" I yelled out, The composite formula worked!

I did a side-by-side analysis of a cement block and the super cement block, and guess what happened?

It worked!!!

It was at least a hundred times more durable and long lasting.

Crushing cement with my bare hands was child's play for me, but even I struggled with the super cement.

This was going to be a hit! A huge hit!

If I marketed it correctly, I wouldn't even need to lift a finger.

"Why are you shouting, Pete?" My aunt came to the backyard, where I was testing the cement blocks.

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly,

"I did it, May; everything will be fine now! Everything's gonna be alright."

"Pete, it's the middle of the night! Stop yelling so much and calm down!"

"We're gonna save Uncle Ben, Aunt May! We're gonna be filthy rich!" I said in excitement.

Aunt May looked perplexed and said, "Pete, calm down and tell me what's happening."


POV - Jessica Thompson

She was in her bed but couldn't sleep. Her mind drifted to him.


She slapped her cheek, trying to wake up from the spell Peter Parker had cast on her.

'Why do I keep thinking about him so much?'

She had never felt anything like this ever before, she had crushes before, and none of them felt like this.

'Was this what they call love?'

She slapped herself on the cheek even harder this time!

"God, why can't I stop thinking about him so much!'

"Quick, think of something else!'

She thought about her brother! Eugene had started walking around, despite the doctors' warnings. He shouldn't be moving for at least a couple of weeks. Her brother, being the stubborn mule he was, insisted on moving. He couldn't accept the fact that his football days were over. He wanted to get back to the field as soon as possible!

The good news was that her father pulled some strings to have her brother discharged early. He had him rest at home under his watchful eye! Her father and her brother weren't on speaking terms yet. There was a dark cloud hovering over the Thompson household!

None of his friends came to visit him, they were done with being bossed by him.

Maybe getting their butts handed to them by... Peter made them reconsider Eugene's status.

She was sad, thinking how she was responsible for all this! If she hadn't opened her big mouth and complained to her brother, he wouldn't have lost all of his friends. He wouldn't have been there at Moe's, he wouldn't have driven under the influence trying to impress Sarah.

Had she kept her mouth shut, then he wouldn't have gotten into that accident, destroying his future.

Her chest began feeling heavy with pain, 'Was I responsible for my brother's misery?'

She couldn't deal with all of the guilt and hurt! She couldn't live with knowing that maybe her brother's life would have been easier had she not interfered.

She bit her lip, her eyes welled up, and her nails dug into her arm!

'Stop blaming yourself for everything!'

Then the face of the boy she had been trying to forget flashed before her eyes. He had an understanding look—almost like he knew what she was going through!

She imagined him hugging her tightly and saying, "It's going to be alright, Jessica; I'm here for you!"

She turned around to face the pillow, and she let out an embarrassed shout into it. Her arm cast got in the way and it was uncomfortable, but she was too embarrassed to even think about that.

God, why am I like this?'

After a few minutes, even she had to admit,

'I can't wait to talk to him tomorrow!'


POV - Cain Marko

They held him using various appendages, completely halting his movement. They made sure to completely neutralise his biggest strength, his movement! They managed to do all that while making sure he was alive while transporting him.

He didn't know why they hadn't killed him yet.

They were transporting him and other mutants to another prison facility. Something had them spooked, or maybe they finally decided to kill him.

"You know, what kind of parent names their kid 'Cain'?" He heard the insolent guard taunt him again.

He grunted,

The guard mocked him again, "Ooh, what are you going to do, 'Juggernaut," are you going to hwurt me?"

He would have done exactly that if the prison box that kept him captive wasn't there. The appendages also ensured he could never start moving.

The prison guard came closer to the bars and put his face right near his!

"Once we get to the new facility, I can't wait to show you the new toys we have in store for you!" He flashed his ugly yellow teeth.

He studied the man's features, making sure to burn it into his mind.

'I'll squash pop his eyeballs out of his head.' He thought with increasing rage.

The guard, amused, leaned closer and said, "Whatcha gonna do, big guy?"

At that exact moment, Cain Marko, the juggernaut, could sense the steel in his cage bend.

He didn't waste a second, he took the opportunity to push himself to bite the man's neck!

Alas, his head smashed into the steel bars, and the guard stepped back in fright.

"Jesus!" he screamed.

He smashed his head into the cage again and again, but to no avail, he couldn't generate enough momentum. His entire body was still held by the stringed appendages.

'If not for these pesky things, I would have chewed into that fucker's skull.'

The guard regained his composure, he had a scared grin on his sweaty, fat face.

"Dumb prick, you're gonna get brain damage if you keep on doing that." He laughed at him again.

'You fuck I'll maul you when I break free.'

Then the transport vehicle stopped suddenly with a jerk.

One of the guards from outside opened the entry door! Sunlight hit his face for the first time in two years. The blonde guard had a panicked look on his face,

'Hmm, what's going on!' he thought to himself.

"You have the keys with you!" The guard on the road sounded alarmed.

"What's the problem, James? Why are we stopping here!"

"One of the freaks attacked the convoy! We need to make sure they're all locked until backup comes!"

Now that he mentioned it, he could actually hear sirens blaring.

He couldn't help but smirk!

"Shit…fuck… I have the keys here!" The prickly guard pointed to the keys.

"Good. Now let's get the hell out of here!" The blonde guard really sounds scared now.

"What about him...?" The prickly guard pointed at him.

Cain grunted again.

"Leave him!!! We don't get paid to fucking die for this shit! Let's just run away from here when we can, The freaks are still fighting in front, we can make it! Let's get the hell out of here now!"

"Oh fuck, you're right, I have kids! Let's fucking get out of here!!!"

"That's right, one of them can control metal, so leave your guns there, just grab the keys and come!"

'Metal… heh sounds like ole Mags broke himself out!'

The prick removed his holster and jumped out of the transport vehicle.

"I'll be seeing you, prick!" He addressed the arrogant guard.

"God, I hope not!" the man said, completely scared shitless now.

The blonde guard said, "Don't worry, you won't." He aimed his service weapon and shot him right in the middle!

The prick couldn't even process what just happened, he just looked confused for a second and fell down dead.

'Tsk…he was mine!'

The blonde guard transformed into a naked blue woman.

She grabbed the keys from the ground, walked seductively towards his cage and gave him a look,

"Well, babydoll, what are you waiting for?"

She gave him a wink, unlocked his tiny prison, and proceeded to remove the steel string appendages one by one.

"Ah, thanks honey." He stepped outside of the metal box and started stretching.

"Shame...I wanted to kill him myself!"

"Oh, sorry about that, I didn't know that, I would have knocked him out otherwise."

"Nah. Don't sweat it. The important thing is that I'm free... So where to?"

A nearby car blast interrupted him.

"Hmm... seems like you brought some heavy hitters with you this time?"

"For you? Honey I bring the best." They both got down from the armored truck, he kicked the body of the guard away and spit in his direction. He stretched once more and embraced the afternoon sun.

"So what's the situation like?"

"See for yourself!" Raven Darkhölme said with a proud face.

He turned to see police cars swirling around like a tornado. 'Hmm, that's a familiar sight!'

"So he's back!" he said with a huge grin.

The cars stopped flying and crashed back to earth. Some of them even exploded, he could hear the cries of the humans in them! Out of the smoke and fire, a man's visage took form.

Unfazed by it all, Magneto floated towards them and said,

"I am back!"


I woke up early despite sleeping late,

It was hard to explain to Aunt May why I was so excited, but I think she understood that I did something good. She was happy for me but told me to keep it quiet. It wasn't every day you saw me jumping up and down!

"Oh. You were making a ruckus yesterday? Did you win the lottery or something?" My uncle asked with a shrewd smile.

"Even better!" I replied.

He chuckled at my good mood.

I picked up the newspaper and randomly picked out an article.

Traffic Blockade at Interstate - 78

"Yeah, I heard about that in the news! Something about an accident holding up the highway."

I read the article, and something didn't sit right with me.

It was full of missing information. Like how there were no reliable eyewitness statements. No testimonies! Just some vague details regarding a traffic delay.

It reminded me of the government-controlled articles they used to publish when I was working for the special forces! A cloud of uncertainty came over me.

For some reason, reading that made me really uncomfortable!