Warm up

Badass Peter Parker 38 - Warm up

"So boys today's the day. Trinity High's Green Bulls are going to walk out of that door at exactly 4 in the afternoon today! We've worked our asses off to avenge our previous loss to them six months ago!" The coach yelled at us, pumping us up.

'My cement is basically functional at this point! I really shouldn't be wasting time playing basketball anymore.'

I glanced at Will, who was completely locked in on the coach.

'Once we win this game, I'll formally quit. I'll maybe even fake an injury if that doesn't work.'

The problem was that I didn't know if we would win today. When I made Will that promise, I was under the assumption that Theo was a normal human being!

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Theo's ability is straight out of a child's fantasy; it was incredibly useful. His sprinting speed must be unmatched.

No wonder they call him a nickname that ends with, 'comet'

Still, I have no plans to just roll over and lose. Uncle Ben and Aunt May are coming to see me play, and I plan on putting on a show for them.

'I hope I make them proud today.'

I guess even I was feeling the heat today.

"I don't know if we will win, but we sure as hell will play like our lives depend on it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"

"YES COACH!" We yelled out loud enough to startle a deaf person.

The coach ended his pep talk and ended the practice session.

"Peter, I'd like a word with you." The coach pulled me to the side,


"I want you to start today! I know it's your first game, but we're going to need you if Theodore Wellspring is playing for them! I hear from Will that you caught his eye."

"Yeah it was all a coincidence really."

"Coincidence or not, if he's starting then so are you."

"Yes Coach."

He gave me an approving nod.

"Good Lad, now off you go."

'Always feels good when you're praised like that by an authority figure.'

I really didn't want to have that final conversation with him though. I'm pretty sure he was going to throw a fit, scream that I was the one who wanted to be on the team and not him. He would have a point, but then again, I'm a student and was well within my rights to leave if I so chose.

Also, I'm positive that he was not above pulling something dirty if it suited his goals.

He's obsessed with winning just like his son, or should I say it's the other way around.

On my way to the class, I encountered Sarah Symanski in the hallway, she looked tired and gloomy.

'So not all that different from usual.'

Jessica was with her talking about something. My heart started racing when I saw the blonde.

'It's just a date. You've had plenty of them before, so why are you nervous now?'

Maybe it was because this was the first time that Peter Parker had any experience with girls.

She started blushing when she saw me too, Sarah took notice of this and snapped out of her daze. She positioned herself directly beside her friend. She was now watching me like a hawk.


'Whatever, I'm the one going out with her! I'll get to see her then.'

I carried on with my day.

Mr. Anthony Pryzbylewski, who taught AP Physics, wanted to speak with me before class. He was an elderly but well respected professor at the school. He even taught at Harvard once, but as he grew older, he decided it would be best to retire; it didn't last long. So he decided to educate the youth of Midtown High in his final years. He was an actual professor with a doctorate, but he insisted everyone call him "Mr." instead.

The man was the height of humility paired with genius. He had my highest respect, so of course I had to see him the first thing after practice.

I knocked on the door twice and entered. He was talking to another student, a blonde girl who was sitting opposite to him.

"Ah Peter, just the person I was looking for!"

"Mr. T, what's up!'

"Sit down, Pete. "

I sat beside the blonde girl and waited for him to speak.

"So… Pete. You're a talented kid, right?"

He sounded like he was selling me a car.

'Okay, weird way to start the conversation!'

I nodded and said, "I'd like to thinks so."

"Well I'm glad you agree, I'd like you to meet another talented kid."

He introduced me to the girl sitting beside me,

"Peter, this is Gwen Stacy from Standard High! She's a senior just like you, not to mention really talented."

'Wait what?-'

"Nice to meet you, Peter." she said as she extended her hand.

"Yeah--absolutely. Pleasures all mine, Gwen!" I shook her hand.

'Isn't she supposed to be another one of Pete's romantic interests. What was she doing here?"

"Her mother was a colleague and a good friend of mine. The reason I brought you two here is that I want you two to collaborate with me on a paper that I'm working on currently. I really think I could use the two of you."

"Oh wow, it'll be fun working with you, Mr. Pryzbylewski! I've heard so much about you from my mother." Gwen accepted the offer without batting an eye.

"Only the good things I hope, Ms. Stacy." They shared a laugh.

He turned to me and said,

"Well what do you say, Peter. Something tells me you don't want to miss what I'm cooking up? This could be huge for your career!" He waited for my response.

'Well might as well start getting used to turning people down!'

"Mr. Pryzbylewski, I'm beyond honored that you would even think of me. There is not a single professor I respect more and would love to mentor under you but honestly…I don't have the time! I'm too busy with other club activities."

His face scrunched up.

"Other club activities?"

"I play for the basketball team and I'm finding it really hard to keep up with my other responsibilities. I have to respectfully decline."

It's not that I wasn't interested or didn't want to help him. I simply had too much on my plate. Right now, my primary focus is on launching the cement business. Then came college (which, to be honest, is easy enough) and then making some quick cash tutoring.

It's been smooth sailing so far, but I doubt it'll be that easy in the future. I can't commit to more things, eventually it would all come crashing!

I simply didn't have the time to play the young intern any longer; I needed to get out there and make some money.

"You're in the…basketball.. team?" There was no affection in those words.

'Oh sheesh.. why do I get the feeling he hates sports clubs!'

"Yeah," I answered sheepishly.

"Since when." He looked at me as if I were an alien.

Well, of course he would, the Peter Parker he knew was a bookworm.

'Me playing basketball? I would have laughed at you if you said that six months ago!'

"I have to be honest with you, Peter. I didn't expect you to say those words today. Well that's a damn shame, I really was looking forward to working with you. You sure I can't change your mind? How about a recommendation letter?" He tried to entice me once more.

I really would have loved to dedicate my life to science, and maybe one day I might. For the time being, starting the business came first. A recommendation letter won't pay the bills or save my uncle.

Anything and everything else is a distraction.

'Then what about the Thompson girl? Isn't she a distraction too?' A treacherous part of my mind whispered.

I pinned that conversation for later and instead focused on the current conversation.

"Again, I'm beyond honored that you would even consider me. It's not that I don't want to, Mr. Pryzbylewski, I just don't have the time. I'm sorry."

I made it clear in no uncertain words. There's no room to mistake that for anything else. The longer this conversation went on, the more likely I would get dragged into something.

I couldn't see Gwen Stacy's reaction, but Mr. Pryzbylewski was displeased.

You couldn't find the happy-go-lucky man I saw when I first entered; he was replaced by an old, grumpy professor.

"I.. see. Then you can leave, Pete. Sorry for calling you here so early." He spoke rather rudely.

I took the high road on that.

"Not a problem, Mr. Pryzbylewski."

I got up and left the room.

Well not everyone takes rejection lightly. If he was like this then I couldn't imagine how Coach Sharpe would react to me quitting the team.

'It didn't matter how they reacted. The only thing that mattered was that Uncle Ben got the best treatment. For that I would have this conversation a thousand more times!'


POV - Gwen Stacy

The boy left just like that. She still couldn't believe he would reject Mr. Pryzbylewski's offer.

'Did he not know who he was?'

He might look really old but he was still a very respected figure in the teaching community.

He had important connections all over the nation. Even in Standard High, his name carried weight and was thoroughly respected.

For him to just reject his offer like that, that kid must have serious confidence in himself.

'Couldn't be me!' She thought.

"That's a real shame, I actually thought bringing two of the brightest from two rival schools would be fun." Mr. Pryzbylewski said looking down disappoint.

"He can't be that good, Mr. Pryzbylewski….can he?"

"Who, Peter? Gwen, I've been teaching physics for a long time, and I have never seen a prodigy of his ilk. Some of his papers are Nobel worthy. His insights into man's increasing reliance on technology paint a grim picture, but nonetheless are a beautiful analysis! "I can't say enough good things about him!"

'Then why did you kick him out now? Shouldn't you have tried to convince him a bit more passionately? If he was everything you said he was!' She thought to herself

"I know what you're thinking, dear, I should have tried harder to convince him to stay!" He said with a small smile.

She reluctantly nodded, 'Can he read minds too?'

"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." He said


He nodded.

"I was once like Peter.. engaging in the matters of the body before I prioritized science. One day when he's satisfied and done with the physicality of youth, he'll turn back to science. I only hope that I get to live when that happens. I'd be curious to see what kind of scientist he turns out to be and how he changes the world!" He smiled wistfully,

"Mr. Pryzbylewski, don't say that, I'm pretty sure you'll outlive us all!"

He cracked up at that, and they talked for a few more minutes.

"Oh that's right, Gwen..I almost forgot! I was thinking of referring you to Dr. Connors, he was a student of mine. I think you'll like working with him too, once we finish up our project first that is!"

"I would love to, Mr. Pryzbylewski!"

She left his office not too long after that.

Since she wasn't a student at Midtown High and only had a visitors' badge, she had to leave immediately.

"So you have a game today at four, huh?"

It was a blonde girl, just like her.

"Yup! Why do you wanna come watch me play! One of my teammates invited me to his house for dinner! You wanna... hang out." The boy, Peter Parker, responded to her.

"I don't know, maybe... I thought we were going out on Sunday?" She kept playing with her hair.

"Why can't we do both?" he smiled innocently.

'Is this supposed to be the next genius? Some playboy jock who pretends to be busy while flirting with girls!'

She had to confront him now.

She cleared her throat, which got both of their attention.

"So…Peter, is this what you meant by busy?"

He looked insulted.

'Oops maybe I shouldn't have meddled in his business! God, why did I open my big mouth'

"How is what I do with my time any of your business!" He said with an intense glare.

He was right! It wasn't her business and he probably was busy but to outright reject an opportunity like that! She couldn't even imagine being that privileged.

"Mr. Pryzbylewski thinks that you have it in you to change the world! Please make sure you don't waste away your talents!"

The girl looked at her and Peter alternately.

He made a complicated face but then settled on remaining angry.

"Duly noted." He didn't relent his glare.

The class bell rang at that exact moment.

'If that wasn't God telling me to scram, then I don't know what is!'

"Good day to you both." She turned around and left for the exit.

When she exited, she slapped her forehead,

"I'm so dramatic. I shouldn't have said that to him. I'm in no position to lecture him about what he does with his time. He didn't do anything to me. The next time I see him, I'm going to apologize! Oh, I just hope that nothing comes out of this."

Thinking about it made her embarrassed.

She looked at her watch,

"Oh great, now I'm late for class! Stupid Gwen!" She slapped her forehead again.


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