Pregame Warmup

Pregame Warmup

POV - Obadiah Stane

December 12th, 2:30 PM

"How the hell could this happen?" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Do you have any idea how valuable those documents are? ANY fucking clue!!!"

He screamed again at the useless morons who called themselves security.

"What does the CCTV show?" he said, reeling in his anger.

"It runs as usual, it cuts out for a few seconds in the middle, though. I'm guessing that's when the thief entered!"

"Yeah, no shit! Thanks for that Captain fucking obvious." He vented his frustrations on the man.

He palmed his bald head.

He didn't even know how someone knew where to look for it let alone when to look.

'The one time I store something in that fucking safe, the one time I do it. It gets broken into!'

He was beyond furious!

'That file contains details about Jericho. Even worse, it had evidence tying him to that terrorist cell. The USB has other confidential details regarding Anthony's reactor prototype that he's building.'

If those files were leaked…this company would be finished. It won't survive the shitstorm that the media and the government will bring upon it!

He wasn't worried about anyone getting information about Tony's pet project. The drive contained general information regarding the reactor.

If he and the best scientist in the world couldn't hope to replicate it, then no one has a shot! The main problem was the evidence. The government would cut all ties if it came out that Stark Industries was supplying weapons and IEDs to a fucking terrorist cell.

'Still, it isn't all bad!'

He pulled out his phone, which had the latest GPS tracking technology.

The reason for his optimism was the fact that the USB was stolen along with the file. A thief who wants to steal information can't resist taking that USB.

'Unfortunately for the thief, the USB has a built-in, cutting-edge GPS emitter!'

He turned on his phone's GPS locator.


Obadiah Stane said with a cruel smile, "It's still in New York!"

'Give me one man, and I'll destroy the people who are responsible for this. I'll make them all pay for it!'

POV - Peter Parker

December 12th, 3:32 PM

The final class's bell rang.

"Finally!" I said out loud.

"Woah, that's very weird to hear from you." One of the girls in front of me

"Oh, why's that?" I asked with curiosity. Nobody in my class has ever taken the effort to make conversation with me these days, let alone a girl!

"I mean, usually you look a bit bummed at the end of class!" She said with a sly smile.

"Really? I guess I'm just looking forward to other things today! See ya later, Valeria."

"Oh! You know my name?" with a surprised look.

'What's that supposed to mean, we've been in the same class for... like what? Six years."

"Yeah… I suppose... We've never really talked. So I just assumed you didn't know much about me."

"I mean, c'mon, I'm not stupid!"

"Yeah, I suppose that's true!" She admitted with a grin.

"Well anyways, see ya! I have to go elsewhere. Nice talking to you."

"Yeah, you too."

I made my way to the gymnasium. There was actually a little bit of a crowd there. I somehow made my way past them and entered the gym.

I asked one of my juniors, "What's the matter?"

"It's that pretty boy, Theodore... There's a news crew here to interview him!"


"Yeah that's right! You heard him." It was Kendrick who answered me this time.

I turned to see where the camera crew was, and I found it in a second. It really was true, Theo was getting interviewed by a female reporter.

"Apparently the sports networks can't get enough of him. They want some good footage of him, they must be thinking he's gonna destroy us today."

"C'est un vrai connard!" Pierre spat out.

I walked near Theo, I could hear him boasting about his skills.

Damn, he really doesn't have a humble bone in him.

I waited until they finished their interview. He noticed me and headed straight towards me.

"Done bragging about how you'll beat us." I asked him with a smile.

"Yeah? Now watch me do it for rea-" Before he could finish his boast, a crowd of girls screamed.

'What the hell!'

It was a bunch of teenage girls heading towards where I was, or more specifically, where Theo was!

"Oh great! Hannah is gonna give me crap for this!" He said with a plastic smile.

I moved out of the way before I got trampled by the stampede.

"Hey there everyone… If you can just stand in a line-"

"THEO!!!! I'm your biggest, greatest FANNN!!! PLEASE SIGN THIS!!!"

"NUH-HUH, I'm his biggest fan! Stop lying, you bitch!"

"Theo, what's your favorite brand of shampoo?"

"Theo, sign this, please. I'm your biggest fan!"

"Have my babies, Theodore!!!"

The poor guy was crowded with 50 girls screaming at him. They were asking him to sign their autographs or try to touch his face or grab his hair. He couldn't hold them all at bay,

"Girls please.. Please listen. I'll sign everyone's autograph. Just... yeah, sure, I'll sign that...Just.. Please.. Stand in a….Yup I'll take a photo... Just wait, please... I'll sign everything."

He was getting overwhelmed, and I was about to intervene and play bodyguard! He did buy me a pair of shoes, so I might as well return the favour.

"Hey Form a line-" I began only to be interrupted by a loud clap.

The entire crowd stopped its assault on Theo to look at the source of the sound, me included.

It was a tall lady in a tracksuit; she had jet black hair and skin like snow. She seemed to be in her early 30s,

"If you students keep causing a ruckus, I will have you removed. You want his autograph or to shake his hand like an idiot? Do it outside, but don't disturb the teams here!" She spoke with unmistakable authority.

One of the girls foolishly asked her, "And who the hell are you?"

"Me?" She pointed at herself.

"Yeah." the same girl arrogantly confirmed.

"I'm the coach of that silver haired idiot there, so if you want to see him play today, Then you'll either stop making a disturbance or take it outside!" Her voice reverberated throughout the gym.

'What a powerful presence!'

"Theodore Wellspring. Take it outside and make sure your fans behave themselves. If you can't, then go back to the bus; we'll play without you. Is that understood!"

"Yes Coach!" He yelled out and went outside, his fangirls followed him out.

"Wow.. That's crazy!" I can't help but say,

"That's nothing. Last time they ran to the court after his game winning buzzer beater!!" His coach spoke to me.

"Oh.. I hope that doesn't happen today!" I say in agreement.

"Well, who knows, maybe if your team puts up a fight this time we wouldn't have to deal with his obnoxious fans!" She had a scary smile on her face.

'Was she....trash talking me?''

I guess she expected me to say something back, but I responded with a humble, "I sure hope that's not the case. All the best coach!"

"What.... I just insulted you and your team. Aren't you going to say anything? Afraid your seniors won't be able to beat us? Don't worry little boy, we won't spank you like last time!" She said with a mischievous grin.

'Oh so she thought I was a bench warmer. To be honest, I don't blame her for thinking that!

She was most likely trying to get a rise out of me and I wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction.

"I think we'll reserve our trash talk for the game, ma'am! Thank you for the conversation coach but I have to warm up now."

She smiles again and says, "Not bad, kiddo. Not bad at all!"

I went to my team's area and started doing stretches and simple exercises.

Just a few seconds after I began, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

'Oh great!! Now what?'

I turned to see... It was Jessica!

My face immediately smiled as my gaze fell on her. "You came!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah.. to tell you I have to go back to the hospital!" She said with a frown.

I got up immediately and asked her, "Why what happened?"

"My brother…that idiot… He re-aggravated his injury. It's nothing serious, but... I still have to go there! You know what I mean, right?" She asked with a sad face.

"Oh thank god… I thought something really bad happened! You had me worried for a moment there!" I say with relief.

"-but aren't you.. don't you want me to cheer you on." She asked, looking down.

My heart started racing fast and I stuttered,

"Of-Of-Of course I wa-want you here ch-cheering me on! Isn't yo-your brother's life more important than some si-silly game!" I say as fast as I can.

She smiled.

'Gosh why do I act so weird around her?'

"Besides, don't we have a d-da-date on Sunday! So please don't worry about it!"

She smiled again, "I know Pete! I just wanted to let you know I won't make it for dinner at your friend's place tonight."

I had been so flustered that I forgot everyone was looking at us, I guess even she hadn't noticed until I did.

We both got self-conscious and just stood there frozen. Their eyes were now drilling into us.

'Quick do something you idiot she's getting embarrassed!'

"So I'll see you later..Je-Jess-Jessy..I mean Jessica!"

She beamed and gave me a small hug, "See ya later Pete!"

It was my first time.

I mean getting hugged by a girl.

In this world of course…I was quite the player in my last life. No, really I promise!

When she left I thought those leering eyes would leave me but they didn't.

One of my teammates ran up to me and said, "Dude..Isn't that Flash Thompson's sister?"

I responded with a blank, "Yeah, so?"

"I thought you and him were beefing?" Earl asked.

"Not anymore."

"Oh okay cool.."



"...what?" I ask him.

"No-Noth-Nothing Pe-Pete-Peter!"

'This guy!!' I put the seven footer's head in a guillotine choke.

"Peter that hurts.. I was just joking, dude.. It hurts like crazy.. Pete stop playing…"

I was smiling sadistically, "That's what you get for making fun of me!!!"

"Hey Spider!" Another voice interrupted my strangling session with Earl.

It was Pierre!

"Oh what's up Pierre?"

He had a grin from ear to ear, "You remembered!"

"I did?"

"About the dinner! You invited her, didn't you!!! I'm really glad you're coming."

"Of course I'll be there! You invited me, didn't you? Don't blame me If I eat everything there though!"

I gave him a thumbs up, letting go of earl from the headlock. He was breathing hard.

The whistle blew; it was Coach Sharpe! He was calling for the warm up to start.

"Alright guys, let's do the basic drills. Let's start with layups." Will announced to the team.

'Okay no more playing around! Let's get into game mode'

Time remaining until the game starts: 25 minutes