The game Pt. 3

The game Pt. 3

POV - Peter Parker

I tasted the blood in the water. They were in trouble, I knew it and Theo most definitely knew it. Now was the time to hit the gas and overwhelm them.

I gave the ball to Will, which surprised the opposition. Will shot it and went in with a soft


SCORECARD: Red Hawks - 52 / Green Bulls - 38

We were 14 points up now, if we played our cards right, we could deal them serious psychological damage.

"What the hell, why don't these guys miss? Goddamn it!" Jake shouted to Fred.

"That's because you bums can't defend for sh*t!" Earl stirred the pot unnecessarily.

Jake ran up to Earl, probably to punch him.

Earl squared up, but Jake rushed him with a shoulder takedown. They were both trading punches and clawing at each other on the ground.

The refs blew their whistles, but I don't think that's going to stop them.

I went to hold back Earl and Theo went to stop Jake. Before we could even get there, we got trampled as both teams rushed the court.

Chaos ensued.

One guy even tried to injure me with an elbow to the jaw, but unfortunately for him, I had superhuman strength. He howled in pain, but unfortunately for him, his voice was drowned out by the referee's whistles.

It took everything security had to ensure that the crowd did not also rush from the stands!

After a good ten minutes, things calmed down. The referee ejected both Jake and Earl from the game. They had to sit on the bench for the rest of the game.

"Oh come on, ref! I was just defending myself, you can't eject me for that! My team needs me. Come on ref, what are you doin?"

"You provoked him. If it weren't for your comment this brawl wouldn't have happened. Stay assured after this game, you both will be punished appropriately!" He looked at Jake at the end.

'Oh great.. Just when we were on a roll. Earl's interior defense is gonna be missed! This could lose us the game if we're not careful!'

"Don't worry little spider, I'll defend extra hard!" Pierre assured me.

"Sorry guys, I shouldn't have done that!" Earl looked really depressed.

'Of Course he's depressed! We were kicking their asses a moment ago, and now he's gonna have to sit out the rest of the game."

"Hey look—it wasn't your fault, okay? We're gonna win this no matter what!" Will spoke up in the time of a mini crisis.

"We're up by fourteen... I want us to be up by twenty at the end of the first half!" Coach Sharpe yelled out.

["YES COACH"] we shouted in unison.


POV - Valeria Alan

It was pandemonium!

Complete chaos. She couldn't believe anything her eyes showed her. Peter Parker had completely dominated this game. She never once in her life thought of him as an elite athlete, but here he was. Dominating a D1 athlete in Theodore Wellspring.

'What couldn't he do?'

"Who's that kid anyways?" asked her friend Tatiana.

"Peter Parker—he's in my class. As a matter of fact, I just spoke to him today before I met up with you!" She told her friend.

All the girls near her perked their ears up.

'Huh, why did they react like that!'

"Uh, so you're kind of close to him?"

'What is this stupid girl implying?'

"No." She stated plainly. "He's just one of my classmates!"

The girls around her were acting strange for some reason.

"What?" She asked one of them who was particularly eyeing her.

"Can you introduce him to me?" she said to her.


POV - Uncle Ben

"Goddamn car—why did you choose now, of all times to break down!!" He said in frustration.

"Don't blaspheme Benjamin!" May scolded him.

"Oh I know, May. I just want to see my boy play! Don't hold that against me." He shrugged.

"The tow truck is going to be here any time now. Be a bit more patient, dear."

"I just don't want him to think that I don't think about him. I don't want him to think that I don't care-"

"He knows Ben. He knows more than you can imagine." She said with a wry smile.

"I know. I know." He touched the hood of his car.

"He'll forgive us for being a little late!" She consoled him.

"I guess.." He looked at the engine of his car again.

'Why did you choose now of all times to stop! Why now, girl?'


POV - Adrian Toomes.

"Um excuse me, have you seen my daughter? Her name's Valeria. Valeria Alan?" he asked the security guard.

"Probably at the gym. A lot of girls there. I think a basketball star is visiting or something?"

"A basketball---star?"

"Yeah, a real John Lennon type; he even has a TV crew following him around. Uh, what was his name again, Milo? Tommy something? Augh I don't know, I never liked sports anyway."


He wanted to check this guy out, the guy his Valeria wanted to see so badly.

"So where's the gymnasium?"

"Ah, just go straight and take the first right. You won't miss it."


POV - Peter

The ball game resumed without any further delay. The absence of Earl was really felt, as we didn't have the size necessary to stop Fred.

'Since we have no interior defense anymore. The dude played like he was prime Shaq!'

Unfortunately for them, I played like prime Stephen Curry!

3's beat 2's. For every 2 points he made, I answered back with a 3 of my own. Of course not every shot made it but enough so that our lead grew to 20 by the end of the second quarter.

"Come on boys! Great job bringing it to 20. Half of the game is done. Go to the locker room and rest up!" The coach was in a really good mood.

In the locker room we sat down. All the starters were dead tired, but the bench players were pumped.

I could see many of them wanted to strike up a conversation with me but I covered my face with a towel and pretended to sleep,

"Call me when it's time."

I heard Eddy say, "Sure thing boss!"


POV - Magneto

"My bet is on the Parker kid. He's dominating the entire game pretty convincingly. He has to have some incredible control over his powers though." The old woman said to him.

"Maybe," he replied to his fellow mutant.

He still wasn't convinced, it could be literally anybody. Even that William Sharpe kid is a strong contender.

"Like I said, keep your eyes open. Something tells me that this isn't going to go as planned!"

She turned to him and said, "Why... is it the TV crew?"

He looked at her bemused, "Dear, I hope it is only that body's form you have assumed and not its memory! You do remember, my gifts can make quick work of any radio signals, let alone crush that metal box if I so choose."

She smiled and replied, "Then why the nervousness?"

"Call it a gut feeling."

He scanned the audience, 'Ugh, humans.'


POV - Adrian Toomes

"There you are, bunny! I've been looking for you everywhere."

His daughter was surprised to see him, almost shocked. 'Wait, why?'

"Dad, don't call me that." She said meekly.

"What--bunny? Oh come on sweetie—" He could hear the girls around his daughter giggling.

He wished to go back to the days where he could coddle his daughter a little bit more but she's a grown woman now.

'I guess I can't talk to her the way I did when she was young.'

"So what are you guys doing here?"

"Watching the basketball game, duh." the one that always hangs around his daughter answered.

'What was her name again? Tatiana! That's right Tatiana.'

"Nice to meet you again, Tatiana. So I hear a big shot ball player is playing this one!"

"Yeah but he's getting destroyed by Peter!" His daughter quickly added.

'Peter?' He thought.

"I wouldn't say destroy but... yeah, he's cute alright." A random girl chipped in.

"I'm sorry miss, I don't think I've met you." He asked her.

"Oh that's alright. I'm Stacy! Nice to meet you, mister..?"

'Is this girl for real?"

"I'm Valeria's dad."


He looked confused. His daughter came to the rescue, "Yeah, she's not my friend."

The horn sounded, distracting him.

"Oh look Valeria, the game's resuming." Tatiana grabbed his daughter by the shoulder and started jumping.

'Geez how exciting can a high school game even be.'

"Dad, can we stay until the game ends?…One of my friends is playing really well. I want to cheer him on!"

He took a moment to consider. Then he replied, "Is your friend that Peter kid?"

She nodded excitedly. He sighed.

'If only she cared about me that much!'

"Fine—but once the game is over we leave straight for home. I'm supposed to be meeting someone today, so we can't hang around too much."

"Thanks dad!" His little angel lit up with joy.

'Whoever this Peter kid is, he better make sure not to break my little girl's heart!'

The players started getting on the court, he looked for Peter among them but he couldn't find any.

'At least he's not a starter... Those douchebags have really huge egos, not to mention other women fawning over them.'

"So which one's your friend, sweetheart?" She pointed to the short kid among the tall ones, #7 Parker.

"Wait a minute, isn't that…that kid? Benjamin Parker's nephew. Yeah, Peter Parker! That's right, the kid with the attitude!"