

We walked through the hospital, eventually ending up in the cafeteria. Aunt May had asked me to come back soon, so we couldn't go out to the park nearby. Instead, we settled for some breakfast at the hospital cafeteria. Aunt May was hesitant to let me go that far but she took comfort in the fact that Jessica was accompanying me.

"So you've been visiting me?"

"Yeah….why?.....Is that a problem?" She replied with a smile but underneath there was a hint of panic.

"No…just a little surprised is all."

I got some hash browns and orange juice at the cafeteria; they were alright. She got a cup of coffee.

"Some date huh…" I said bitterly. I didn't know how many people even survived, I don't know how many of my teammates lived and here I was with a girl on a date.

'Maybe it was a bad idea…maybe I should have resolved all these feelings before coming here!'

"Don't say that…I'm glad that you're alive….I didn't want to lose you…..who would teach my brother trigonometry if you died!" She recovered nicely. I laughed at that; she was sweet.

She made a face when she drank the coffee. "Oh, is it that bad?"

"It's really bitter! Yuck!" She said it exaggeratedly. She eyed my orange juice with mischief.

"You want to exchange? Here you go." What can I say, I'm a gentleman.

She leapt at the opportunity changing her drink before I could take back the offer.

"Come on, it can't be that bad!"

She didn't say anything as she sipped the orange juice with a grin, 'Okay now I'm intrigued. It can't be that bad. I mean I used to chug coffee by the barrel when I was stationed in Kashm-'

My face scrunched up in disgust when I drank the first mouthful.

"Jesus that's bitter…it almost tastes like medicine!"

Jessica couldn't control herself, as she spit the orange juice laughing out loud.

"I'm sorry.. Sheesh when I saw your face I couldn't help it!"

I acted offended and went to grab my original drink when she hid it away with a defiant smile, "No take backs!"

'Damn I got played.'

"Fine.." I said haughtily and proceeded to act all entitled.

Our little date went by quickly. I made faces while drinking the coffee and she laughed uncontrollably.

It felt good, not the coffee, definitely not the coffee but….making her laugh. It definitely beat dying.

Suddenly Pierre's disfigured face came to my mind, the look on his face as he died.

A pain shot through my heart.

'What am I doing here? I should be...I should be avenging him!'

"Peter...what's the matter?" She asked with concern.

"I didn't mean to laugh too much.. I'm sorry-" She started apologizing thinking I got offended for real.

"It 's not that…I…I have to go back."

"You sure you're okay…I didn't mean to be mean!"

I smiled wistfully and said, "I know--but--I--I'm tired. Let's go back-"

"No!" She said loudly while fist banged the bench.

"I want you to trust me! Like how you trusted me! So please...please if you want to share about something or anything, don't hold back."

I was too stunned to speak.

'Wow she's taking this seriously!'

"Peter…aren't we…..friends?" She asked meekly, at least in contrast to her previous outburst!

"Yeah of course-"

"Then why don't you trust me? Why do you have to make up lies about not feeling well?"

Well she read my face better than Nick Fury, she might have a future in law enforcement that's for sure.

I looked at my half-eaten hash brown, avoiding eye contact. I wanted to say that I wanted to protect her from danger but that would only make her more intrigued.

But the real reason was that I was guilty and ashamed.

So many people died…even with all my powers, I couldn't save them all.

The rational part of me knew that was nonsense and that saving everyone was a child's fantasy. Something not applicable in the real world. But still…the hopeful part of me wanted to believe…believe that so many innocent people didn't get murdered.

A fly sat on the hash brown, 'Well there goes my appetite.'

I looked back up to see her blue eyes. They were like two giant blue pools, uncontaminated by any impurity. Mesmerized by them, I started opening up,

"I…I watched a good friend of mine die."

Her face dropped, no longer looking agitated but instead looking shocked. She covered her mouth in surprise.

"I didn't know him…Pierre that much but he seemed like a good dude. He was so excited to introduce me to his mom."

"So---he's---the one."

"Yeah, remember we were supposed to go to his house after the game?"

"Oh.." she realized with horror.

"Yeah…I just can't….I can't deal with everything that's happening right now! I know I was the one who asked you out, but—"

She ran to my side and hugged me tightly. She smelled of jasmine.

"I'm sorry Peter...I didn't know you'd been through so much. I thought you were just being moody!" She hugged me even more tightly.

I could feel her heart beating loud and fast. It made my cheeks rosy.

'Geez why am I such a nerd?'

Then I began to reflect on myself.

What was I about to do now? Was I about to alienate her? Why?

For some misguided survivor's guilt. No…I'm not doing that. I was alive and Pierre was not. I could cry about it all I want, and that fact isn't going to change no matter what.

The only thing I could do now was find the person responsible and bring them to justice. Pushing away the people around me wasn't going to accelerate that, it would only consume me.

"Forget about it, Jessica!" I hugged her back. I could feel her heartbeat speed up.

I whispered into her ear, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you." She shook her head sideways, "You were in the right, I was just being nosy-"

Before she could finish, some rowdy people began whistling and hooting, one dude even said, "Get a room, you two!"

We got embarrassed and moved away from each other, keeping a foot's distance between us.

We left there looking red and blushing.

Then I remembered something,

"Hey, isn't your brother here? Isn't that why you couldn't make it that day?"

I was so glad that some of the most important people in my life weren't there that day. Uncle Ben, Aunt May, Harry and of course Jessica. I don't know when she got into that list but she did…I would be fooling myself if I thought otherwise. Call it teenage hormones or a silly infatuation but I really liked Jessica.

"Yeah, you remembered!"

"Of course I did, how is he by the way?"

"He's good—well, you know, he's sad that he lost some of his friends!"

"What do you mean? Didn't the attack happen near the gym area?" I asked her. Slowly realizing that Aunt May hadn't given me the full picture.

"Peter, no, they—those terrorists—they," she came to a halt and stared at me blankly.

I walked to her and massaged her shoulders, saying, "It's alright, take your time, Jess."

She started tearing up, "They killed a lot of students…we…I...lost some of my old friends…"

The quiet girl Sarah came to mind, but she had purposely used the word 'old friends' so I safely crossed her off.

She began telling me the entire extent of the event, things that May didn't tell me. How the terrorists killed around fifty students from the entrance alone.

I didn't hear it because I was trapped inside the engulfed gym, busy fighting powerful mutants.

The total number of casualties was around 152 people. That included students and faculty. There were more mercenaries than I had anticipated. They hunted and killed people ruthlessly, even more so than the mercenaries our group met.

Aunt May must have thought that I couldn't handle the news, so she underplayed the total deaths. I understand why she did it; if I were in her position, I would do the same.

"Can we go to the newspaper stand...I'm pretty sure there must be a list of people who passed away." I asked with panic—if the number was that great, there had to be some people I knew. I'm sure at least everyone on the basketball team must have made it. They had to! I saw them fleeing, the others couldn't have gotten themselves killed. No way!

"You sure? Isn't your aunt expecting you back soon?"

"Yeah but I need to know if anyone I know…Jess me!" I cry out.

Her face went from indecisive to determined in an instant. "Of course I'll help you…I'm pretty sure there's a newspaper stand nearby. I'll get you yesterday's paper, there was a memorial section in the back. Just wait here, and I'll get it to you!"

She walked to the nearby exit without missing a beat. I was thankful for her help, I actually wanted to go and buy it myself but her plan was better. I don't think I have the energy to walk anymore.

The minutes seemed to crawl by, moving as slowly as possible, I stood in that hallway completely still.

The feeling of uncertainty was gnawing at me. Dread filled my heart. Realistically speaking at least one person I know should have been deceased. I really hoped that wasn't the case. I was hoping for a statistical miracle.

152 people died and I selfishly hoped that I didn't know anyone of those 152.

"Mr. Peter!" A young girl's voice shook me,


'MR. PETER!" A small girl with silver hair came running to where I was. It was Theo's younger sister, Jane Wellspring.

"You're alive!" she said with teary eyes.

"I looked for you! Everyone...when I told my parents about the flying bad man, they…they told me not….not to...lie." She choked up from all the emotions.

"Honey…it's alright…I believe you. I believe you... okay!" I rubbed her back, attempting to console the child.

"I…uh...David is…getting better in hospital an' Theow iz still away! That man took him away didn't he? No one believes me when I tell them." Snot was coming out of her nose and she drooled. The poor thing was a mess. I tried my best to reassure her,

"It's okay Janey...can I call you Janey?" I remember Theo calling her that,

She had her lower lip curled inside when she nodded, her eyes red from all the crying. She must have been worried about her brother. Not to mention, not having her parents take her side or listen to her must have taken a toll on her.

"Listen to me Janey, I will save Theo even…" I grabbed her shoulder tightly.

"Even if it means it's the last thing I do! Okay, your brother's my friend. I won't let anything happen to him. Do you understand?"

She reluctantly nodded.

"Nothing is going to happen to Theo, I swear on my life I will bring him back!"

She was gradually regaining hope.

"But until I do, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone anything about that bad man. The one who was flying in the air, you understand?"

She nodded with determination.

"In order to get him back I need secrecy Janey, so until I get him back. Don't tell anyone about the bad man. It'll only get in my way of rescuing Theodore, say yes if you understand?"

"..Yes!" She did a little salute.

"Okay good…now you're the only one I can trust...really trust! So tell me everything that happened when they first caught Theo."

"Why they took him?" She muttered quietly,

" you have any idea why they took him? Or what did the bad man say before taking Theo?'

"He said….he said that humanty will get old or somethin..I don't know why they took Theo? Sorry…I was afraid I couldn't hear everything!"

"It's alright did good enough!' I embraced her tightly and said, "I'll get him back, I promise you."

I saw the angle that Magneto was going for.

Theo's power was to stop time, so maybe using some bullshit comic-book science Magneto would prematurely age humanity to the point of death. At least that's what I made of what Jane told me.

I still don't know how he would go about achieving this method but I'm pretty sure he has his means. He wouldn't kidnap Theo otherwise. Judging by the fact that humanity is alive and well, it means that the procedure has yet to commence or is ongoing. Either way I have some time left, maybe not too much...but enough to plan and execute a rescue operation. I hope!

A terrifying thought flashed my mind, 'What if in this very second, people started aging? What if I'm too late to save him-'

"You….promise?" Janey broke my deep thoughts. She asked with a little bit of doubt.

'I can't look weak in front of her, not now at least!'

I smiled from ear to ear and replied with confidence, "Cross my heart!"

She cheered up at that. Seeing such a young girl carry a heavy burden like that didn't sit right with me.

'I will save Theo no matter what!' I pledged once more with increasing grit. If I fail then humanity is no more!

I can't afford to lose in that case.

"Miss Jane! Miss Jane! Where are you?…Ms. Wellspring will have my head if she hears I lost you!"

I heard someone call out for Janey, probably her guardian or someone else.

"Okay Janey…I'll see you around. I think someone's calling for you!"

"It's not's Eliza…our maid!" She corrected me with fiery passion.

I smiled, 'Being an entitled princess suits her more than the sad crying kid from before!'

She tugged on my sleeve and said, "When will I see you again?"

The lady, who I presumed was Eliza, saw us and hurried to where we stood.

"Miss Jane, where were you? And who's this?"

I turned to the young girl and said, "Soon."

I nodded once to the lady and left for the stairs.

I could hear them talking from afar. Janey explained to her caretaker how I was Theo's friend and how she was alright now.

I kept walking straight with a small smile on my face.

A few minutes passed and I circled back to where I stood before.

Soon, Jessica came running while holding a newspaper, and my heart began beating faster when I saw her.

"Sorry it took me so long. Yesterday's paper was sold out and I had to buy it from someone else- You know what, just forget I said anything. Here you go!" She handed me the paper.

She was sweating and breathing hard, "Thanks Jess." I appreciated her helping me out.

I took the paper from her hands, it was the Daily Bugle. There was a memorial section with photos of everyone who perished during the attack.

I took a deep breath, 'Well here goes nothing!'

I read through the names, there were more faces than I thought. 152 faces. 152 lives that were taken so meaninglessly.

The first name that I read stopped my heart, Adrian Toomes.

I didn't know the guy that much but…he was Valeria's father. I only hope she made it!

Earl, Eddy, James, Pierre, Hugh, Jake, John (the guy who trash talked me), Assistant Coach for the opposing team Terry Williams, Tatiana Gomez (Valeria's friend) were all on it. My heart truly shattered when I saw William Sharpe Jr. face. I saw at least half of my classmates' faces on it. Halfway through I was dreading Harry's name coming up even though I knew he was at the hospital when the attack happened. Even Professor Anthony Pryzbylewski, who was semi-retired, was killed.

It just wasn't fair! It just wasn't fair that so many had to die, so many people that I knew, so many people that lived normal decent lives. They didn't do anything to anyone and yet…some psycho thought it was okay to send trained killers to a High school.

My hands were shivering after I re-read it again, just to make sure that those faces belonged to those I knew.

"Oh No...Pete…I'm sorry.."

The tears were rolling and my mouth chattered.

'So many people, so many of their hopes and dreams. Gone. Just like that.'


POV - Theodore Wellspring

He was floating or at least it felt like that. He couldn't see or speak or even use his hands as they were tied behind his back tightly. He tried screaming for help when he woke up but nobody came for him. He didn't even know what time of day it was. He didn't even remember the last time he ate.

They had taken his powers very seriously and didn't give him any chance to use it.

'Careful and smart!' were the adjectives he would use to describe them.

'Don't forget cruel and evil!' He added in his mind.

He had seen Magneto and his brotherhood of mutants on the telly once. The actor in that movie looks nothing like this world's Magneto.

Magneto here, looked more like a soldier than a scholar, with a rough and no-nonsense attitude. He was also muscular and surprisingly built for his age. He had white hair, which he always covered with his anti-psychic helmet.

Theodore Wellspring still felt like he was floating in the air.

Time kept moving at a slow pace.

His last memory before losing consciousness was watching his friend and rival, Peter Parker, being strangled. If he wasn't up in the air, he could have done something other than watch his friend die so helplessly.

Yes…he died…there was no doubt about that! With the stunt he pulled on Magneto…there was no chance he could have survived.

'This was the real world…not some comic book where the hero wins and the villain loses!'

Didn't Peter say something like that? Well guess what….he was right!

'All those people died because of me, because I have this power. Spiderman is dead because of me!'

He could hear people's footsteps enter the room. There were at least two people with him in the room.

"Remove his blindfolds!" He heard the commanding voice of Magneto.

Someone removed the clothes covering his eyes, and after what felt like an eternity, he could see again.

He looked around to see where he was; Some kind of dirty warehouse.

His initial assessment was right. He was floating or rather he was suspended in the center of a metal web-like structure.

He guessed that it was one of Magneto's constructs.

"What do you people want?" He asked them, using what was left of his energy.

His vision was unclear, he could barely make out his captors faces.

"Boy…how many times do I have to explain it to you. You are going to be the light that signals the beginning of our species' reign!" Magneto had bandages covering half of his face, now that he thought about it. He even sounded a little bit different.

'Peter must have done a heck of a job on him!'

He grinned, thinking about the simple ruse Peter had plotted. It was such a simple yet effective plan, distract Magneto and shoot a pebble really fast. It almost worked too, if the douche didn't have the foresight to plant metal objects inside his arms.

"What's so funny? Mr. Wellspring" Magneto asked him. No…commanded was too passive…interrogated was more apt.

He let out a small laugh and said, "When I kill you, it's going to be with metal bullets! It would be super ironic if that were the cas-"

He couldn't finish the sentence as pain surged through his body. Particularly his arms which felt like they were being torn apart from the inside. He let out a scream, now even his vocal chords began to hurt. There's only so many times a man could scream before his voice gives out.

"You were saying?" Magneto taunted.

'God I'm so gonna kill him when I get out of here!'

"You want us to leave him like this?" John Allerdyce who went by the name 'Pyro' said to Magneto.

'To think, I actually thought he had cool powers when I was a kid! It's a damn shame that I'm gonna have to kill him too!'

Magneto turned to him and said, "Yes…that's what was advised! Be on guard and make sure that he doesn't try to escape."

'Advised? whom?....'

As if he could read his mind, Magneto turned to him and said,

"Don't worry your little pretty head off Mr. Wellspring. Just behave well and I'll make your death as painless as possible...resist and I will show you the true meaning of pain!"

He looked him in the eyes for a few seconds before turning around and walking away.

It was now just him and Pyro.






"So... can I like... use the bathroom?"

Pyro let out a small laugh and said,

"Heh, nice try."


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