
"So, you're telling me that your friend is somewhere in Guadalajara and if we don't save him humanity perishes. Oh, not to mention…. your friend could be in another location for all we know and all this might be Magneto's ruse! Did I get everything right?" The blue gorilla looking man in the expensive suit asked me.

His name was Dr. Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy, he also went by the alias Beast.

"Yeah that's pretty much it…I guess?" I turned to the professor for support.

"We need your help Hank. I know that you haven't helped in these matters in a long time but this time I really feel like we need you!" The professor poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Hmm…alright…but I don't like this, Charles…I really don't like this." He agreed to help us readily. According to the professor his help will get us a long way.

"So, when do we leave?" Cyclops asked.

"As soon as possible I imagine. As cruel as humanity is, they don't deserve such a fate." Dr. Hank answered.

The professor and I exchanged looks for a few seconds.

"Spill the beans…I don't like all this pussyfooting!" Wolverine said. He was leaning behind the bookshelf.

"If we try to blindly search for the brotherhood while they're in the'll only alert them to us. They'll probably run off elsewhere!" I explained calmly,

"Kid…you don't know Ole Mags! He might not look like it but he wants to fight more than anyone in this room. Shit sometimes even more than me-" Wolverine started but I cut him off.

"But are you willing to bet billions of lives on that?" I asked him plainly, it had the anticipated effect of shutting him up.

"Let's say I grant you that he's willing to fight you guys but what if he has Theo moved to another area. Remember his goal is to kill off humanity not winning a tug of war with the X-Men!"

The truth of that matter was we were in a really bad spot. All Magneto had to do was hide Theo away and wait us out. That's all he needed to do to wipe out an entire species. Us on the other hand, had to find his little brotherhood, make sure that we don't trip any alarms. We had to hope that the news of our involvement doesn't get back to him or his potential mysterious partner. After all that, we still have to take on Magneto and his men at full strength in their base. All the while making sure that we save Theo.

Easier said than done.

A single mistake could lead to the end of humanity. If he gets news of us, he will most definitely start playing hide and seek with us and bide his time.

The odds would not be on our side if it turns into a waiting game.

"Hmm." Logan frowned when he realized what I was trying to convey.

"This isn't good in the very least." Dr. Hank repeated again.

"Can't we use any of the other psychics to locate the brotherhood. I know that they're just students, but this is a grave situation!" Cyclops implored.

"You can't be serious Scott...they're just kids. We can't put them in danger! We promised their parents that we would take care of them." Storm took issue with Cyclops's plan.

"Yeah, but Ro, be realistic we can't find Magneto without-"

"That's also another reason I called you all here…Peter here has found a solution to our conundrum!" Charles calmed them both before they started yelling at each other.

"I've studied Cerebro for an hour and I think I've found a way to make it better. With some adjustments I could make it into a makeshift GPS. It would solve our problem regarding Theo's location and give humanity a fighting chance!"

This prompted multiple responses from everyone all at once,

"What's a 'GPS'?" Wolverine enquired.

"Is that even possible?" Dr. Hank asked the professor.

"Why didn't you say that in the first place?" Scott directed his anger at me.

"So does that mean we wouldn't have to put our students in danger?" Storm asked me with relief on her face.

Jean Grey, who hadn't spoken until now came to my rescue, "Guys one at a time…don't overwhelm Peter!"

She walked to my side and said, "For now, why don't we let Peter explain what he has in mind. It's the least we can do." She aimed the last bit towards her boyfriend.

Cyclops grumbled something under his breath.

I let out a sigh and proceed to explain all of their questions in chronological order,

"GPS means Global Positioning System. It's a bit complicated but it's a satellite that sends a signal to a receiver on the ground. This helps locate the exact location of the receiver. It's like having a compass and a Map at the same time. With it we can easily find where Theo is."

GPS is still a new thing here and not many people know about it. I'll give it another year before the top Military tech gets incorporated into cars and phones. Soon it will be on pretty much anything that runs on electricity.

I proceeded to answer Dr. Hank's question about my plan's feasibility next,

"It's very possible but I need some time. Time we might not have. That's why I need your help Dr. Mccoy, you're helped create Cerebro. Your insights are invaluable!"

I turned to Scott, "I didn't mention it first because I want you to understand what's at stake. If we rush looking for Theo, then it's most likely game over for humanity. If we take a too passive approach, then we might as well do nothing. That's why we will split into two groups. You will lead your team to actively search for Theo in the event that he really is in Mexico. I will be here, making adjustments to the Cerebro. if Theo is elsewhere, we'll be prepared!"

I turned to Sorm to assure her that none of her students will be in danger. Before I could even start speaking, she said with a small smile: "Enough child. I understand your point. I won't make a fuss anymore! "

I returned the gesture.

This was our best shot, with me here and the X-Men actively looking for Theo. Sure it sucked that I won't be there to save him but what matters the most is that he's saved.

I still remember his screams as Magneto lifted him up in the air. The horror I felt as I realized what was happening.

I don't fear many things as a result of the arduous training I went through in my previous life. But at that moment, I felt like a kid hiding under his blanket, vulnerable and afraid.

Once I woke up in the hospital though, that fear was replaced by disgust. Disgust about the way I handled that situation. I wanted to leap out of that bed and look for Magneto, find him and beat him bloody. It was the first thing that occurred to me when I opened my eyes. The humiliation had been too great for me to bear.

I wanted to atone for feeling so fucking weak. I would give anything to go with them but right now…the best thing I could do is to help the Professor with the Cerebro.

"Still, how did you figure this GPS Thingy so fast?" Wolverine asked curiously.

"Like I said before I'm really smart!" I say cheekily.

The blue furry beast started cackling,

"I'm starting to like this kid a lot!" He said in between his bouts of laughter.

"See didn't I tell you he's funny?" Logan elbowed Dr. Hank.

It seemed like they shared a good relationship. To the point where I could see them hanging out outside of working hours.

Cyclops asked the professor, "Okay so when do we leave?"

Jean knitted her eyebrows in anger and said, "Scott, I think there's someone you need to apologize to."

It seemed that he didn't want to do that. Not that I wanted to blame him. I wouldn't want to be bossed by some random teenager I met not two hours ago.

He seemed like the prideful type, so of course he would be bothered by me giving him orders.

"Jean, I care more about saving the world than giving out some half assed apology." He said not caring to show any emotion.

"Scott!" Jean yelled.

Looks like another verbal argument was going to break out, better step in.

"I agree with Scott. I'm not here to hold hands and make friends. The only thing that matters is saving Theo…our egos can wait until the world is saved. Anyways, to answer your question you'll head to Mexico right now. Isn't that right, professor?" I turned to Charles Xavier who had a smile on his face.

"'re absolutely right, young man."

He faced Cyclops and said, "Scott, you'll suspend all the classes for today. Take the blackbird and lead the primary team for the rescue mission. Once you reach Mexico, I'll let you know how to proceed."

Cyclops gave a quick nod.

Scott Summers reminded me a little bit of how I was once in my previous life. Young, talented and wanting to prove himself with every mission. I really don't blame him for snapping at me like that before, if anything I should be happy. It means that he's taking this threat very seriously and values Theo's life.

"I'll brief Bobby and Warren as we pick them up from Dallas." Storm said to the professor as she headed towards the door.

Logan and Scott followed Storm's lead.

Jean still looked conflicted, when our eyes met she had an apologetic look, "I'm sorry about how he yelled at you. He's not like that usually but he gets really tense during missions. So please don't take it the wrong way."

I smiled brightly and said, "Thanks for your concern, Miss Grey. You can make it up to me by saving Theo!"

She snapped out of her worried look and beamed with joy, "Don't worry Pete. This isn't our first rodeo; we'll save him no matter what!"

Something about her positivity made me emotional for a second. I could only reply with a simple, "Thank you."

I hid my emotions under the calm facade of a grateful smile.

She ruffled my hair like I was a little kid before walking away.

"Come peter…we have much to do!" The professor said to me. .


POV - Magneto

The hurt was becoming less each time he nursed his wound. It was still an unpleasant feeling but, in the end, a small price to pay if humanity's reign ended.

' work will have finished.' He thought with a grin.

When all the materials are gathered. He will finally be able to start the eradication of his oppressors.

'Soon…just a little bit more time. Before all of my dreams are realized! Before I can-'

"Um…we have a problem." He heard a man speak, it was Pyro. He had a concerned look on his face.

"What is it?" He asked as he finished dressing up his wounds.

"It's the boy…he's not eating anything!"

Irritation seeped into him. He had enough to deal with as is.

"So? Don't feed him!" His voice was robotic and cold, but John could definitely feel the heat behind his words.

"He hasn't eaten in three days…. I don't think he's going to last before they return with the materials for the machine."

His teeth grinded.

'Always one problem after another. Nothing goes smoothly anymore. It's always one unnecessary complication after another.'

"Then feed him forcefully…I doubt he has the energy to put up a fight-"

"I've tried doing that! He just spits it out. I don't know what changed from before but he's not eating anything now! It's insane…he's going to die at this rate."

Magneto scanned his subordinate's face again, it seemed that he was telling the truth. He was preoccupied from changing his wounds to look at the CCTV.

He sighed.

Then he started walking without speaking a word. Pyro followed him silently like a child.

When he reached the end of the warehouse, he walked to where the boy was.

His head hung low and eyes barely open, but he knew the boy could hear him.

"What's the matter? Stop this petty defiance! Accept your fate and I'll make your end as painless as I can. Do not think that I am not capable of bending you to my will. I'm far more creative than you think!"

The boy's parched lips moved slightly. He wasn't able to make any sound…his voice completely gone.

He leaned in to decipher what the boy was trying to tell and just as he did...


His voice pierced his eardrums, making it hurt really bad. His jaw tightened and his face contorted. He had enough pain from his throat, now his ears hurt too.

He looked at the small smirk on the boy's self-satisfied face. It was incredibly difficult to restrain himself from killing the brat. He could do it with a single snap of his fingers. It would be that easy.

'No wait…that's what he wants…I have to calm myself before I do something stupid!'

He let out a small laugh. He couldn't believe that he almost fell for the boy's trick. He couldn't believe he was about to jeopardize the entire mission because of his crankiness.

"Fine. Have it your way…when you change your mind do let me know." He hissed at the boy venomously and turned around.

"But what about-" John tried to persuade him from leaving.

"Let him be, eventually when the hunger gets too much he'll ask for food. He'll break…they all do eventually."

John looked unconvinced but decided to follow his orders for now.

As he kept walking back to his room, he turned his head to glance at the boy for a second.

Theodore Wellspring did not look like the boy from three days ago. His silver hair was brown from all the dirt and dust. His body shrunk from dehydration and malnutrition. His eyes were bloodshot and dead tired.

He aged a century from all the stress.

Magnus couldn't help but feel pity for the boy.

'It wasn't his fault that he was born with his gifts. No matter what, once everything is done, I'll make sure to memorialize your sacrifice to our cause.'

Before he turned around though the voice that once belonged to his mother spoke to him again,

'Is this your dream?' The voice said with an icy tone.

He felt a pang of guilt course through his body.


He thought of an alternate course. One that didn't involve torturing kids to create a peaceful world for his kind. One that could be compatible with his old friend, Charles Xavier.

The argument was beyond tempting but then he snapped from it, coming back to the present moment.

"No…I won't be dissuaded. Not when I'm this close..." He said out loud not realizing that John could hear him.

"Boss?" He asked him,

"Nothing…as you were."


Two hours after the X-Men team left for the mission.

The theory behind Cerebro was simple. Amplifying brain waves. For the professor, this meant an increased range of his powers.

What I wanted to do was to incorporate an element of Geo Positioning into this.

Usually, the professor could locate his target because they knew where they were. It was not a function of the Cerebro to locate the target.

"The best way to rescue Theo would be to hook Cerebro's brain waves data to a satellite. Use its geolocation capabilities to locate Theo." I explained to Dr. Hank and the Professor.

"So, in theory we combine the functions of both brain amplification and Geolocation. So, it's some kind of… Super Cerebro?" Dr. Hank scratched his hairy chin.

"The idea seems to have merit, though I can't be sure how the technological side works?"

The professor raised an important question. A question which I didn't have an answer to five minutes ago but now I did.

"We use Radio waves…. when you use the Cerebro your brainwaves are amplified, no?" I asked the professor to which he nodded. I continued my explanation,

"When you find Theo again, the satellite will work in conjunction with your powers. It'll search for the right electromagnetic signature and use radio waves to find the exact location. With this it won't matter where they hide Theo, we'll be able to sniff them out."

"Hank…will that work?" The professor looked hopefully at the giant blue man.

"That's… an impressive idea but…even if we could find a spare satellite… It'll take me weeks to figure out the configuration. It's definitely doable but sadly it might take us months, if not years to pull it off." He looked crestfallen.

The professor clicked his tongue in frustration and said,

"Anyways good job Peter, it was a good idea but if hank thinks that-"

"I can think of a way where we can do it in an hour." I say confidently,

"Peter that's me I'm responsible for a lot of the modifications for the Cerebro. Trust me when I say that's impossible!" Dr. Hank said animatedly.

I kept looking at the professor, who seemed to be amazed at my calm demeanor.

"What do you have in mind Peter?" the professor asks me.

"Charles…you guys aren't listening to me. Creating a functioning Satellite will take me weeks and that's besides all the programming we have to do. It'll take us months-"

"Not if we ask Moe to create a super specific satellite configured to the Cerebro. We could launch it ourselves." I interrupted him.

The professor looked surprised for a second but then slapped his forehead. He must have been scolding himself internally.

"That's right, why didn't I think of that!" He said with a bit of relief.

"Who's Moe?" Dr. Hank asked us, looking perplexed by the Professor's reaction,

I turned towards the Doctor and explained,

"A friend of ours…his abilities are very useful. If the professor can ask-"

"Already did." He tapped his dome with his index finger.

Holy shit that was fast. To think that he communicated with Moe without using the Cerebro, I don't think I can explain how scary that was. Was Moe's brain waves that powerful?

"And what did he say? Will he help us?" I asked anxiously.

This entire crisis wouldn't last more than a few seconds had Moe chose to throw his hat in the ring.

Saving humanity and Theo would be a cinch. However, because of a promise he made to his late wife, he can't or won't directly involve himself in Superhero matters anymore. The man was a walking god, if he wanted to, he could make physics his bitch.

The only thing stopping an entity like him could be The Infinity Stones or maybe The Living Tribunal.

"He said that he'll think about it! He likes you a lot. You know that right?" the professor said with a boyish smile.

"Again, who's Moe again?" Dr. Hank asked from the side.

"An old acquaintance of mine. He's the one who introduced me to Peter here—--"

The professor suddenly closed his eyes and put two of his fingers to his dome again.

"What's the matter Charles?" Dr. Hank asked the professor.

A small smile crept on the professor's face.

"I guess I caught him in a good mood because he made his decision quite quickly!"

Dr. Hank scratched his head again and asked, "Caught him in a good mood?"

"Why don't you two look outside the balcony?"

We opened the windows and walked to the edge of the professor's room.

"What the hell!" The doctor yelled. I on the other hand couldn't help but burst out laughing.

A small satellite sat on its launching pad ten feet away from the giant white fountain.

"What the hell, why's there a Satellite there? Who the hell is this Moe guy?" The doctor turned to me and panicked.

I was unable to control my laughter for a whole minute. When I finally calmed down, I explained to Dr. Hank,

"Moe is just Moe. Don't try to look for a rational explanation. Always remember, Moe is just Moe. There's no other way to put it!"

I leapt over the marble guardrail and landed on the mowed lawn gracefully.

"Hey kid, careful." The doctor shouted but I waved away all of his concerns.

The satellite even had a huge ribbon and everything. It had a note signed by Moe.

I read it out loud,

"Here you go kid, your own custom made Cerebro enhancing satellite. It has stealth capabilities, so you won't have the government on your ass. Press the red button on the launching pad to send it to space. After a month it'll disappear from reality since my creations don't last for too long outside my range. So be quick to save your friend by then.


Don't go cheating on my cafe again or there'll be hell to pay! 😀"

I wiped the tears from my eyes.

'Man, I hadn't had a laugh like that since ages, I really needed that!'

I cannot fathom picking a fight with that man. Better make sure I'm extra polite to him the next time I see him.


NOTICE: What other X-Men characters would you like to see in the later chapters! Comment on Discord.