The party

The party

A day before Peter met with the X-Men

POV - Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark

The time was sometime in the afternoon, he lost track of it after the third bottle of vodka. The man with the slicked black hair was now finished with his Laphroaig. He stirred the ice cubes in the empty glass once before throwing it to the floor.

The naked supermodel beside him, moaned when the Ice cubes clinked.

"Tony!! It's time, they're waiting for you. Jesus, look at you, you're wasted." His bodyguard Happy, reprimanded him.

"Happy…why aren't you… happy?" He giggled at his own poorly executed joke.

"Jesus Tony…aren't the board members coming for the year end party…. they can't see you like this…" Happy kept looking at him like

Happy Hogan looked around the room. He searched through the contents of the nearby cupboard.

He grabbed a couple of towels and a bottle of water from the fridge. Happy handed it over to him with a deadpan look on his face.

'God, he's so serious all the time.'

He walked up to a nearby mirror, washed his face and dried it with a fresh towel.

Not wanting to procrastinate anymore, he started brushing his teeth gently from right to left. Just like how his mom taught him.

"I don't know what you'd do without me?" He heard Happy say as he scanned the situation his room was in.

He spat out some of the toothpaste and said,

"That's why I hire you Happy…I make a clean it up and you make me Happy! We're quite the duo aren't we? Tony and Happy…. Happy and Tony? No, that sounds like I'm the sidekick. Tony and Happy sounds way cooler,"

"Is she also part of the 'mess', if so I don't think that's part of my job description." Happy pointed to the lady passed out on the couch.

"Don't forget the one on my bed-" He smiled geely.

"Jesus Tony, what are you trying to set a world record to be the greatest Himbo?" Happy progressively sounded unhappier.

"Hey Himbo's, aren't smart. I'm like the farthest thing from dumb! Don't you read Time magazine..'Sexy Genius' Wait was that Time or Playboy Magazine?" He was genuinely confused at the end.

"Oh really what's the name of these two then?"

'Damn this guy Hogan takes his work too seriously…. he's supposed to protect me from incoming bullets, not beautiful women who throw themselves at me.'

"I'm pretty sure one of them is Mellissa…or wait a minute….was it Michelle? No, that's last weekend…wait...Audrey? Either way, that's not the important thing…..wait, what was the important thing again?" His memory was fuzzy, the drinking didn't help and not to mention the pills. It's always them pills!

He took out the shaving kit and started applying some cream to his face. Avoiding his thin mustache and beard.

Happy shifted the topic to something more serious

"Look... Tony..I don't know…just be careful…I have some journalist friends…there's been some nasty rumors spreading-"

"Journalist friends?" He looked at Happy. Stopping his shave midway because he was suddenly curious about what the big man was doing.

"Yeah…I've…..know networking?" He said shyly,

"Networking." Tony couldn't control his laughter this time. Still, it was endearing how seriously his personal bodyguard took his safety. It would have been even more endearing if he currently didn't have a headache from all the partying he did yesterday.

"Laugh all you want Tony...but-"

"But know what's your problem Hogan? You worry too damn much. When was the last time you let loose and had fun?"

Hogan seemed to take a moment to consider and thought about it seriously. While he turned back to finish his routine shave.

"Well, it has been sometime-"

"See, you need to relax." He applied some after shave to his cheek and cologne to his collar bones.

"Hmm, my therapist did say that I tend to take things too seriously…. I don't know, maybe you're right, I guess?"

"Of course, I'm right…I'm a goddamn genius! Remember. Howard Stark's one and only Prodigal Son"

Happy smiled at that. Mentions of his late father always made people around him smile. He didn't know why, the man was miserable and had the charisma of a cactus, looked like one too but people liked him.

He opened his wardrobe and selected his favorite black suit with the red pinstripes.

In two minutes, he looked brand new, the icing on the cake was his own custom jet dark aviators.

'Damn I'm sexy!' He thought to himself.

"Well how do I look?" He asked his bodyguard.

"Sharp! Real Sharp! That black suit looks really good on you." Happy said with a sly smile.

He opened his watch collection, took out the brand new custom gold rolex.

"When's the board meeting starting?" He asked,

"That's today at….5:00 PM"

He looked at the watch, the time was 3:40 PM. He had almost slept through the entire day.

'That's what happens when you spend the entire night pillow fighting with runway models! Guess there's worse problems to worry about.'

"Alright…when's the party again?"

"Which one?"

He looked at him with a bored look, "The one after the board meeting, wiseass!"


POV - Obadiah Stane

He was inside of the bathroom. He could hear the loud party music even from here.

Anthony loved his parties, and he didn't mind them as long as Tony kept himself busy chasing skirts. Better than him poking his nose into the business.


"Pick up…Pick Up the fucking call you...oriental motherfucker-"


"Pick up you chi-"

" 喂 " A deep voice picked up the call.

'About fucking time!' He grumbled to himself.

"It's me…White Monger. I want to talk to your boss" He revealed his alias to the caller.

It was the one he chose for himself when dealing with these undesirable types. His name made sense he was White…and also a dealer.

"稍等" The voice responded back, and the call went on hold.

The beep sounded again and again.

The music from the speakers reverberated through the bathroom.

[ Optional : Play this song as you read along - Eiffel 65 - Blue ]

♫ Yo, listen up here's a story

About a little guy

That lives in a blue world

And all day and all night

And everything he sees is just blue

Like him inside and outside ♫

"God…Anthony for all of his genius inventions, has shit taste in music!" He couldn't help but speak his opinion out loud. The past few days have been the most frustrating of his life. First, some fucking thief steals sensitive documents. The kind that could have him shitcanned for decades in a supermax facility. To make matters worse the mercenaries he hired from The Ten Rings went on a killing spree. Spraying bullets indiscriminately, killing hundreds of innocent fucking kids.

The world had gone to hell in a handbasket and that fucking music is driving him insane.

♫ I'm blue

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

I'm blue

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di

Da ba dee da ba di ♫

His teeth grinded as the brain numbing lyrics went on. His focus only broke when the beeping sound of his phone stopped.

"Mr. Stane." The voice was frost cold and sounded like it belonged to a monk and not that of the famed Chinese warlord.

It also didn't have an accent.

He had only spoken to the man on the phone only once prior and he made quite the first impression.

"Mr. Mandarin…what the hell is going on? Your men killed those students…those American students! The worst didn't even get the documents back or the person responsible for stealing them. I thought I was dealing with a professional?" Some of the malice he held for the man slipped into his otherwise business tone.

The voice on the other side didn't say anything….. Obadiah Stane could hear the Mandarin's heavy breath as the silence went on.

He couldn't help but get a little nervous. Had he spoken too freely? Perhaps he should calm down before accusing him anymore?

This was The Mandarin after all.

Just as he was about to apologize for his tone, The Mandarin broke his silence.

"I apologize." He heard the man say, The Mandarin continued speaking,

"I have excuses but none of them would satisfy you…so let me pay for my mistake. There will be five hundred million dollars deposited into an offshore account…. you will receive the account details by the end of tomorrow."

'Five hundred million dollars?' He gulped at the thought of having access to that kind of money.

'Holy shit…he doesn't play around? Shit…. he could kill all the kids he wanted if he knew he was going to pay him five hundred million freakin' dollars!'

"Oh, and one more thing! Stark industries will always have business in China despite the blowback. You'll be taken care of in China should your government come after you but don't worry it won't come to that. All my Media outlets will cover you generously, in the event those documents become public."

A sudden weight was lifted off Obadiah Stane's chest.

He felt relieved knowing that he had such a powerful ally backing him. Dealing with The Ten Rings proved to be the right choice after all.

"Thank you." He barely contained his relief at the way everything turned out. Obadiah Stane was anxious there just for a moment.

"One more thing…Mr. Stane…what do you know who Wilson Fisk is?"


POV - Happy Hogan

He watched like a Hawk as the people congregated around Tony. He was always a people person, charming and handsome. Not to mention one of the richest men alive. It was the kind of combination that attracted all kinds of people. Some good and most bad.

Tony to his credit knew which was which. He might look like a careless billionaire playboy, but he knew that deep inside him was a kind and good man.


Tony popped open the champagne and was pouring it all over one of the cheerleaders. She was the opening act for his little entrance and boy did he love his dramatic entrances.

Everyone was laughing as he proceeded to empty the entire bottle onto her. The lady herself didn't seem to mind and was having fun with it.

'Okay maybe not that good!'

It wasn't his place to judge. He owed Tony everything…the life he had now was infinitely better than the one he had before. A cushy security job where he saw little to no action. It was nothing compared to getting your head bashed in daily for a couple of dollars. His boxing days were over, and he was glad for it.

He saw Obadiah Stane hastily leave for the restroom.

'He's been acting weird for a few days.'

Looked more anxious than before and overall, completely worn out.

Guess running a multi-billion company took a toll on you. Even though Tony was the CEO and the face of the company, Obadiah Stane was a key integral part of Stark industries.

He did run Stark Industries for about five years after the tragic passing of Tony's parents.

"Mister Stark, any comment on the recent dip? Stark Industries fourth quarter hasn't been as profitable as projected-"

It was the blonde reporter…. Her name was Christine Everhart, a reporter for the Vanity Fair.

Tony flashed his handsome face with all of his teeth showing and replied back,

"We have our ups and downs but ultimately Stark Industries is… well.. Stark Industries is an American company and us Americans as you all know don't quit! Besides, I'm a little bit sick of winning too much anyways!"

Tony's right hand was too comfortable around that other woman's waist,

'It makes sense that Stane's so stressed, Tony is a handful…quite literally.'

"…there are rumors about you and Jennifer Rez, care to comment?" It was another female reporter, a brunette this time.

"Lies...all scandalous lies, Jennifer Rez is a dear friend of mine and nothing more!" He said tongue in cheek.

The crowd laughed and the camera's flashed.

'God I know I'm supposed to be grateful to Tony and everything but sometimes he could be a real sleazebag.'

It was insufferable being around these Hollywood types, so fake and artificial. They wore smiles not because they wanted to or because they were actually happy but… because they kinda had to. It was their job to look presentable and well liked.

Everyone wanted something from everyone. Especially his boss, whether it was funding for their new movie or the fame of being around him. Most of the people never seemed to enjoy his company for what it was, rather they were concerned with how he could help them.

A good portion of them were content with sucking up to Tony just so they could get a whiff of that Stark money. While others like Christine Everhart targeted him relentlessly to make their name.

It took him some time to get used to this kind of life. The sweet lies and pretty faces did a number on him when he got hired first but eventually, he learned who to trust and who would sell him out for a nickel.

"Everything alright?" It was Stane, he had snuck up on him.

If he wasn't an experienced boxer he would have jumped back on instinct alone.

"Yes sir." He said dutifully.

Stane had a glass of champagne and a smile now. He was in a celebratory mood right now, in contrast to how he was throughout the day.

'Hmm that's weird, did something happen? Maybe the drinks got to him?'

"Look at happy and outgoing." Stane said facing Tony, he had a proud look on his face.

"Yeah…that's Tony alright." He agreed monotonously,

"You know there was a time when I would have called that boy, my son." Obadiah Stane started talking freely.

Guess he really was feeling a little bit tipsy.

He remained quiet as the other man kept speaking.

"If only Howard wasn't so prickly…you know? If only he took some time to talk to his son and make him understand things but, no, he has to be all high and mighty."

Stane stirred his champagne glass and looked deeply into it,

"You know he used to always say 'Lead by example'..... shit, If we were all to follow Howard Stark's example, we would all be miserable and unbelievably smug!" Stane laughed towards the end.

He humored him with a slight laugh. It was one of the few things he picked up, learning to humor people.

He wasn't always known for laughing or smiling that's why they used to ironically call him Happy.

A few seconds passed and then Stane spoke up again,

"You know I was just joking around, right? This stays between us…. right?" He smiled, but there was just a hint of darkness in his eyes.

"Of course, Mr. Stane." He replied robotically.

"Good man," Stane tapped his shoulder, satisfied with his answer.

Stane was seemingly in a good mood and clearly enjoying the evening.

"Mr. Stark, what do you think about the terrorist attack on Midtown High?"

It was that blonde reporter Christine Everhart again.

The mood darkened at the mention of the recent tragedy. Everyone near Tony stopped laughing and quickly sobered for a moment.

'Man this Christine lady has it really in for Tony, doesn't she?'

"Uh…. yes…the tragedy…." Tony blubbered, struggling to give a proper reply.

'Oh shit he doesn't know-'

Before he could finish thinking, Obadiah Stane stepped up and took all the attention away from Tony.

"Miss Christine Everhart…. from Vanity Fair?" He asked her loudly with a giant smile.

"Yes-" Before she could go further, he continued,

"You must be aware of our official position on the tragedy. You must also know how Stark Industries is on a mission to raise Ten million dollars in charity for the families of those who passed away."

She nodded but before she could get a word in,

"This is a party, Miss Christine…Not the place to bring up a tragedy. Especially when your intention is to make Anthony and by proxy Stark industries look bad. We've been nothing but helpful… since you're so curious about reporting facts. I must ask how much have you personally donated to the charity. Let me start first, I've given away about a million out of my own pocket…."

Stane paused for effect; he had the entire crowd's attention now.

"So, Miss Christine, what are your contributions again? Other than writing tabloid articles putting down the people who are actually trying to make a difference, of course."

It wasn't quick or fast but one by one the crowd started siding with Stane. Before he knew it the crowd was actually applauding for him.

Christine Everhart was quietly escorted out by Stane's personal men.

He had a smile on his face the entire time but make no mistake, inside Stane was a ruthless shark. One whose skills were razor sharp and not to be underestimated. Ask Christine Everhart who just got sliced and diced a few moments ago.

He took all the attention from Tony's stuttering and turned it around to make it look like Christine was an opportunistic paparazzi who just wanted to get a gotcha moment off the backs of dead kids.

It was crystal clear, there were levels to this, and Obadiah Stane might be at the very top of the corporate world.

"What do I always say about Obie huh…He's my ace, since day one!" Tony flashed his practiced smile again and gave Stane a side hug. Everyone laughed and this time he wasn't ashamed to say he was included in that crowd.

They really did make the best team. Tony was the genius inventor and the face of the company while Obadiah Stane was the calculated, rational businessman. He could reign in Tony when he got a little too excited.

The party carried on until midnight. The show went on and the booze came out, people started getting drunk and all kinds of wasted.

The night ended with the fireworks exploding in the sky and glitter serenading the guests inside.

Another successful quarter for the company and another successful year.

After the party ended, he escorted Tony back to the Stark Industries building. Tony had a few women accompanying him in the Limo.

It was 1:30, the hour of degenerates and low lives. His boss was neither…well he was a little bit of a degenerate.

"You coming, Obie? you need to let loose and relax." He said with that famous Stark smirk.

"Oh, I think my partying days are done, Anthony. Have fun kiddo..oh and don't forget to use protection." He whispered the last part, earning a giggle from tony.

Tony saluted at that and said, "Roger captain."

Not long after that Stane left in his own private limo. Leaving just him, Tony and Tony's three groupies. They kept following his boss throughout the party all evening.

"Well, what are you staring at?" His boss asked him with surprise.


"Yeah, but I'm asking you why? Buddy I'm not about to get busy with these fine ladies with an ogre like you watching me. Isn't that right ladies?"

The groupies giggled when he asked them.

He got red faced. Hogan always was the shy and reclusive type. He always struggled with smooth talk, exactly the kind that Tony excelled in.

"Ah. I'll just leave. Let me know if you need anything!" He scurried away in slight embarrassment.

He could hear his boss say, "I'm pretty sure I got all the tools for the job. Isn't that right ladies?" He ended the statement with a slur.

Another chorus of laughter.

They were all heading towards Tony's room. He could hear their laughs echo because of the empty hallway.

He hated to repeat this: He liked his boss and owed a lot to him but damn could be a douchebag sometimes!

As he kept walking farther and farther, he had his doubts about his boss and his lifestyle. There is no way that it's not going to catch up with him.

'He should just find a good gal and start a family, instead of screwing around so much.'

Then again, he himself didn't care to start a family so it would be really hypocritical to blame Tony too much.

Suddenly he could hear echoes of a person's hurried footsteps coming towards him. His hand instinctively went to his piece but then he had to remind himself he was in The Stark Tower. There was no way anyone could sneak into it.

The decision seemed to be fruitful as the person responsible for the footsteps turned out to be none other than Tony personal assistant, Pepper Potts.

She ran up to him and was breathing heavily. She was sweaty and her hair was all messy…and yet oddly she looked good.

'Yeah, Tony should definitely marry someone like her! Best of both worlds if you ask me, good looking and homely!'

"What's the issue? Miss Potts?"

She started exasperatedly,

"The news…Mr. Stark has to see the news now!"


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